-41 Scrambled eggs the way most restaurants and people make them are gross. amirite?

by Local_Plankton 19 hours ago

Whenever I get them they are usually completely dry. I hate that.

by Anonymous 19 hours ago

Yeah I was about to hard agree when I had to make the fastest mental u turn upon reading their explanation. Most places serve gross scrambled eggs bc they overcook them, are dry af, and/or are basically chopped omelet

by Jazlyn35 18 hours ago

Yep. This person would love the scrambled eggs at my dining hall that everybody either leaves alone or suffers through with condiments

by Anonymous 18 hours ago

Bro at no point should the word "brown" enter the equation when we're talking about scrambled eggs 😂😂

by Anonymous 18 hours ago

Also the kind of overcooking that would lead to browning is also what leads to rubbery eggs. Op has no idea what they're talking about.

by Fay40 17 hours ago

My eggs are fluffy not rubbery or liquidy. People don't make fluffy eggs right. I do it by leaving it on the burner taking it off to scramble and putting it back on and this makes it perfect.

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

I add a bit of water, puffs them up and prevents browning. Eggs are easy once the concept of "less heat more butter" is grasped

by satterfieldmorg 17 hours ago

This isn't true, if you overcook eggs to the point they can be cut into cubes, there is this weird gross watery residue.

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

They probably just like rubbery eggs. I know I do. Creamy eggs are nasty.

by Anonymous 16 hours ago

I would love to get a creamy scramble at a restaurant instead of a rubbery pile of yuck.

by Reillyseth 16 hours ago

That's the dryest scramble I've ever heard of.

by Clemensthompson 16 hours ago

you like the type of eggs OP is talking about

by CapitalNext889 16 hours ago

yeah, hate an overcooked omelette. neither should be brown imo

by Anonymous 15 hours ago

There's a huge middle ground between runny eggs and browned overcooked eggs

by Botsfordevangel 15 hours ago

Not if you cook them on high lol.

by Anonymous 15 hours ago

I mean that's why it's common knowledge to avoid cooking eggs on high heat - they don't take long even on low heat lol

by maximilliantrem 15 hours ago

It's for people (like me) who don't like egg. Have to cook all the egginess out of the egg. Not that I eat any scrambled egg, no thank you

by Holiday-Beat-1193 15 hours ago

Sometimes if they're overcooked they come out brown, but those are I assume burn marks that happens in all food

by annabelle31 15 hours ago

Unless you start by cracking brown eggs.

by Humble-Usual5270 14 hours ago

Brown and scramby eggs go together like Peas and Carrom.

by Bosauer 14 hours ago

Well maybe 24-36 hours later after consumption brown balances the equation.

by Anonymous 14 hours ago

You've never been in these streets! 🫳

by Adelbert06 13 hours ago

Brown is good, but the brown needs to come from browning the butter before the eggs get near the pan.

by Anonymous 13 hours ago

It's a thing.. technically not correct but a thing. I like mine the way op does too, except I do add cream. If I order them out I ask for them to be 'well done'. Usually they come with little bits of brown and if not at least not wet. This can also be easier to digest for some people as the Browning breaks protein down a little extra. I do realize I'm the weirdo here but yeah it's a thing.

by Anonymous 13 hours ago

Brown from slightly browned butter can be good but I agree you don't fry eggs to the point of browning them themselves.

by Beginning_Mess 13 hours ago

Uh, says you. I brown the butter in the pan first, and then cook the eggs in browned butter.

by Anonymous 13 hours ago

My wife likes them that way too. I think they are an abomination, but I love her so I burn them up just the way she likes em...

by Anonymous 13 hours ago

Big "well done steak and ketchup" energy

by Anonymous 13 hours ago

I needed ketchup to choke down that well done steak. What a revelation it was to find medium cooked steak.

by Anonymous 12 hours ago

The way to make all eggs is in the fat of the bacon you just fried.

by Anonymous 12 hours ago

god damn now im hungry

by Real-Language 11 hours ago

Exactly, and the eggs should be stirred all the time and shouldn't be cooked for too much

by Admirable-Soup-1172 11 hours ago

This should be taught in schools

by Anonymous 11 hours ago

I refuse, that fat is for frying bread.

by Fadelgabrielle 10 hours ago

You like burned eggs, dawg.

by Anonymous 10 hours ago

I guess so hahah

by Local_Plankton 10 hours ago

OP really does. Just wait until he finds out what an Omurice is

by Averymonahan 10 hours ago

I've never tried it but it does not appeal to me visually. Way too runny. I'm not agreeing with OP however, I like my scrambled eggs a little underdone.

by Anonymous 10 hours ago

If you know how to burn your food just right, then it tastes better than when it's cooked properly.

by Anonymous 10 hours ago

I don't think you understand what burnt means

by Queasy_Classroom 10 hours ago

I'm hugely disturbed by the amount of people agreeing with OP.

by Anonymous 9 hours ago

Same! I used to loathe scrambled eggs growing up until I learned they don't have to be dry, crumbly, brown nasty. Now that I make them right, I adore eggs.

by Anonymous 9 hours ago


by Local_Plankton 9 hours ago

There is no technically correct. The only correct is your own preference.

