+39 (TW) WW2 was Hitlers doctors fault, amirite?

by Jared06 16 hours ago

He wrote mein kampf in prison before he rose to power are you out of your damn mind

by Anonymous 16 hours ago

Dr. Theodor Morell, prescribed him numerous medications, including amphetamines and opiates. I do not think you understand how a dictator behaves. A dictator does not request things, a dictator demands things. If that Dr did not provide they would be replaced.

by Few_Smile2428 16 hours ago

Don't blame drugs. Lot's of people in Europe use drugs and never invade Poland.

by Cultural_Ad7775 16 hours ago

Hell I use drugs and have never even considered invading anything but a Doritos bag.

by Few_Smile2428 16 hours ago

Right... And pre late stages, say 1939 at the start of the war?

by Anonymous 16 hours ago

Drugs don't make you fascist.

by Milankessler 15 hours ago