+31 Balatro will outlive every 2024 goty nominee, amirite?

by ProfilePleasant 2 days ago

Probably, it's the "Game Of The Year" competition, not "Longest Lasting Game" competition, a game with essentially infinite replayability, such as these kinds of rogue likes have a habit of having, are usually gonna be able to live for a very long time. The other nominees will pop up here and there but Balatro will probably be more in peoples minds and longer than the other ones.

by isaiah99 2 days ago

Balatro is just 2024's Vampire Survivors. Great simple game with plenty of replayability & will have longevity, but not something I'd consider GOTY.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

not something I'd consider GOTY. True, but I also don't think it's unfair that it was nominated. Especially considering it's basically a one man project

by ProfilePleasant 2 days ago

Yeah, i don't think anyone else does either, tho. Basically, it depends on your philosophy about gaming. Games should be fun to play. While having never played it myself but having watched northernlion play it, i can tell it's a fun game. But for me personally, if a game doesn't have a good story, then it shouldn't be the game of the year in my eyes. The added difficulty in writing interesting characters and compelling story arcs adds a level of complexity in game creation. That makes it being pulled off even more impressive. That is just my personal taste though. And it's fine if you disagree. Insert is only game meme here.png

by Big-Resource 2 days ago

And the music if fire you could listen to it for hours and wont be bored.

by clovis75 2 days ago

I shut the music off as soon as I saw it was just looping the same thing over and over.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

The one game with repetitive music that I never turn the volume down for.

by ProfilePleasant 2 days ago

idk, i only heard about this game during the game awards.

by Impressive-Fix-3395 2 days ago

You live under a rock then

by Guyokeefe 2 days ago

I haven't either and I watch quite a few different gaming YouTube channels so yeah it's not that popular

by Miserable_Ad 2 days ago

You should watch better YouTube channels then. Cuz I'm pretty sure you are just watching timthetatman and nickmercs xD

by Top-Attorney-6967 2 days ago

Funny enough I actually haven't heard of Nickmercs and I've never watched a single timthetatman video. It's very possible that the reason I haven't heard about it is because the channels I watch tend to not cover that type of game because it's not the type of game I will play

by Miserable_Ad 2 days ago

Yeah mb i forgot startrek1996 had the cutting edge taste on games sorry guys I'll retract my statement

by Guyokeefe 2 days ago

For sure. Literally no one will be talking about Wukong in a few months

by Slow_Smell3923 2 days ago

Wukong is just another forgettable dark souls clone.

by Krajcikantone 2 days ago

Dark souls clones are a dime a dozen. Nobody cares.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

About what?

by Born_Pen 2 days ago

A game about a monkey? Yeah, I played donkey Kong

by ProfilePleasant 2 days ago

I get where you're coming from and agree Balatro is great but shouldn't really compare it to single player games that are meant to be played once. "Last of Us" is a great game but who is out there aside from speedrunners that will play it more than once? Longevity is an intentional choice in game design. You would have to compare it against something like Hades. It'd be like saying tuning into a streamer will "outlive" a movie. Sure the streamer can be entertaining for years but can you really compare the two? This also comes at a cost as the "highs" in Balatro personally don't really compare to something like doing a crazy play in a multiplayer game or an "epic" boss battle. The game really isn't that deep. That being said agree it was a "weak" gaming year, especially for "replayable" games. Essentially a layover 2023 (BG3) and 2025 (GTA 6 and Civilization 7).

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Fair point. Comparing balatro to something like hades, I feel like balatro has a much lower barrier to entry, which allows people that usually wouldn't be playing roguelites or even videogames at all for that matter to play. This also comes at a cost as the "highs" in Balatro personally don't really compare to something like doing a crazy play in a multiplayer game or an "epic" boss battle. The game really isn't that deep. I think it boils down to personal preference. You might feel these highs when doing epic plays online, I may feel the same highs getting an absurdly lucky run where all the stars align.

by ProfilePleasant 2 days ago

Never heard of this game.

by kassulkewill 2 days ago

Games that are long lasting are not inherently better yeah it'll definitely outlive most of the others but not everyone wants to play a game forever I'm fine just playing 1 storyline and being done

by Miserable_Ad 2 days ago


by chauncey11 2 days ago

The world needs less 20 hour story games and more forever games

by sengeranahi 2 days ago

I think this years sucked and that none of them will be memorable. They're all "good" games and that's it.

by Anonymous 2 days ago