+29 Along with a speed limit, there should also be a minimum speed, amirite?

by lednernorwood 3 weeks ago

There is in a lot of places.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

In my area, there isn't a single one. The nearest one that I'm aware of is an hour away, where there is a freeway.

by lednernorwood 3 weeks ago

How many passing zones are there in your area since it sounds relatively rural?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

A 55 zone should absolutely have passing zones.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Especially in bad winter weather it could be more dangerous trying to maintain that minimum speed.

by Shadgutmann 3 weeks ago

Yes but this should be obvious that IF the conditions are SO bad, you are allowed to drive under it.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

This is too restrictive in a safety point of view. Especially if theres a threat of being punished for going under the speed limit.

by GoodOdd4448 3 weeks ago