+24 There are more irrational and insane people walking the streets than there are rational and sane…, amirite?

by Secure-Marketing8094 2 weeks ago

I mean yeah. Most people, including you and me, are irrational to some extend. That does not meant that they are insane though.

by jmoore 2 weeks ago

For example, there are people out there who actually believe that being found not guilty in a court of law does not mean you are innocent of the crime you were accused of. It doesn't. The only thing proven is that the prosecution failed to prove guilty. People are found "not guilty" not "innocent" The majority of people are irrational and insane. I think your example is pretty irrational tbh.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

‘Innocent until proven guilty' is an actual legal principle.

by Secure-Marketing8094 2 weeks ago

In instances where innocence can be easily proven you aren't going to court. ‘Innocent until proven guilty' is a legal principle, but the world isn't a courtroom and it isn't necessarily a social principle. Michael Jackson was never found guilty, I would never have sent my kids for a sleepover at Neverland Ranch.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That's your business. MJ is innocent as far as all charges are concerned.

by Secure-Marketing8094 2 weeks ago

You seem to be using phrases to argue semantics. So long as we are doing that, the legal standard for a criminal trial is "beyond a reasonable doubt." Meaning that the prosecution has to prove that there is no reasonable doubt that you committed the crime. In that sense, a criminal trial proves nothing in a "not guilty" verdict other than the prosecution couldn't definitively prove they did it. Charges are dropped for crimes on a regular basis. Legal mistakes lead to mistrials, juries hang. Here's a fun one. Jury nullification means the jury all agrees you did the crime, but they have no interest in punishing you for it. Not everyone who walks free from court is innocent of the crime.

by alexandrea67 2 weeks ago

Would you be comfortable with a loved one dating a guy that was accused sexual assault multiple times by multiple women but hadn't been found guilty in a court of law?

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yes that is why we have a justice system instead of relying on popular opinion to make judgements.

by Secure-Marketing8094 2 weeks ago

Like some people think Johnny Depp is innocent cuz a jury ruled in his favour in a defamation case, even tho three judges already ruled that he's a violent abuser. That's not rational is it.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

For example, there are people out there who actually believe that being found not guilty in a court of law does not mean you are innocent of the crime you were accused of. I had a hunch this was wrong, does that make me irrational? A not-guilty verdict does not mean that the defendant is innocent, but rather that the prosecution has not met its burden of proving guilt.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I was found not guilty of a (minor) crime I definitely committed. Innocent in the eyes of the lord - guilty in reality. The fact this is the example OP chooses tells me a lot about why they think their (dumb imo) opinion.

by ggutkowski 2 weeks ago

Ok so this is what I'm talking about: So ‘innocent until proven guilty' means what exactly to you?

by Secure-Marketing8094 2 weeks ago

Just so you know, I am not a lawyer. Am I considered irrational for not equating the concept of innocence with the legal distinction of "not guilty"? I feel like you do not like nuances/technicalities.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It has nothing to do with nuance. It is a basic human right. You are innocent of any crime until someone can prove you guilty in a court of law. If you are found not guilty that means you are innocent of the crime you were accused of.

by Secure-Marketing8094 2 weeks ago

OJ Simpson would like to have a word with you. Luigi Manjonine would also like a word with you.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Yes that is a tricky one.

by Secure-Marketing8094 2 weeks ago

Depends how you define "irrational and insane" if you want you can say every single human is unique, and therefore irrational

by Weary_Paint 2 weeks ago

I think you are equating insane with stupid or misinformed or wrong. They are not the same thing. A person can be wrong about something, uninformed, ignorant, stupid, and still be sane. Furthermore a person can be right about something, intelligent, educated, well informed, and also insane. For example, you think that someone struggling to grasp this concept makes them insane. It doesn't, you're wrong about that, but this error doesn't mean you are insane either.

by Hot-Professional5441 2 weeks ago

Regarding your example.. yes LEGALLY you are innocent if a court finds you not guilty, but there are well publicised examples of defendants getting out due to a technicality, or a good lawyer even though it seems overwhelmingly likely they did it. In that case the public is allowed to believe whatever they like, the trial only sorts out the legal outcome, it can't control what people choose to think

by Weary_Paint 2 weeks ago

‘Innocent until proven guilty' is a legal principle.

by Secure-Marketing8094 2 weeks ago

Sure, but you're saying people are insane for not believing it. I'm saying I can see cases where someone gets a not guilty result but some people think they probably aren't innocent. Doesn't make them insane

by Weary_Paint 2 weeks ago

If everyone else is crazy - it's you.

by One-Broccoli 2 weeks ago

I live in London. It's not safe to step outside my house.

by Secure-Marketing8094 2 weeks ago

Found the insane one!

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

People literally eat and drink themselves to death and think they're rational

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

In this era, especially in Europe, you might be right

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

At least you'll find camaraderie with these psychos.

by Limp_Dragonfruit_197 2 weeks ago