I can't be the only one who thinks Mr Beast has way too much money, amirite?
by Anonymous2 days ago
So i don't know the dude, I guess there was some allegations maybe they were resolved i think I don't know and I don't really care I don't watch him or have any stake in what happens to him. But regardless, someone having money doesn't auto make them an evil or a bad person. There are plenty of people who are scumbags with money and plenty who aren't, just like people who don't have money. The tendency to immediately associate people who do have money with being villians is more likely than not an indicator of a negative personality trait within you, envy, jealousy, entitlement to what others have doesn't do a lick of good for you
by Anonymous2 days ago
Agreed, an individual having money doesn't automatically make them evil. Their character and morals shape them, we should judge on actions. Mr.Beast has been involved in Crypto Scams that have garnered in millions, which is rather pathetic behavior considering that was pocket change to an individual of his status. He committed these crimes against a target demographic made up heavily by his own fans basically for a thrill I imagine, because that money amounts to nothing for him. He's been apparent of many allegations as well, however many have been proven wrong and I prefer to stick to the facts. An individual willing to scam individuals significantly less well off then him for millions has an extremely poor morale compass.
by Anonymous2 days ago
I think it kind of does make them a bad person, with some exceptions. Humanity has developed so many systems to prevent too much power accumulating into the hands of the few; democracies, legal systems, separations of power, sovereign nations, etc... but not wealth. A long and concerted effort of propaganda has convinced people that wealth is not power (fact: it is). It is no mystery to any person with wealth that it's power. It is plainly obvious to anyone who generates wealth in the way that Mr Beast does, that he is not special, and that he is a brand. Now for my whacky conclusion; the evil bit is that he perpetuates the system rather than helps people fight against it.
by Arvilla722 days ago
Regardless of who his audience is, he's apparently bringing them plenty of enjoyment.
by Anonymous2 days ago
I can't bring myself to care about anyone worth less than a billion in terms of undeserved wealth
by Anonymous2 days ago
Money buys opportunities, and opportunities bring money. Once you made it a certain distance you'll be set for life as long as you make smart decisions. Mr.Beast hasn't been making smart decisions as of late, however many of his past endeavors were highly strategic. His entire brand that he's crafted around himself is giving money away and giving back, all the while serving to make people ignore how he obtains or utilizes this money. Something I fail to comprehend is why these morons keep getting involved with Crypto Scams, they had a level of intelligence to get to their current position yet somehow engage in such an idiotic scam that's inevitably going to screw them over, as we've already started to see. While these scams do garner millions and millions of dollars, to individuals of their status that's practically pocket change AND their taking from many of their most loyal fans which is typically who they target, a major foundation of their careers and not the individuals you'd want to piss off. Mr.Beast has made Millions from Crypto Scams, and now that it's coming out it's only a matter of time till he's in court cases for years and years.
by Anonymous2 days ago
It is very dark.
by Anonymous2 days ago
Imagine a person with billions. Billions. Do you have any idea what you can buy? The government. Think about that.
by Anonymous2 days ago
I don't auto hate to jump to hating YouTubers or influencers or celebrities, but I'm not a fan of MrBeast. I think he's incredibly fake and the vast majority of his generosity is incredibly disingenuous and staged, with a few of them being legit cause you can't make your whole reputation about it and not have a couple of real ones. He's kinda proven himself to be a dick, and his whole relationship with Kris or Chris Tyson and living with him while he had lolli art hung up in their living room and grooming kids and remaining friends with him despite all that…idk man
by Anonymous2 days ago
He definitely does but I think most of the money he uses in his videos are from brand sponsors. Idk what percentage is actually his
by eryn632 days ago
And why is this different from other billionaires?
by IcyAngle27252 days ago
Mr. Beast has gotten shadier and shadier as time has gone on it seems. Maybe it was always like that but under the table but hes not even hiding the rug pulling of his fans (fake give-aways etc)
by newton122 days ago
I think he's just pretty bad at managing his opportunities going forward. He needs a good manager to tell him when an offer is a scam. Like beast burger and lunchly
by Anonymous2 days ago
Wait untill you find out about pharma CEO's etc.
by Anonymous2 days ago
Bro gives away more money than anyone ever and y'all still find a way to get pissed
by Anonymous 2 days ago
by Anonymous 2 days ago
by Arvilla72 2 days ago
by Anonymous 2 days ago
by Anonymous 2 days ago
by Anonymous 2 days ago
by Anonymous 2 days ago
by Anonymous 2 days ago
by Anonymous 2 days ago
by eryn63 2 days ago
by IcyAngle2725 2 days ago
by newton12 2 days ago
by Anonymous 2 days ago
by Anonymous 2 days ago
by Anonymous 2 days ago