-42 Trophy hunting is one of the least attractive hobbies you can do, amirite?

by Longjumping-Fan-4969 18 hours ago

My first reaction was "What's wrong with trying to get Trophies on Playstation?".

by Anonymous 18 hours ago

Same I was thinking well are achievements any better of a hobby 😍😂😭

by Anonymous 18 hours ago

So if I hunt for meat is it ok to put a mount on my wall if the deer happened to be impressive?

by Fine-Cap6486 17 hours ago

lol this sounds like some major cope

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

Literally the same argument could be said about anyone being proud of any accomplishment

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

Not an unpopular opinion! More people should have that opinion tho.

by Anonymous 16 hours ago

Or, and try to follow me here. I paid a state across the country money for conservation efforts Spent a weekend with some close friends out in nature. Got to witness the animals in their natural habitat, awed by the sounds of male elk bugling in the mountains. Took one down. Cleaned it, processed it, respected the animal enough to make use of as much of its body as I could. And still enjoy that animal for months to come as it feeds my family. Gives me stories to tell that awe my kids. And I can sit back reminiscing on how much that animal has done for me as I look at the mount on my wall. You don't want to kill animals. Good on you. That's your opinion, I don't mind it. And i make use of what that animal provides, while assisting in its conservation efforts. That's my opinion.

by Anonymous 16 hours ago

Weird to you. It's quite popular. I wouldn't call it attractive, that's weird. But elk, and everything else I have mounted are beautiful animals. Like I said, it reminds me of the hunt for that animal and the times and stories associated with it. I'm not personally a big fan of pictures taken next to the animal on the ground, mounting the heads shows the animal as it lived.

by Anonymous 16 hours ago

It has practical uses but I doubt you're interested in learning them.

by Anonymous 16 hours ago

The conservation benefits are wide reaching when done legally. There's a difference between trophy hunting and poaching.

by Anonymous 15 hours ago

What if I told you it's not about the money. No one chooses to kill elephants or lions because they care about conservation

by Anonymous 15 hours ago

Reading comprehension. No one trophy hunts BECAUSE they care about conservation. They might incidentally care about it but that's beside the point.

by Anonymous 14 hours ago

You're doing alot of assumptions and honestly a bit of projection. It doesn't matter if you don't see the point in it, but you cannot deny the money it provides. Plus I promise you a hunter cares way more about the wild life and nature more than a normal person

by Anonymous 14 hours ago

Not remotely unpopular

by Anonymous 14 hours ago

Why do you think this is unpopular?

by Wolfhilda 14 hours ago