+16 Battle shonen are hard to sit through due to long ass arcs, amirite?

by leonie96 11 hours ago

My God, Wano in One Piece is over 150 eps I think? 209 actually lol It's actually a bit refreshing for me to find an animated series that lasts long. It can definitely be a slog though. As much as I adore shows like Invincible and Arcane, this 8 episodes per season trend needs to die.

by Anonymous 11 hours ago

i guess it really depends on the anime you watch! i'm pretty sure jujutsu kaisen's anime battles are (at the longest) like 20 episodes! it also really depends how engrossed in the story you are. i haven't watched any of the above but i watched hunter x hunter (with the chimera ant arc which is 70+ episodes. the rest of the arcs are closer to 30 i believe?) and for 99% of the entire anime i was completely hooked and would blow through 20-30 episodes in an entire day. chimera ant arc slows down a bit in the beginning but it's needed for the set up later. it's my favourite arc! i'll never touch one piece or bleach becuase it's wayyy too long for me so i can agree with you there but there's lots of battle shonens with not as long of arcs :)

by Anonymous 10 hours ago

This is a trend that was popularized by Dragon Ball (and other manga) but not in the way you think. When DBZ was taking off with its anime, it had to follow what the manga was doing, which only did about 18 pages every week or two. The manga's story flowed much smoother, so if something was dragged out (like Goku vs Freeza) it was meant to feel like that since it was a massive battle. But when you need to fill 20 or 40 minutes of run time on 18ish pages, you gotta stretch things out. One Piece is like it too, but again, the manga at least has a better flow with storytelling and points of action, so it's understandable. The anime tho... You know there's a ton of filler when there's a fan driven project to SHORTEN the anime.

by lilian49 10 hours ago

I'll take that over an anime that's only 12/24 ep and 1-2 seasons.

by MarzipanHot8416 10 hours ago

Depends, some have a great story even though they aren't as long. Size isn't everything :D

by Anonymous 9 hours ago

I do agree with you, but tbh one piece is well known for having a dragged out anime, as they make one ep pr chapter, instead of 1 ep per 2-3 chapters, and that does show at times, when nothing much happens for quite a few eps, just some small fighting then end, to then get a 2-3 min recap of the last ep before doing it again.

by Anonymous 9 hours ago

One Pace existed 10 years before Tiktok WTF are you talking about ?

by Anonymous 9 hours ago

OP's opinion is a symptom of TikTok mentality

by Anonymous 8 hours ago

While Tiktok did contribute to shortening of attention spans, OP still has a point. I only watched Naruto out of the animes that OP mentioned and at times I couldn't wait for a fight to be over simply because it was getting boring. Shorter but full of action series are a lot more fun and I find them to leave a more meaningful impact on me than the really long series :).

by Anonymous 8 hours ago

i have an English degree and i agree with OP 100%. extended arcs exist because manga are written as a continuous series, often weekly. quality over quantity all the way

by Gislasonjoy 8 hours ago