+37 I think classical music sucks. amirite?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

A drummer speaks....

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

So selfaware.

by kaderolfson 2 weeks ago

What do you mean??

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You're allowed whatever musical opinion you like, I love classical but hey. Sounds like your school music department sucks though, don't hate on an entire 300+ years of musical development because of it. Also music theory absolutely has use in contemporary music, even pop and rap music can be analyzed

by Familiar_Set4809 2 weeks ago

My apologies - now as I think of it I meant music theory

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You can apply music theory to contemporary music though, it's good to have a deeper understanding of how the music you're playing works than just mindlessly playing, doesn't matter what music it is. Maybe your teachers just aren't very interesting

by Familiar_Set4809 2 weeks ago

It's pretentious in my opinion. And I meant classical music THEORY

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Why though? What makes it pretentious?

by HeadRefrigerator 2 weeks ago

Just people in my class being absolute wankers judging us for our skill levels when it comes to music theory experience, saying the idiots go in one room and the actual decent musicians go in one room.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yeah a drummer would be pissed off at classical, what do you do hit something 3 times a 20 min piece?

by Aggravating-Rip 2 weeks ago

Thank you

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Do you specifically play drums or percussion? Classical music should make you a better musician in theory and being a good musician is better than just being a good drummer. A professional orchestra does multiple performances a week. If you can get your classmates to learn music faster maybe you'll find more performance opportunities

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I play drums. I was in the orchestra at my school but was kicked out for being "too rock focused". I don't want to learn faster I just don't want the contemporary kids to have to do classical, as they dislike it and want to do performance based learning aswell. So I think it's a me problem lol.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Bro plays drums 🤣 hit the stick on the pad when the paper says, youll be ok lil bro. Play Bach or Ravel on Marimba so you can see the beauty of theory

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I dislike sheet music aswell might I add

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago