-54 Roommates that never leave the house are annoying, amirite?

by Anxious-Avocado 1 day ago

Agreed. I live alone, but I pay 100% of the bills and the house I live in has all my favorite things. I'm getting the value I pay for.

by Anonymous 23 hours ago

Sounds like you just don't like living with people

by Ethelyn59 23 hours ago

Wow you hate people that don't want to leave THEIR OWN house, huh

by Lesley42 23 hours ago

Yeah, it sucks. Get your own apartment.

by Hanemartin 22 hours ago

You do realize this is a you problem right? This has nothing to do with them.

by Heidenreichgerd 22 hours ago

I can't answer for everyone but i like opening my door so the air would circulate. I like fresh air. But also i was friends with my roommate so privacy was not much of an issue.

by Subject-Exchange7413 22 hours ago

Then open a window or open your door briefly, or keep it open when other people aren't there. Even if you are friends, you can't be so close that they want you to clearly hear them banging their girlfriend.

by Christianarice 22 hours ago

Had a roommate that wouldn't close his door and then would mention it that my cat was under his bed. Just please close your door so I don't have to go in your room to look for my cat 😭

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

they live there too yk i think it sounds like u don't want a roommate at all. cuz making em leave all the time is pointless if u want alone time in ur house then rent an apartment cuz this sounds selfish asf.

by Anonymous 21 hours ago

sounds like you can't afford to live in a home alone...😬

by Qspencer 21 hours ago

Yeah, it sucks. But what's the alternative? HIGHER RENT. Which in turn means, you'll have to work more often; which means you will ultimately get less time alone at home thanks to having to bring in more income in order to offset what the roommates are currently paying. So it's a vicious cycle😩

by Anonymous 21 hours ago

I live with 3 unemployed roommates atm and they don't seem interested in getting jobs. They are always home or having friends over. I can't figure out how any of them pay rent or bills but they do 🤷‍♂️

by abbottdaphney 20 hours ago

Usually one of three options in order of likelihood: 1. Parents send them money (trusties like to keep it a secret). 2. Sell nudes/vids. 3. Sell drugs.

by Anonymous 20 hours ago

Sure but they are roommates, what do you expect? I'm so glad I live alone.

by Anonymous 20 hours ago

Why does them existing "stink up the room"? Why did you choose to live with these people with these habits that you hate?

by Tonidach 20 hours ago

Watching porn in the common area with volume should get them to close the doors.

by Anonymous 20 hours ago