Living a life expecting reciprocity will make you miserable, amirite?
by Anonymous1 month ago
I wish someone had told me this when I was 15 instead of finding out on my own. I'd be much better equipped to deal with life.
by Anonymous1 month ago
I don't do thing for people expecting something in return. So I partly agree. But I think it's little more complicated than that. It's impossible to only give, without receiving anything in return. It's not about not getting a compliment back from one single person. it's about complimenting people for years and realizing no one ever compliments you. It's not about not getting 'How are you?' back once. It's about always being ready to listen to people and having no one who'd listen to you. It's not about expecting reciprocity in one particular instant. It's suddenly realizing that there's pretty much never any reciprocity at all. This too will make you miserable. So I would say that while you really shouldn't expect reciprocity it's also fine to be disappointment if you don't get any. It's okay to tone down your effort or redirect it at those who are willing to give something in return.
by Anonymous 1 month ago
by DueTurnover6591 1 month ago