by Anonymous 9 hours ago

Agreed, I want to be able to eat it out of a bowl with my hands. It's not dry at all if you do it right, it's just not wet. It's soft but firm, moist and delicious

by Anonymous 9 hours ago

Agreed. The way Gordon Ramsay "cooks" scrambled eggs appalls me. Take that lukewarm French egg soup and piss off to Paris, Gordon

by Anonymous 9 hours ago

They're perfect and I've never once had them cooked that way in a restaurant, they're overdone always, so I order over easy and only eat scrambled at home.

by EmbarrassedButton 8 hours ago

You guys just like eggs to be cooked diner style omelettes lol aka hard scrambled. French omelettes have a velvety texture that I adore but they're never "wet, runny, or liquidy" so I'm wondering if you guys have actually had proper scrambled eggs before?

by Itchy_Nature 8 hours ago

Most people don't want to choke down some dry-ass scrambled eggs, so I guess this is unpopular.

by Scared-Fold5961 8 hours ago

I've never seen scramble eggs cooked liquidy. I'm sure it happens but I doubt your assertion that most restaurants and people make them that way

by Anonymous 8 hours ago

I'm realizing I like my eggs burnt and I've never seen eggs the color of mine when they're done cooking in anyones restaurant or household. The "liquidy" I'm referring to is literally the egg being… moist. It's just my warped perception I suppose.

by Local_Plankton 8 hours ago

OP can chuck her eggs across the room at someone.

by mullerned 7 hours ago

there's unpopular and then there's just… wrong

by Connect_Necessary189 7 hours ago

I started making mine the way Gordon Ramsey shows on the episode of Hot Ones. It is so much better than how I used to do it. Although I cook them slightly more than he does in that clip.

by ComfortableJump8963 7 hours ago

"It's supposed to be the most cooked type of egg dish." No, I think hard boiled or an Omelette would be cooked longer than scrambled eggs.

by One-Tie 7 hours ago

You need to get out of denial and accept that you hate eggs. You hate all the properties that make eggs good. You have found a way to remove most of the egg's assets and convert it into almost an edible styrofoam so that you're able to choke it down, but you really just don't like them. That's okay.

by West-Comedian9836 6 hours ago


by EmbarrassedButton 6 hours ago

No, just please no! There should be no brown in scrambled eggs. They should be a beautiful yellow, light and fluffy and definitely not dry! That's the same with a good omelette.

by Anonymous 6 hours ago

If there's "a small tinge of brown," you've burnt your scrambled eggs slightly. Know how that is? They'll taste dry. Scrambled eggs are supposed to be fluffy and a bit moist. In my experience, most restaurants make scrambled eggs horribly because people cook them too long. But to each there own, I guess.

by dellasauer 6 hours ago

Not a big fan of runny eggs, but I'd much rather have that than burnt . Burnt eggs have a very unpleasant taste

by Anonymous 5 hours ago

scrambled "hard" and use butter

by PhysicsFront 5 hours ago

Brown egg is burnt egg. Disgusting

by Enough_Day 5 hours ago

Correct on the not runny but incorrect on the browning.

by Anonymous 5 hours ago

you go ahead and cook them however you like but any culinary school or pro chef will disagree

by Western_Discount8936 4 hours ago

True, hate when they are super mushy and liquidy and they do a half ass scramble

by Anonymous 4 hours ago

you just don't know what you are talking about.

by Alarming_Speaker 4 hours ago

They should be fluffy, dry and still soft.

by Nmurray 4 hours ago

First using oil makes them terrible. Eggs should only be cooked in butter on medium heat. Lots of butter. Restaurants use liquid eggs in oil and it's gross. Don't get me started on poached and over easy eggs having runny whites. A waitress once argued that the whites are supposed to be runny. Literally the whites should never be runny in any egg style except sunny side up. Otherwise you don't know how to cook eggs.

by susannawisoky 3 hours ago

I add milk and cook them at lowest heat stirring all the time so that no part ever becomes dry or gasp brown 🤢🤢 why do you murder those poor eggs like that

by Direct-Macaroon-3867 3 hours ago

Scrambled eggs are wayyy to dry ass for me

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

I have to agree. Liquid scrambled eggs are the grossest thing in the world. I don't eat eggs out because of this.

by Prudent_Attention_56 2 hours ago

Oh my god there's someone else!! I love the small tinge of brown and no cream! Exactly how I make them at home. I'm not alone

by barney95 2 hours ago

Just no. Non „well done" scrambled eggs Go Right back. That's just disgusting

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

As a graduate from the Culinary Institute of America, and a 20+ year veteran in fine dining, I can attest that scrambled eggs should never be "browned" at all. In fact, most people overcook scrambled eggs. If you like them overcooked, that's fine. But people aren't cooking them wrong. You are eating them wrong.

by No-Break 1 hour ago

I fully agree with you, that gooey yellow blob they serve in most places is so unappetizing 🤢

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

Just order an omelette.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

I used to feel the same way.

by Anonymous 59 minutes ago

I agree, I don't really understand why so many people like the (depending on your opinion) "slimy" or "moist" texture of rare eggs. But to each their own. Taste is a matter of taste.

by Anonymous 43 minutes ago

I dip my eggs in syrup

by Anonymous 33 minutes ago

Tbh I prefer them more done. Not like rubber but just, not sloppy. I can eat eggs if I don't think about them too much, as soon as I over think it the texture hits me and I instantly feel nauseous, then I can't eat any more of them. Situational repulsion. I can't overcome my repulsion to the texture if they're sloppy.

by Anonymous 19 minutes ago

Scrambled eggs should be creamy. Cooked any more than that is like eating pencil erasers

by Comfortable_Note 16 minutes ago