-39 Everyone is socially toxic. There's no truly good minded person, amirite?

by Martincartwrigh 2 weeks ago

You need to be around better people

by Lelia85 2 weeks ago

I wish I could. But I don't think they exist

by Martincartwrigh 2 weeks ago


by Leuschkekrystal 2 weeks ago

you are probably projecting yourself to them and also by becoming not toxic you just deflect these people from your life easily, so its a you problem

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I don't know how I could not be toxic so It won't change.

by Martincartwrigh 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your compassion. I know you'll forget this interaction in a few minutes

by Martincartwrigh 2 weeks ago

As we all do. We're only human 🫶🏼

by PuzzleheadedSound 2 weeks ago

Sorry to hear that you never met any good minded person or did not acknowledge them.

by Major_Firefighter 2 weeks ago

Thanks. I don't know what to do now

by Martincartwrigh 2 weeks ago

I ditched all the "hunters" from my life and live happily with goodwilling people now. You should do the same.

by NoAudience 2 weeks ago

I bet you are

by Major_Firefighter 2 weeks ago

Yeah, OP just hasn't met me yet.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Its not people's fault, but you're right. Society teaches you to push the other guy down if it benefits you, so that what people do 🤷‍♂️. Our definition of "civilization" and "society" make us more like animals than most care to admit.

by Ok_Active7824 2 weeks ago

Individuals are selfish. They'll always be. Nobody cares. We're all alone.

by Martincartwrigh 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Sucks to be you. I'm surrounded by good people. I'm one too... I'm not nice though. In fact if most of the world wasn't good, it would be a very different world.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

"I've been the archer, I've been the prey. Who could ever leave me darling? But who could stay?"

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Speak for yourself. Lots of people can just do nice things with no secret trap planned. If you can't, that's a personal issue.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Maybe try talking to a therapist or joining an emotional support group. You'd be surprised at how much our perception of life can improve, it takes a lot of consistent effort. You can experience life differently, even if you've felt this way many years Don't give up on trying to change how you feel. You're reaching out now <3

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago