+51 Someone else shoplifting isn't any of my business, amirite?

by Background-Reach7751 2 days ago

Same I used to be a cashier for 3yrs and it's like not my problem you broke the law I'm not risking my Iife for a job

by FroyoLast6474 2 days ago

Why risk your life over someone else's five-finger discount when the only reward is a nod from the CCTV?

by Ok_Wrangler8046 2 days ago

That's literally what i said, I wouldn't risk my life

by FroyoLast6474 2 days ago

I used to be a cashier too and if I saw something, no I didn't. ESPECIALLY when it was a mom or parent getting something that was obviously for a child. When I would be checking someone out who had the jars of baby food, I would slide a couple pass the scanner but be covering the bar code and act like I heard the beep (unless there was a buy so many for so much sale, I would make sure they had enough for the sale). I would also always look through the coupons and if there was one for baby food, formula, diapers, I would keep it by the register and use it for someone even though we're not supposed to unless they have the coupon themself

by Anonymous 1 day ago


by Anonymous 1 day ago

You are a very kind person.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Those sensors go off whenever I buy razors for my old lady they just wave me through.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

popcorn meme gif

by Cold_Butterscotch780 1 day ago

Yes, I also love it when the shampoo and socks I want to purchase must be sequestered away in a cabinet that takes an employee twenty-five minutes to obtain for me. And the food deserts? Simply divine.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I agree. Why would you sacrifice your own well being for some multi million dollar business? They make enough money as it is.

by Kuhlmandedric 1 day ago

Bbbbut look at how sad you've made John Walmart, he was just $2 away from buying his billionth yacht. Is that what you really want? A world where the John Walmarts of the world have to settle for having Billion-1 yachts?

by PeaEquivalent8597 1 day ago

And more expensive.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Yeah they'll just make up the loss by charging you more for other products. You pay for other people's selfish acts.

by Minimum-Noise 1 day ago

It's kind of amazing that folks don't grasp that we all pay for it all

by Sharp-Branch 1 day ago

Exactly how I and clearly everyone else feels haha

by Voberbrunner 1 day ago

So if it was a mom and pop store with people you cool with you'd do something?

by major81 1 day ago

Tell that to Portland Oregon with all ghe stores that closed due to theft

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Same with seattle

by Working_Reveal_7006 1 day ago

My issue is that in smaller (read poorer) communities especially, too much theft means the store pulls out of the community eventually. So i definitely understand the people that get mad about it.

by Old-Introduction6883 1 day ago

The local Walgreens that I walk to may be closing down because of theft. I've watched a certain demographic of people just walk out with merchandise. They complain in the local forum about losing Walgreens while others say they deserve to be robbed because they're too expensive. It makes zero sense. Complain about prices so you steal till you lose the business all together. Which was providing jobs and services to the community.

by Fair-Holiday-6030 1 day ago

"a certain demographic" 😏

by Latter-Shelter-379 1 day ago

They would rather close down than pay for a security shift. Thats on them.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Most big corporations don't give af either. They train their employees NOT do anything aside report it. Most companies will wait until you steal x amount of product so that it's actually worth pressing charges. Source: worked retail for 10+ years

by Training_Revenue_437 1 day ago

Is Ben a healthcare CEO?

by Jerodking 1 day ago

Sorry to say, but I laughed out loud at that one.🫣

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Sir I plead no contest

by maximocummings 1 day ago

Hey, no shame in a good sense of humor lol

by Jerodking 1 day ago

I'm reminded of the movie "Who framed Roger Rabbit". Jessica is a voluptuous, Marilyn Monroe-like cartoon character. Her husband is Roger Rabbit, a Disney-esque drawn cartoon character, nowhere near in her league. When people ask her what she sees in him, she says in all earnestness, "He's makes me laugh." I agree about having a good sense of humor. It's what makes life bearable at times. I feel badly for people who don't have a sense of humor.

by Anonymous 1 day ago


by Full_Ad_4946 1 day ago

except – hear me out – we don't live in a comic book people often shoplift (especially if they're shoplifting food or something essential) because they're desperate and hungry. the idea that that same person would arm themselves and break into someone's home is absurd and unrealistic

by christineorn 1 day ago

You say that, but the type of person that shoplifts is the same type of person that will steal your package from your porch. Bet you will care more then.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

And if you think these thieves aren't stealing from Mom and pop shops.......I don't know, something about a bridge.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Of course, one is his property and the other one isn't.

by Latter-Shelter-379 1 day ago

I wouldn't get directly involved but it's still my business because why do I have to pay and they don't. I live in a country where there are social safety nets so everyone that's shoplifting is basically doing it to make a profit or to fulfil an addiction which they need to get caught to be addressed. And if it happens too many time there's a good chance that I will be paying for loss prevention or even worse, the shop folds

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Sack up and don't.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I pay for the stolen goods. My community pays for the stolen goods. Theft is not acceptable. I will act, I will make my community a better place, i will uphold what I believe is good.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Just don't complain when all the stores inevitably move out.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Or jack up prices to make up for shrinkage

by Dear_Application 1 day ago

Guess who pays for the stolen goods?

by Xrenner 1 day ago

You won't benefit from it. But you will certainly suffer for it when you have to drive 10 miles to get milk because no business wants to operate in a region where they are constantly being rob blind.

by Advanced-Arrival 1 day ago

Loss is factored into the cost of goods. And if loss keeps going up, the amount getting factored in goes up, making the price of the goods go up.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I already have to drive 15 miles to get milk.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

the company 🙏 it's already baked into their financial statements

by roobkaylin 1 day ago

What exactly do you think "baking it into the financial statement" actually means? I'll explain. It means adding to the amount that they charge for the things they sell to cover the projected losses. Or it means delaying promotions and pay increases for employees who work at that store. In extreme cases it means closing the store. The one thing you can be sure of is that it almost never means the corporation losing money.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

no it means "i bought this for $1 ima sell it for $6. a couple people will steal so my profit will be $3, which is still 3x what i paid"

by roobkaylin 1 day ago

If the store loses 5% of their revenue, the cost is ultimately passed on to the consumer. Even if it's "baked into their financial statements" that's still money lost. I don't think Doug McMillon is reducing his salary every time someone steals

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Eventually, it'll lead to the store's closure in that neighborhood, and the local civic leaders will publically complain about why there's a food desert.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

The problem probably exists in the first place because it's a disadvantaged area

by connjailyn 1 day ago

It's a feedback loop. Disadvantaged area gets store, store gets robbed and closes down, area gets more disadvantaged.

by Silly-Yam 1 day ago

That assumption impacts pricing, if losses are above assumptions prices go up, if losses are below assumptions prices go down (if there's competitive pressures).

by Anonymous 1 day ago

And then they increase prices because of shoplifting. So we as citizens do pay for it in the long run. Because constant shoplifting will make prices rise.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

They were gonna increase the price on you anyways in order to gouge more out of you anyways. No matter how good things are the company's are never going to not increase the price. Shoplifting just gives them and excuse to blame the person on minimum wage.

by Jerodking 1 day ago

So we should just be cynical and defend the company like you just did. Alright, xD. In America, if you give someone a reason to sue you, they will. Same with every company, give them a reason to raise prices. They will, reason given. Obviously, there are more reasons that made it keep rising, but shoplifting is one of em.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Yeah, then next quarter they increase their margin to cover losses. It's always the consumer who loses.

by Altruistic_Bed 1 day ago

Theyre going to increase prices next quarter either way. They keep reporting record profits

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Ah yes, because companies just magick money into existence out of nowhere and it doesn't come to them from any external source.

by Xrenner 1 day ago

They bake it in because people steal. As they steal more they raise the price and change the recipe.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

boohoo you have to wait

by roobkaylin 1 day ago

And this is one of the reasons why Trump seems more reasonable despite how he acts does. God I'm tired of this mentality.

by maximocummings 1 day ago

I mean I usually like to point out the biggest theifs are the ones running the corporations so sometimes I say something

by Dry_Commission_4026 1 day ago

Ive never understood this attitude. Something is either wrong or it's not. Taking things that don't belong to you is wrong. Yeah I'm not gonna jump in front of somebody trying to steal a candy bar from CVS, but that doesn't mean I condone it

by Anonymous 1 day ago

OP isn't condoning shoplifting. You're basically agreeing.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

So is Robin Hood the villain and the Sheriff of Nottingham the hero?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Breaking an unjust rule isn't morally wrong. The sheriff of Nottingham was a tyrant who was putting extreme and unfair taxes on his people. Breaking a rule that we all pretty much agree on is. We all agree just stealing from a store should be illegal, and unless you're starving and have no other choice, it's not morally justified

by Anonymous 1 day ago

No, that's not wrong. You down own the surplus value you create for a company. The owner of the company does. You agreed to work for a certain wage, and are free to leave any time you like

by Anonymous 1 day ago

When you work for an employer, you agreed to get paid a certain amount for your work. No one is stealing anything from you. You are free to be a self employed individual and get all the profits.

by Previous-Ad-1933 1 day ago

I'm actually with you on this. But the devils advocate argument is that you could choose not to work for that employer.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

so my option is work or starve/die? that's not an option. and not everyone can be an entrepreneur so wanting all i produce isn't really an option either

by roobkaylin 1 day ago

so my option is work or starve/die? That's the sad reality of literally every society - at least for functioning adults.

by Silly-Yam 1 day ago

the sad reality you accept. that's why I steal 🙏🙏

by roobkaylin 1 day ago

And that's why I call the cops if I ever see any suspicious activity

by Silly-Yam 1 day ago

Attitudes like this are exactly why the world has such a huge problem with shoplifting and zero punishment for this stuff now. These people aren't stealing loaves of bread to feed their families, they're taking electronics, power tools and anything else that isn't nailed to the floor to flip it on eBay or Marketplace. So it's from a soulless corporation, who cares? Stealing is stealing. These same people just as often steal from local or small businesses. The big stores are where they learned their craft in the first place and you have just given them a big green light saying it's all good.

by Sharp_Foot_3069 1 day ago

Agreed and managers I've had understand this. You can call them out but don't put yourself in danger. Ultimately a stolen good is better than a harmed employee.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Goods in a store are insured. if the insurance company gets enough claims they will first raise costs and second drop their policy. This results in the store not existing anymore. This is a direct cause of food deserts.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

It's not but it kinda is. Especially if it's a store you shop at often. When shrink becomes too high to manage corporate will shut down the location. That's less access and jobs for the community.

by Careful_Cup5031 1 day ago

Remember kids, shop local, steal corporate.

by Expensive-Success798 1 day ago

If you see something stealing food, no you didn't

by Early_Spirit 1 day ago

It's called having morals and doing the right thing. Plus the more that gets stolen the more they have to raise the prices to account for that.

by Business_Pianist8340 1 day ago

The downfall of society begins with the individual

by Rich_Confection_3371 1 day ago

Say your a terrible person without saying. I mean I personally wouldn't risk my wellbeing but at tye same time I wouldn't shame someone for doing something good

by FroyoLast6474 1 day ago

You do realize that constant shoplifting is one of the reasons why prices were raised? Obviously, other reason made it keep rising, but back in 2018, in 2020, they rose because of this.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I hate thieves. I'll gladly tell a worker what I saw. Not willing to get physically involved because that's just stupid. But I don't care for people that steal and I want them to get caught. As far as a store caring, well a store can't care but the people who work there can

by Embarrassed_Win_6085 1 day ago

I hate them too. It's easy to report thieves without them even knowing who you are. Done it before

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Depending on the item anything that is life sustaning like diapers formula bread i dont tell if it is some expensive ps5 game or something i will tell

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Except formula is one of the most stolen items, not because people need it but because there is good value on the secondary market.

by Altruistic_Bed 1 day ago

Nah that stolen formula very rarely goes anywhere near babies alas

by Anonymous 1 day ago

That's not shoplifting, that's a robbery. Huge difference.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Who even has the time

by Elegant-Maximum6719 1 day ago

Not an unpopular opinion

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Not every store doesn't care about their employees

by Turner47 1 day ago

I guess generally... But when I see people ripping kids TCG packs in the aisle, I'll say something.

by Madilynkovacek 1 day ago

Yup. Corporate monetary loss is factored back into the cost of your purchase.

by Decent_Cod 1 day ago

All corporations should become mom and pop stores that charges higher prices, thus, you will care about shoplifting

by Anonymous 1 day ago

If you do dirt somewhere or somehow that exposes me to it, you made it my business. What happens after that is on you. I'm not going to try to tackle and choke someone out for stealing, but I might let an employee know what I saw, or call the police if I think your behavior is a threat to other peoples' safety.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I was the opposite when I worked at a petrol station. I caught a number of shoplifters. One in particular was a teenage girl who stolen chocolate, ran out the door just before a policeman strolled in. I saw my shop as my home (for my shift alone), though we were explicitly told to just give up money if an armed person asks/demands.

by NaiveInsurance 1 day ago

You really think most people get involved when they see someone stealing from Target? This is the majority opinion not an unpopular one.

by Elegant_Seaweed_1982 1 day ago

They drive prices up for you too

by Impossible_Top_8839 1 day ago

Not an unpopular opinion, most don't care.

by Immanuel28 1 day ago

I am not putting myself or anyone else at risk for the profits of a multi-billion dollar corporation. Now if it's a local store my attitude might change, but only slightly. Also, if it's diapers, wipes, baby medicine, formula.... I didn't see anything.

by Shanon13 23 hours ago

The stores should pay properly for decent security. That's the whole thing. It's not much more complex than that. Thieves are well aware of which stores are able to secure their inventory and which are not. And they know which stores will follow through with charges as necessary.

by Anonymous 23 hours ago

Shoplifters raise prices. Worst case, businesses close, In that sense, it's absolutely your business. But we have laws favoring perps, and slimy lawyers looking to make $ from actual victims. So yeah, I understand.

by Anonymous 23 hours ago

unless i'm on security payroll go head. not my problem.

by Anonymous 23 hours ago

Rampant, totally out of control shoplifting is one of the reasons for the high inflation in grocery stores we've been experiencing. So yeah, it kind of is your problem because you're paying for it. If supermarkets want to remain profitable they have no choice but to pass along their now higher costs due to product losses onto paying customers. Some naive people might say "insurance will cover it". In the real world that's not how things actually work. Insurance doesn't magically cover any number no matter how large it gets. Even if insurance covers it, the insurance rates go up once shoplifting rates go up, and again... that has to be passed on to customers.

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

My wife worked at Target and she was told during training to just let them go then call the police. It's not worth risking your life

by Wonderful_Bottle2186 22 hours ago

This is not an unpopular opinion, solidarity is widespread

by Bill90 22 hours ago

Someone stealing your stuff is none of my business

by SweatyRecover 22 hours ago

Yea im not saying a word. either is that really unpopular???

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

If you don't act because it doesn't directly impact yourself, you are selfish. If you don't act because it will help someone you dislike (like Wal-mart), you are spiteful. If you don't act because you're fearful of getting hurt, you are a coward. If you intercede because you want to be a hero, you are vain. If you intercede because you want to exert power over someone else, you are vengeful. If you intercede and offer to purchase the item for the shoplifter, you are kind. If you intercede because it is important to uphold the values of your society, you are responsible. We all get to decide who we want to be.

by Bergnaummaida 21 hours ago

People hate shoplifting because they view it as unfair. People work hard for the products they purchase and wait in long lines for the things that they want and believe they rightfully earned. It's similar to cheating on a test. Maybe it affects you when the teacher takes down the entire classes grades because someone cheated. Ultimately, it doesn't affect you whether or not they do it, but you don't like it if others are getting 100s cheating on things that you're doing poor at honestly.

by Kyleehand 21 hours ago

I'd help

by tmedhurst 21 hours ago

I've reported people shoplifting on 3 separate ocassions, and and it was worth every minute watching them get hauled away.

by Anonymous 20 hours ago