Apple Music algorithm is better than Spotify long term, amirite?
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
As of June 2021, 78 million apple music users. Super unpopular opinion bro 78 million is basically nobody
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
I only use it because of the free premium they give you if you spend enough money on the app store. Yeah not really free at the point but i'll take it
by Rreilly2 weeks ago
Well, I use Apple Music and I sure as hell don't agree with OP. I find the playlist generated by Spotify way better. Apple Music pushes a lot of boring music my way. I'm into indie rock and there is a lot of bland slop when I listen to any playlist generated by them that involves the term rock. Spotify has waaaay better recommendations and way better curated playlists.(oblique anyone?)
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
I might actually give YouTube music a shot. There're some music I found on YouTube, but nowhere else.
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Rreilly 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago