+22 I think beer is disgusting. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You may very well not like beer, as is your right. However, basing it off of Bud Light is like saying you don't like hamburgers because you ate old bologna one time and it was gross.

by Winona54 1 month ago

"I licked a cows ass one time. I'm pretty sure I don't like the taste of beef"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But the cow wants to be friends….

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Is that why it was backing up into me when I was tongue punching its chocolate starfish?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You could get a good look at a T-bone steak by sticking your head up a cows ass, but, I'd rather take the butchers word for it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Piss water burning in his throat? This guy probably thinks barbecue sauce is too spicy.

by Fun_Independence 1 month ago

To be fair, some people can be allergic to the sulphites in things like wine or beer, and that could be the cause of the burning sensation. Could also be the carbonation.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's also ok to dislike the smell but saying it smells like piss is just weird. It's not an opinion it's just factually false.

by Ladariuskuphal 1 month ago

Well, commercial light beers are mostly flavorless, if he they don't like that beer something stronger like (my favorite) barrel aged stout would not be an upgrade.

by Working-Theory-9466 1 month ago

Yeah, I'll drink pretty much anything except Bud light. Literally the worst.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Eh, the thing is though that if you don't drink beer it's hard to distinguish between 2. Like I can drink a beer that my buddy who doesn't like beer doesn't like and it tastes gross and then when he offers me one that is apparently amazing it tastes basically exactly the same and gross.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Bud Light isn't offensively bad, it's just bland. If you find Budweiser stomach churning then trying something more strongly flavored probably isn't going to help.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My bf gets a beer and every time he says.. " try this one.. it doesn't taste like beer" And every time it still tastes just like beer.

by Old-Goose3660 1 month ago

Beer is def an acquired taste so that sounds accurate

by Anonymous 1 month ago

All alcohol and is lol, I still don't understand the people who drink for the flavor lmao

by No-File 1 month ago

Cocktails absolutely taste great. Especially when you can't taste the alcohol.

by BrushWeird7790 1 month ago

Yes that's just a soda or juice at that point lol

by No_Presentation184 1 month ago


by Idenesik 1 month ago

I feel like with some mixed drinks you can't even taste the alcohol sometimes lol sometimes it just taste like juice or if blended just a smoothie

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My brothers have done this for years, and I'll always try it. They're not all the same but they all share a couple horrible qualities that I can't ignore.

by Putrid_Promise 1 month ago

Haha I do this with my mom- "you'll like this one". She doesn't

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's funny because this is the way I feel about wine and spirits. I like beer best because I can appreciate the differences between beers more.

by lrath 1 month ago

You should try sour beer then, it's certainly not for everyone, but it truly doesn't taste like beer. I suggest some variation of the belgian Lambic, Kriek is personally my favourite, it might be hard to come by depending on where you live, and it's certainly on the expensive side for beer, but man if it tastes good.

by Willmsweston 1 month ago

I'll be happy to tell my gf she's not the only one that goes through this πŸ˜‚

by Superb-Worth 1 month ago

So did I, for years. Turned out I just hadn't found a beer I liked.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Aye same, it just needs fruity flavor and not be called.beer

by Electronic-Sail-7411 1 month ago

Hey, I can relate! I used to hate coffee until I discovered iced lattes. :)

by Anonymous 1 month ago

"I hated coffee until i added a bunch of sugar, cream, and flavorings" LOL sorry but that's not liking coffee

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's still coffee flavored, it doesn't matter what but the foundation is coffee and sorry to burst your bubble but it still is a coffee taste. Not everything is black and white in the degree of strength of coffee Just because I don't eat straight up fried chicken from a bucket doesn't mean I can't say I like chicken with a bun and cheese Is that bad? No, I still can say I like chicken. I love my pure espresso drinks and my black iced or hot coffee… but Don't be a weird person and bash someone else just because they don't like coffee straight. That's weird behavior and off putting gatekeeping as if you're some coffee God. Relax a little big guy

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The first time I drank a beer it tasted like the fermented leftover soup

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That's normal, people actually enjoy it for some reason. Beats me why.

by BrushWeird7790 1 month ago

Because it's delicious, incredibly diverse, really nuanced, and contains flavor elements you're otherwise unlikely to find in your food. There's nothing quite like a nice, well-paired sandwich and beer on a hot day after a long run.

by claudine78 1 month ago

Man, more power to ya, Alcohol immediately makes any day a nightmare for me, lmao Sweaty and hot and you can't remember anything that happens

by Inside_Assignment394 1 month ago

That's ok. It's not for everyone. I will say though, full bodied beers are definitely better than light ones.

by Worried-Rutabaga-652 1 month ago

Coronas are good at a Mexican restaurant with salt and lime! πŸ‹β€πŸŸ©

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Lime makes it good - I like Dos Equis amber with lime. So good.

by New-Letterhead 1 month ago

If you really wanna try something fun, chuck a yakult in there as well. It's surprisingly pretty good, in embarrassed to say

by claudine78 1 month ago

Beer not tasting good is such a popular opinion though

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It really isn't, it's just a frequent "unpopular opinion" because the people who don't like it are very vocal.

by Odd-Purple24 1 month ago

For some people, beer just ain't it. Cheap, expensive, dark, light, amber, IPA, Pale Ale ... doesn't matter. It's beer. Perhaps this is you, and if so, there are plenty of other options for you if you feel like drinking. However, don't base your conclusion on your Bud Lite experience. That's the quintessential "quantity over quality" choice. Again, no sweat if you just don't like it, but IF there's part of you that enjoys the social aspect of sharing a round or two, don't be deterred from trying quality options.

by Asleep-Dingo6836 1 month ago

For me it's the hops. I hate it as badly as I hate truffle flavour and believe you me I won't like anything with even a tiny bit of truffle in it.

by BrushWeird7790 1 month ago

And it certainly doesn't help that breweries LOVE making IPAs

by Asleep-Dingo6836 1 month ago

Bud light is the easiest to get into beer. As a beer lover myself everything else isn't going to change a non beer lover to be a beer lover. You gotta just get through it and see if you end up liking it

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I hate the taste of all alcohol unless it's a fruity drink that you can't even identify the alcohol in

by Renneremmitt 1 month ago

That's rough OP. Nothing better than a heady brew after a long day's work.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

OP says beer is disgusting, only tried one horrible beer brand. There are many types of beer, IPAs, stouts, porters, lagers, pilsner, and there are even specialty beers which can be as mild as a pumpkin beer or a cherry ale, to something as wild as a pizza beer. If you don't like beer flavor I highly suggest fruit infused beers like a summer shandy or a berry weis. If you like coffee, I highly suggest a porter or a stout, seeing as they have intense coffee flavors. If all this is still too much, remember that beer drinking is not required in life. You can always enjoy a nice cocktail. Even a sprite with some cherry or peach syrup in it is a good mocktail if you decide not to drink at all, which is equally fine.

by AskSignificant1070 1 month ago

Some of the people suggesting guiness is hilarious to me. If he doesn't like BL he won't like heavy beer as a starter

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Def an acquired taste for sure I like beer a lot more compared to when I was 18-20 the more you do drink it though the better it starts to taste especially when you're actually having good beer

by Anonymous 1 month ago

A lot of people actually don't like the taste of beer, I wouldn't say it's an unpopular opinion. It's grows on you though, for some people at least. I didn't like it at first but do now, some beers definitely are better than others.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The smell of lukewarm spilt beer lingering in a pub or room really is hideous.

by InvestigatorLow 1 month ago

Which beer don't you like? Lagers? Porters? Stouts? Ales? IPAs? Bitters? Sours? I'm sure I'm forgetting at least a few.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Even people who enjoy beer and enjoy bud light think bud light also tastes like piss. I'll still drink it though, as I do enjoy beer.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If bud light is the only beer you tried and you already think it's stomach turning and burning, you don't need to try any other beer in your life. I enjoy beer and live in the region with the most breweries on earth and I can tell you bud light is basically water to a normal beer enjoyer. Normal beer would make you puke instantly, I think.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah, people say "try a better beer" are kinda missing the mark I think. OP clearly has some sort of problem with or reaction to beer. If it was just tasting bad, maybe a higher quality beer would do it. But if it's viscerally disgusting, maybe it's best to put down the beers for a while and pick up a nice cider or something for yourself instead when the boys come around. Tastes can change over time, but I there's no need to force it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That's funny, I'm a huge beer drinker and the exact opposite...love my pils and amber ales but porters or things like Guinness are impossible for me haha...funny how we all just have unique tastes

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Have you tried any good German or Czech pilsners? They're wildly different than what the big domestics call a Pilsner

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I haven't tried any German or Czech ones but I do have a soft spot for Carlsburg which is Danish.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If you ever want to try a Pilsner again, Bitburger and Pilsner Urquell are two that are readily available and I like a lot.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Did you just say "pilsner" and "Bud Light" in one sentence??? Joking with the tone, but seriously, whatever large US breweries produce is not pilsner. I'd even be hesitant to call it beer, since they use corn and other stuff that has no place in beer. From the Czech Republic with love

by rathkaci 1 month ago

Ahh you're right BL is a lager, but I don't like either. Someone else recommended to check out some Czech beers so I'm pretty excited to try! Do you have a favorite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Pilsner is a type of lager 😊 Czech beers are mostly pilsners or pale lagers. Beer is part of our culture, we enjoy going to a pub with a few friends and have a good time without getting too drunk, so you won't find many double IPAs and similar here. If you don't like lagers, you may want to check out Belgian beers; they have a tradition of monastery breweries, every one is different. They drink beer more like wine. As for what is my favourite, I like small breweries. There are several beer festivals here in the summer, where there are 20+ breweries with several beers each - ales, IPAs, summer ales, sours, you name it. As for the big breweries, I like Radegast, especially their Ratar (lager, 43 IBU).

by rathkaci 1 month ago

I usually drink traditional English ales, but Pilsner Urquell from the tank poured the Czech way is the best beer in the world.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Lol at bubbling and burning. Have you not had pop before? Also, it's because you started with Bud Light. Try some craft beer.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That's because Bud Light does taste like piss. Go to Germany and try local beer there. It's like a different world

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Or Belgium. We in the Czech Republic have the best pilsners, but if you prefer heavier beers and more variety, that would be Belgium.

by rathkaci 1 month ago

Absolutely love Belgian beer. Never been to the country though

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The closer to water the better beer tastes to me. It's still worse than water but at least it's not as awful as many others.

by BrushWeird7790 1 month ago

I never drank it for the taste, but I'm also the type of person who shouldn't drink.

by Majestic_Contact 1 month ago

Is that you, paper Mario?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Bud light? That's only considered to be beer in the US

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Another man's loss is another man's gain. More beer for me

by welchstephany 1 month ago

I regret spending 20 years in my younger days to drinking this bland, wet bread smelling dross. If I could go back in time and tell my teenager self one thing it would be to walk straight past the cartons of beer and into the rum section after reading a tiki book. Being an Australian beer is a national staple and if you don't enjoy it you basically get ostracized. Wasted so many nights out on the stuff.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It could be dependent upon the beer but a lot of beers mostly light beers all taste the same to me anyways. Like a slightly bitter sweet and sour walnut apple juice. I absolutely love Miller high Life better than Bud light. The worst beer I had was a Budweiser. Anything Bud is trash. It's basically for people who don't like the taste of beer and just want to get something cheap to get drunk

by Dachlonnie 1 month ago

Light beer would be best if poured back into the horse.

by Benjaminmraz 1 month ago

I'm with you beer looks, smells, and tastes like straight horse piss.

by Acceptable_Rush 3 weeks ago

That's commercial American beer. Try a microbrew for much better taste or a good European one. Much better

by SilverNose 3 weeks ago

Well yeah, bud light tastes like piss. Like 90% of beer Will taste better than that

by Careful_Road6134 3 weeks ago

I'd say beer is just generally a more bitter drink than a lot of stuff we have, but as someone who generally doesn't like a lot of mainstream light beers I totally understand you. I personally have found it easier for me to start out branching into more craft beers but that's just because I HATE almost every mainstream light beer, which sucks because they're at most functions. PBR, Mich Ultra, Miller, Bud, etc -- they all taste similar (and bad), plus they're like 4 percent so you hardly get a buzz. I started only liking some ciders, then some Belgian whites, ales, and now I like the occasional stout. But I also have been working bars for a few years and just try them as part of my job, so it's more likely for it to grow on me.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I live in the city where Stella originates from and I can tell you that I enjoyed stella0% the most out of the 7 beers I tasted at the Stella factory after the tour. All on tap, a mix of colours. And I still disliked that one as well.

by BrushWeird7790 3 weeks ago

same for me, it tastes like medicine. Sometimes I wonder why some people likes to drink it

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I do agree with you, beer is objectively not good tasting. But after years and years of forcing myself to drink beers in highschool and college, at a certain point I took my first sip of an ice cold light beer on a hot ass day and it tasted incredible. Ever since then I've greatly enjoyed the taste and refreshing feeling. It's definitely an acquired taste.

by Responsible-Fuel5945 3 weeks ago

Yeah, I feel like most people acquire the beer taste chugging it at parties or in college and then don't have to worry about it much later

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Agreed, I'm not much of a drinker in general but beer has always been gross, and I've had enough people buy me all kinds of beers and flights and whatnot that Stockholm Syndrome would have kicked in if I found a beer I tolerated lol. I'll stick with fruity drinks, mojitos, and Malort tyvm

by Recent_Ask 3 weeks ago

It's an acquired taste, and positive memories like fun with friends help reinforce it. If you drink beer and have the time of your life, you will like the taste of beer. If you drink beer and get violently Ill, you probably won't like the taste.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I tried for years to acquire the taste of beer. Never happened lol.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

When i drink a very cold one, it's the shiver down my spine, just sets me into relaxation. Feels great

by welchstephany 3 weeks ago

I've never understood this whole "acquired taste" thing. Why would you force yourself to drink something you don't like just to get used to it? I've enjoyed beer from the first sip. Black coffee too.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I've always liked beer since my dad used to let me have a sip of his lager. As a child wine tasted like vinegar to me, but one day in my 20s I tried a red wine with some steak and it tasted incredible. Tastebuds must change with age. Sweet flavours as a child, more bitter flavours as an adult.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yeah your tastebuds change, that's not the same as acquired taste imo.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Maybe the real beer was the friends we made along the way

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Liquor is also disgusting, but you don't have to drink as much of it to feel good.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Bud light is probably the worst possible beer to base your judgement of the entire category on. I'd suggest to try a couple if you otherwise enjoy alcohol - if not, that's ok too.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I agree lol.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm not a beer guy, tried in my younger years. I found wheat beer most tolerable followed ironically by cheap stuff like MGD or Sapporo lol. Anything "hoppy" to me was extremely bitter and terrible. No clue why people like it but to each their own. I'm a sake guy and bourbon as a close second.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You might be drinking too much beer if your piss smells like beer.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I kinda feel like it's gross but I also like it at the same time, no idea why

by Less-Marionberry 3 weeks ago


by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Nah, it's cool, I've just been drinking some, it hits different when you ain't had any for a long time. It probably depends on what beer suits you.

by Evametz 3 weeks ago

I mean it's not for everyone. But I live in Wisconsin and have had good beers. I don't really like beer hangovers either but they are way less worse than say Vodka or Wine hangovers.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Agreed. It's nasty.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I like beer... Bud Light is disgusting. Not what I would base my beer preferences on.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Nothing like a cold Indio Beer. Bud light is ass though.

by Quitzonfermin 3 weeks ago

yes it is disgusting

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I love the taste of beer.. But not just any beer. It has to be Corona, with salt, and lime. Especially on a hot summer day in Texas.. it's the best! It's not for everyone though.. It's definitely an aquired taste. Takes me back to having a couple beers with my dad every Friday night. A lot of good memories, as it goes down smooth.

by Same_Birthday_4956 3 weeks ago

I love beer in ways that are probably illegal in most southern states

by Gislasonkimberl 3 weeks ago

Yes, anything not sweet or salty is usually an acquired taste for most people because they're not exposed to bitter, sour, or umami very often. Honestly, I just kept drinking or eating those things until they grew on me and now I like them. Also, bud light (bud anything tbh) is generally considered piss beer.

by Hauckleonard 3 weeks ago

I wholeheartedly agree! I used to be a bartender in my early 20s and we had about 40-50 tap beers. I got curious and tried the most ordered ones and was disgusted lol. Biggest disappointment was Guinness bc it tasted like mulch. I then tried all the other beers and only was mildly okay with two.

by Worldly-Check 3 weeks ago

Same. Never required the taste. Don't really want to after trying marijuana. Way better

by Glass-Demand5060 3 weeks ago

I disagree with your opinion. I think you like beer.

by shaynadickinson 3 weeks ago

I like that you went for "I don't like X" rather than "X is TRASH anyone who likes it is pretending!"

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Bud Light is a joke among beer drinkers. I mean i don't like beer either - I've tried great brands, even Guiness with lime, but I've never met anyone who gets Bud Light. Or even Bud for that matter except in college.

by Successful-Media 3 weeks ago

People have different taste buds, as simple as that. That said there is some variety to beer, Bud Light for example is a diet lager. You might try something like a stout or an ale, maybe something with some spices or any other type of flavor to it. Or you might just hate all beer, in which case stick to what you like.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I was the same until I tried blonde beer. Game changer!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Beer is quite a wide range of drinks. Basing it off of bud light is like saying you don't like meat because you once had old spam. Even people who enjoy beer, such as myself, don't like all types of beer

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

If you didn't know Bud Light's smell is that of cat pee so you have to try other brands/flavours.

by Nicolasverdie 3 weeks ago

One down, thousands to go. Come back when you have a lot of those other ones tried. Lots of people who love beer hate Bud Lite. You could be one of them. Get going on those other beers.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Immature take

by HabitWild372 3 weeks ago

If anyone thinks beer smells.like piss, then they have a yeast infection.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I used to like all sorts of beers including bud lights to hipster microbrews and could drink a lot of them. Now I might occasionally take one or two sips of a cold beer and call it good. I can't stand when beer gets warm, I hate beer breath, and don't like burping my beer breath all over .

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I LOVE beer. Love it, but you won't catch me drinking a bud light. That's yuck.

by mertzshanon 3 weeks ago

Weheinstephaner Hefe 😎

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I've never really liked beer (lager) smells like BO

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Why drink beer when white liquor and seltzer keeps you skinny

by Amaliamcculloug 3 weeks ago

Please don't judge beer off of Bud Light. There are so many styles of beer, maybe just try a few before you give up on it. When a beer hits right, oh man, there just aren't many better things.

by Smart_Midnight_3136 3 weeks ago

Its something that if you drink enough of it, it'll grow on you

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Bud light is the trashiest of trash beer. However as someone who has tried many many beers. They are all disgusting to me. The "best" ones I have had are from Brazil the fruit flavored ones are palpable. Stick to mixed drinks. Get the girliest looking one. Those drinks are awesome. Also beer fills me up and makes my stomach upset so I really avoid beer.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Beer is fairly good

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

So you're equating one beer to all beer? Also this isn't an unpopular opinion.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

This isn't an unpopular opinion. 98% of the people who drink beer wouldn't drink it if it didn't have alcohol. It's the most notorious "learn to like it" drink on the planet.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Aside from your right not to enjoy what you don't like, burning sensation? Are you sure your problem isn't with fizzy drinks themselves because that doesn't quite sound right

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Bud Light 🀣

by Baumbachdamon 3 weeks ago

What's incredible about beer is like wine, there are several tastes and flavors in the mouth that you have to appreciate, maybe try a beer with more character than it's water-based beer

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I personally think lager tastes like fizzy piss, no matter which one you try. However, I'm absolutely fine with stout and most ales. Have you tried either of these types of beer?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago


by Jenkinsbrielle 3 weeks ago

My mom always called it panther piss.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I tried some toilet wine from jail, I must not like wine. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

All beer is gross IMO

by Former-Philosophy 3 weeks ago

Beer is an acquired taste. It's weird. I didn't like beer until it was just like, magically, one day I did. Although, don't be afraid to try things. Bud light is terrible beer, but I would recommend a good Grain Belt Premium or something. Do NOT get IPAs or anything described as "hoppy" if you're trying to learn to like beer.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Acquired taste. First I hated it, then started liking it, now I'm just meh about it and will always pick wine instead if it's available or appropriate.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Exactly same I hate it

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'll one up you. No alcohol tastes good to me, period. I've tried red wines, white wines, beers, mixed fruity drinks, margaritas, mead, hard liquor, etc. It all tastes awful to me.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I love the taste of beer, yet I also think Bud light tastes disgusting and smells like piss. Before you write off beer, maybe try one that isn't piss water.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I completely understand not liking beer, everyone has different tastes, but I dont get how people complain that it smells like piss ? It can look like piss but it sure as hell doesn't smell like it.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Try a refreshing luke warm Natty Daddy. 8% and cheap.

by ProcedureLow6664 3 weeks ago

Well American beer is piss

by Safe_Efficiency 3 weeks ago

I agree but I'm a woman so I think it's more acceptable for me to hate it. My husband hates it too, preferring fruit ciders, wine, cocktails etc and sometimes other guys mock him for it πŸ™„πŸ˜‚

by Zestyclose-Fudge 3 weeks ago

No one drinks beer for the taste kiddo

by Esther89 3 weeks ago

You gotta learn to like it drink a few and overtime you will enjoy it

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Bud Light lol. Might be worth trying a beer that isn't piss water

by Distinct_Natural_199 3 weeks ago

Have you tried different kinds? I love a good stout and lager but can't stand a Belgian-White. Also, Bud Light is low-tier beer

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Bud light is piss

by myrticetoy 3 weeks ago

It is disgusting

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Try an ale. Ale is a real beer, not all this lager crap

by LastFrosting 3 weeks ago

To so grossly generalize all beer under the umbrella of Bud Light and then to use that as the foundation of your opinion without thinking for one moment, "maybe I don't have enough a sample size to really draw any conclusions about this" is so laughably ignorant that I have to assume you're 14 years old.

by claudine78 3 weeks ago

This is an unpopular opinion?

by Dry_Sun 3 weeks ago

You should try some other beers. Better beers. Try some microbrews or anything where the biggest size it comes in is a 4 or 6 pack. Try some different kinds of beers like stouts. It took me like 10 years to figure this out, but I like beer, just not cheap beer. You might be the same way.

by aondricka 3 weeks ago

to each their own but you should try doing a full day of outdoor manual labor with very little to eat or drink and then crack open a cold one and see how you feel

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Beer tastes like oozing puss drained from a tumor. Even just the smell turns my stomach.

by Weird_Two1826 3 weeks ago