Eating a full diet daily is exhausting and annoying, amirite?
by Rex742 weeks ago
Varied diet and not obsessing over not hitting it every single day, but always loosely thinking about adding vegetables and a solid protein (fat and carbs tend to solve themselves and it's the protein and fiber that actually need intention) For the hydration, check your tyroid, and drink first everytime you feel hunger, you might be mistaking thirst for hunger.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Nobody does that daily... Most people try to hit a somewhat good balance overall. Many people don't. If you feel really stressed out about it, try huel or soylent!
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
I actually quite enjoyed Huel when I tried it, specifically Chocolate and Caramel. I think the recommendation was 4 shakes? I could just about manage 2 which was pretty convenient knowing I got a ton of nutrients. Eventually I gave up and the remaining 5 bags I had expired last year lol
by Rex742 weeks ago
Unironic soylent recommendation
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Most people don't focus on daily, but that within the week they cover all their vitamin and mineral needs. Most of that stuff can stay in your body for longer than a day (water soluble vitamins will be expelled through urine tho)
by Typical-Will2 weeks ago
Plus the body really doesn't know when a day begins and when it ends, it doesn't work day-by-day like our mind does.
by Leuschkeneoma2 weeks ago
The body most definitely works according to a daily schedule
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Seriously, how do people keep track of all that kale, quinoa stuff and whatever tf chia seeds are! It feels like you need a whole spreadsheet just to figure out your meals. Meanwhile, I'm over here debating if an insane amount of coffee actually counts as hydration, lol!
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
It doesn't.
by stantonspencer2 weeks ago
Not eating and drinking properly is way, way worse as you get older The effort becomes so much more worth it, when you're avoiding complete disaster
by Wuckertjosie2 weeks ago
I basically cook one big batch of something like chicken and veg with some sauce or spices and just heat it in small portions throughout the week. Breakfast is bacon and egg on toast Coffee Random grazing I get a little hit of dopamine when I drink water Some times I crave some coke Zero Docs say my bloods are perfect, I'm 70kg and rocking a six pack. It's literally that easy.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
To get everything we're supposed to, it takes some real planning and work.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Meal prep?
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Calories in, calories out. It's not that complicated. Take a multivitamin, get some blood work. If your piss is dark, drink more water. If it's still dark, mix in a quality electrolyte supplement. Anything beyond that is micromanaging a way to a specific goal. To live a healthy life, it's not complicated.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
If you are worried about vitamins there's no harm in taking a multi. Protein, if you have a source of protein every meal it's not something to worry about. Have a protein shake if worried or if you need a higher intake and don't want to fuss. Fibre is a harder one for many people but again, just try to eat some wholegrains, legumes, fruits and veg. Shortcuts wherever you can. Not obsessing over perfection. Most people don't eat a diet that hits all the nutrition points. Most people eat a diet that's too high in saturated fat, salt and sugar. (Including myself here).
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Discipline and Balance, with optional supplementation. For the majority of people, obsessing over hitting every nutrient is unnecessary, and have a flexible yet balance way of eating is the way to go.
by Blockmargret2 weeks ago
Meal prep. I eat the same thing everyday and manipulate the amount of carbs/fats within those meals based on my calorie requirements at the time. But it honestly comes down to discipline.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
It's just automatic for me because I find it to be tasty
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
I keep my diet rather simple and I kinda have a structure to it. Breakfast is mostly just coffee with milk. Lunch is some vegetables, some carbs like potatoes or rice, and some protein. Dinner is a little bigger than lunch. That's it. Since I'm single now, I don't cook as often as I used to but the nearby supermarket has so many options and I find myself picking up their roasted meat selections and just pairing with some salad greens and potato salad and I'm good for the day. It's been pretty manageable so far. If I don't feel like eating properly sometimes, I just boil some eggs and have them.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
This isn't an opinion, it's a disorder of some sort.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
That's true but to be fair, it's unrealistic for everyone to have that much energy and capacity to maintain that kind of lifestyle anyway. The next best thing to do is to just be mindful about what you're consuming. Try to focus more on having a balanced diet by simply estimating and being mindful about consuming junk. You don't have to obsess so much over hitting exact numbers to be healthy. All you need is to have a healthy estimate.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Yup it is VERY hard for me to not eat crap and stay hydrated. A lot of people don't understand that food addiction is like drug addiction but worse. Bc we NEED food to stay alive. I've gotten better I don't eat over 3000 calories anymore
by Haileyhomenick2 weeks ago
Having to eat multiple times every day is exhausting and annoying even without hitting all the nutrients. Like I have other things I want to do.
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Rex74 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Typical-Will 2 weeks ago
by Leuschkeneoma 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by stantonspencer 2 weeks ago
by Wuckertjosie 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Blockmargret 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Haileyhomenick 2 weeks ago
by Wittingrosemari 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago