+20 Bride's shouldn't care if someone wears white to their wedding. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But here's the problem. Everybody is talking about this person or giving them dirty looks, when instead they should be talking about the bride and giving her fond looks. It's taking the attention away from the bride, and I think they have every reason to feel some type of way about that

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You have to be delusional to think that people would take even a second to admire anything when they can gossip about the attendee wearing white so brazenly instead. It's rude, and it absolutely takes away from the bride. And that's worthy of being upset over 🤷🏼‍♀️

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Cool! I'm glad to hear you're not a jerk! That can't be said about everyone though. There's always going to be bad apples in the crowd

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Brides should absolutely care if someone is trying to up them in the looks department. They are spending their time and money to invite this person only for the person to try to look better then them. Weddings don't need a dresscode to tell the guests not to wear white it's common courtesy and respect.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

this is why it's an unpopular opinion but I honestly think NO ONE can upstage a bride.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I do, too, and hence the take that the bride shouldn't care....

by Anonymous 1 month ago

no noone can upstage the bride, but thats not the point the point is it is disrespectful. The bride and groom put their effort into planning this day to celebrate their special day with friends and family. What about if someone proposes at the wedding? should the bride not care?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This is why it's an unpopular opinion but I also wouldn't have cared if someone proposed at my wedding because it's my close family and friends, it would be more of a reason to celebrate.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Ok, let me ask it this way, by throwing this person out or spilling wine on that person, what are you achieving?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I would definitely distance myself from them after the wedding but at the moment wouldn't give a damn..... If you didn't give a damn you would congratulate, and not distance yourself. So seems like there is some care there. Make your mind up op. Should the bride not care or care?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But by caring about what someone is wearing to their wedding and being upset about it, the brides are kinda ruining the wedding day experience for themselves....I would rather they enjoy the fruits of their labor to the fullest

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But isn't it better if there isn't a problem they need to ignore to begin with, and it's not like everybody even has ability to ignore someone doing something that annoys them.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But you cannot control everything on your wedding day! There is bound to be something or someone who is upset you and ruin your day....so not caring is pretty fail proof...

by Anonymous 1 month ago

not caring is fool proof? So the year+ of effort, money spent and planning this wedding they should just not care that someone disrespects them and tries to outdo them? If you aren't going to care might as well get married at the courthouse and invite noone.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Guests should not wear the color the bride is wearing unless the bride specifically told them too.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Which is what I am saying in the 2nd paragraph....it is a faux pas

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My rule is if you're wearing white and not the bride, you will also soon be wearing a cup of wine i spilled by accident.

by beahanluigi 1 month ago

See this also takes away from the bride when you can just kick the person out

by Fit_Temporary 1 month ago


by beahanluigi 1 month ago

But why....I would rather they are ignored....by not giving them attention you kinda diffuse their entire purpose behind pulling that stunt

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I would rather they learn a lesson and maybe be a better person in the future by experiencing direct disdain and shame

by beahanluigi 1 month ago

Your ignorance about social cues doesn't justify defending poor social etiquette.

by beahanluigi 1 month ago

I just wish I could care about something so vapid.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

And I wish you understood common social norms, but here we are.

by beahanluigi 1 month ago

I disagree on letting them into the venue but I also don't think it's the brides job to address that

by Fit_Temporary 1 month ago

I won't care cause I don't plan on wearing white.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I agree except if somebody other than the bride shows up wearing an actual wedding dress then I think it's crossing the line. This happened at my wedding, my dad showed up wearing a white wedding dress with a veil and long train and everyone was like wtf dude

by Less_Yam6737 1 month ago

Are you Chandler 🤔 Sorry for the joke, and I am sorry that must have been awful.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

We dont wear white to our weddings....our weddings don't have any dress code/ color code as such...

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Does the bride care? If the bride cares they should not wear white. The default position should be only the bride wears white though. I went to a wedding once where all guests and groom wore white and the bride alone was in a green dress. I think you're premise is faulty a bit it's not that white is an important color on its own, it's that it is the culturally common color so by default most brides want to be the only one wearing that. If they want to do something else that is entirely their decision. I think you agree with this position though so I'm not even sure what you're arguing for?

by Desperate_Egg 1 month ago

I don't really care about the color white... and the brides wishes / decision should be absolutely upheld. But if someone is sneaky and does come to the venue wearing white and the bride / groom does not have a way or want to throw that person out...not caring is the best option.....

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Nah. Kick em out if theyre going to be disrespectful. I'm not paying $140 for someone to come and disrespect my wife in a room full of friends and family. GTFO.

by damon41 1 month ago

Great if you can do that without causing a scene and ruining your / wife's mood. There will always be people to advocate for the perp there, and do you really want to deal with people pressuring you to allow someone to attend your wedding when you should be relaxed and enjoying your wedding

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That's what the wedding party/ venue staff are for. I see someone rolling up in white. I let the venue know to turn them away or I ask my groomsmen to deal with it quietly.

by damon41 1 month ago

I think people should care about less things in general. Let assholes be assholes and move on.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

100% this, I can't image being hung up on what someone wore on my wedding day. I was just focused on the day!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

There's no way I'd wear white even to my own wedding, not only would I look like a giant doily, I'd spill something down my dress as soon as I would put it on I've always dreamed of getting married in a sleeveless green velvet dress, like I used to wear in my 20s

by Judy54 1 month ago

that would be pretty for sure!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Wow....good for you....I hope you find the dress of your dreams!!!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

With gloves and a beehive Oh I don't want to get married, I just want an excuse to wear a fancy dress

by Judy54 1 month ago

I mean, unless there's some all-white dress code or it's a multicoloured affair like an Indian wedding, it's just stupidly bad form to wear white to someone else's wedding. Literally anyone old enough to dress themselves for a formal event knows this, so if they show up in white, it's all ferda drama... which, at my wedding, would just be a few minutes of her sitting on the curb for however long her Uber took to show up. ✌

by Silver-Home-1621 1 month ago

Agreed....so since the person did it maliciously, everyone will know how petty they are.... when the bride does not react to their pettiness shows how little that person matters and their whole act falls flat in my opinion. The bride should absolutely distance herself for this individual, but doing it on the wedding day mars their day....

by Anonymous 1 month ago

How about we let the bride and groom decide what to worry about at their own wedding?

by fparker 1 month ago


by Anonymous 1 month ago

So what if everyone had this attitude and like 70% of the guests chose to come in white, for example

by ZookeepergameAny9130 1 month ago

I have heard stories of MIL's doing this on purpose and I still wouldn't care if she did. I couldn't care less if guests wore white... especially in the summer!! It's a great colour, all attention will still be on the bride. Just remember why wedding dresses are white - for virginity it's archaic, get over it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago