+37 "metaphorical" movies being pseudo-intellectual garbage masquerading as "deep cinema", amirite?

by Anonymous 7 hours ago

Do you think Animal Farm is just purely a book about pigs wanting to sleep in the house?

by Jeanette31 6 hours ago

It's a metaphorical story that WORKS because Orwell actually put in the effort to create a coherent universe with consistent rules. The metaphors enhance the story instead of being used as an excuse for lazy writing and plot holes. The pigs don't randomly start growing wings or switching bodies because "symbolism bro." Every event makes logical sense within its own universe.

by Anonymous 6 hours ago

Tell me you got a ‘C-‘ in high school English without telling me you got a ‘C-‘ in high school English.

by Zitarutherford 6 hours ago

That's why my favorite book is Moby Dick. No froufrou symbolism, just a good simple tale about a man who hates an animal.

by Anonymous 6 hours ago