+31 Getting bald is not the end of the world, amirite?

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

I acknowledged defeat at the age of 30, shaved it off, moved on. I don't care. What helped - being told years ahead by my parents that chances of that happening are pretty high considering family dna. What doesn't help - male baldness being one of the last widely accepted and even encouraged excuse for body shaming, especially by women. You get all sorts of vile personality traits somehow linked to that to form an insult.

by No_Nebula 1 month ago

Balding is the second worst form of socially acceptable body shaming directed at men.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Heights probably 1st right? Then balding and 3rd maybe rod size?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I forgot about height. I'm 6'2 so don't need to worry about that one.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Must be nice huh. I love being 5'4 /s

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It is but my cock is tiny so it evens out

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Midget. I'm 6'3

by Anonymous 1 month ago

*Clears throat* I'm much taller!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Hi Mich Taller, I'm dad

by Anonymous 1 month ago

All forms of body shaming towards men are accepted. I gained some weight a few years back and even the pastor of my church said something about it in front of everyone as we exited the church after Sunday service.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

first one is being short

by Responsible-Let8069 1 month ago

Yep. And height is number 3.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

what helped - being told years ahead by my parents that chances of that happening are pretty high considering family dna. I had the opposite. My great grandma would tell me at 7 that since my hair is very thick I'd never go bald. Turns out that wasn't a very scientific assessment. πŸ˜‚ never met bio dad or either biograndad to know if they also were bald or not. Either way I laugh now thinking about how she used to say I'd never lose my hair.

by Civil_Appointment643 1 month ago

Everyone thinks they don't have the right head shape. It's just because you're not used to seeing yourself bald. I'm sure your head is shaped fine

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm losing my hair. I don't want to lose my hair. I don't think I should have to accept that I'm losing my hair. In fact, I absolutely hate that I'm losing my hair. So, with respect, I disagree with you. Going bald sucks

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If you want to torture yourself for a bunch of hair go for it. This is an unpopular opinion after all.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

What's your hair situation?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Oh... oh god. I should have just taken your word for it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yes, stay afraid of losing hair.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago


by Anonymous 1 month ago


by TableOne9782 1 month ago


by Anonymous 1 month ago

Honestly, you roasted me well. I like you. πŸ˜‚

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

I still have it but I tried the bald style before and it wasn't a disaster even people are just shocked for a couple of days then forget about it.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

There's a difference when you have a choice and when you unwilling get something taken from you.

by No_Assignment_1501 1 month ago

Exactly! I don't want to go bald, but because of bad genetics I've been cursed with it. Just because I can't change it doesn't mean I have to like it. In fact I am super jealous of those who have a full head of hair yet choose to shave it all off. I really hate it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I think you'd think differently if you were facing baldness. Imagine never being able to style your hair again, to try our different hairstyles, etc. It's not just "a bunch of hair." It's a fundamental part of human culture and appearance, and losing it is disconcerting.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Some people don't like watching themselves get uglier

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Bald is not ugly.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

nobody who has hair wants to be bald

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Doesn't mean it's ugly.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

Just semantics at this point. Undesirable, ugly, whatever. It's a negative. Not a positive. And not neutral. It's okay for plenty of people, but it sucks for plenty as well. Having hair doesn't suck for anyone.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

just very undesirable

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It can be tough to cope with not looking the same anymore. I like how I look with my hair - hard to imagine myself bald. It's not that complicated of a concept.

by lemkecorbin 1 month ago

Damn bro πŸ‘Š

by Proud_Support_4997 1 month ago

Odd I'd see this right before going in for a hair transplant. Oh well, I'm getting my hair back.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The last sentence is hilarious.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

It's a lot easier if you can grow a beard and have a decent head shape. I think I'd be a lot more bummed otherwise

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I started losing mine in the back, when I was 26. Worse yet, someone had to tell me about it. I didn't have it super-long, but enough so that I could just put some gel in, muss it up, and that was how it looked for the day. I was bitter about it for a while. But these days, I just shave my head. I'll go over it with the skull shaver, every three days.

by Hot-Echo-2504 1 month ago

I feel sad for people who view life this way. There is a lot more to life than looking good enough to attract attention.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

Perhaps I explained incorrectly. It's less about "looking good enough to attract attention" and more about being defined by a thing that was not one's choosing and is seen pejoratively overall. When I was in 6th grade, there was a girl who had her first period during history class one day. She, understandably, freaked out, and it was a big scene. That was what she was known for until her family moved away. That really sucked for her. Would she have divided her life into the time before and after? Probably. I'm sure everyone knows someone who is defined by such a thing in the minds of their peers. It doesn't mean that they themselves define themselves thusly. But, as we are social animals, such involuntary definitions do diminish us noticeably.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

In my opionion it really depends on your "face type". Some people can get a great bald look, sometimes even a better one than with hair. Others are just not built for it, and in those cases balding can absolutely be quite devastating.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah definitely, if you can grow good facial hair you can somewhat balance it out as well, but if you can't grow decent facial hair and you have a pretty weak chin/jawline it's hard to make work, the fully bald and clean face only really works if have solid facial features otherwise you end up looking like a egg. Even worse as well of you're as pasty white as can be. The tan/darker the skin tone the easier to pass off bald

by evekilback 1 month ago

It's not the end of the world but it is annoying when you have hair you can do whatever you want with and then that is taken away from you. I don't mind being bald but losing the option to grow hair completely is just annoying.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You didn't mention gender. Does your statement apply to women as well?

by Civil_Appointment643 1 month ago

Nope, not a problem.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

Completely agree. My case isn't that severe but if I have to shave it I'll just do it. No need to make a fuss about it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I know this isn't really about women. But as a woman who's pretty much always had long hair, I wouldn't feel like myself, and I'd feel extremely uncomfortable without it. Especially at first I'd look in the mirror and see someone I am not familiar with. It very much does feel like a part of me, so I can understand why men might get upset about it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It would be the loss of choice for me. I'm in my 30s and have a full head of hair that's beginning to reach my shoulders (currently growing it out), but I've also rocked a buzz cut many times before. I've even bicced it all the way down to the skin before. I know I can pull off being bald and I wouldn't be worried about people finding me attractive or not (Again, I know that I can rock a bald head). I wouldn't even be able to do one of those "Finally shaving it off/Seeing myself bald for the first time" videos because I've shaved it off many times before, but it was by choice and not by necessity. I like being able to choose. Imagine you enjoyed styling yourself and then someone told you that for the rest of your life, you had to wear the exact same outfit every day. Might be an outfit that you like and look good in, but I think a lot of people would be sad at the loss of choice and the ability to change things up when you feel like it.

by mariano67 1 month ago

Have you ever lost a limb? Didn't think so. If you had you'd understand that going bald is much, much worse.

by metzcraig 1 month ago

You're not the brightest crayon in the box, are you son?

by metzcraig 1 month ago

What about you?

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

Sorry but If people around you start treating you differently because of a bald head then you're surrounded by shallow people.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

Surprise, looks matter and people in their early 20s can be really shallow. I was being hyperbolic, but it is a terrible experience. Same way that people treat fat girls like crap or really short guys like crap. People past 27 or so care way less because they expect men to go bald by their 30s. But very few people expect a 20 year old to start losing hair.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yep, this is definitely an unpopular opinion

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yes, it is

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

I'm desperately holding on to my retreating hairline, I wouldn't be so concerned about being bald but I have a gigantic mole on the back of my head.

by Lumpy_Buffalo_8105 1 month ago

It's definitely brutal when you see a guy hanging on way beyond the expiration date. But I get it, people can be pretty unkind to somebody who's bald. It's not something to be embarrassed about, but a lot of people will say a lot of bad things to embarrass you.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

People who treat someone less kindly for being bald are incredibly stupid and shallow.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

can't wait until my lover goes bald and i bang on his head like a bongo drum πŸ₯

by Ok_West 1 month ago


by TableOne9782 1 month ago

I agree. I've lived in a nursing home since I was 27 and at various times over the last seven years I've decided that my hair is the last thing I want to worry about so I've just shaved it off. The way some of the old people, especially fellow women, act as though I have personally stabbed them and all of women-kind in the heart is insane. It's just hair, and I'd rather be bald than greasy and matted or else spending $80 a month at the on-site beauty parlour the way some of them do.

by Smart_Working_7373 1 month ago

You have my respect

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

You're correct, it's just the end of the hair

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If you're a woman it kind of is.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Looks good enough

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

The title says that it's okay to be bald not that it's not okay to keep your hair. I'm not shaming anyone.

by TableOne9782 1 month ago

If you're not going bald yourself, it really doesn't matter what you think on this. If you don't know what it feels like, you have no right to judge, or to tell someone else that losing a major part of their physical identity "isn't the end of the world."

by Difficult_Hawk_5268 1 month ago

not sure if this is comforting, but a bald head with just even a little bit of facial hair makes most men and women drool b/c its so sexy balding is not the end of the world, in fact...it may just be the beginning

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You're missing some key details there about what adds to the drooling

by evekilback 1 month ago

This. Being a confident baldie is much better than being an insecure balding man. You just gotta get in shape. Cant afford to be bald and obese. Would I prefer to keep my hair? Absolutely. But when the time finally comes, Im not looking back.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I actually keep my hair as short as possible. It's thick enough that it's hard to clean if it gets too long. If I went bald I would be super happy.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Nah some people just look… not good. I'm gonna look like an evil Roman senator. Lumpy head, Roman nose, strong brow ridge. My dad looks like he's angry unless he's smiling. When he's smiling he looks like he just found out Julius Caesar was murdered

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah some people look like serial killers that are also pedophiles. Other people look really good. I think keeping a beard helps. The people on the registrys don't usually have decent beards.

by Civil_Appointment643 1 month ago

I have trichtillomania, and even though I can grow a solid beard I can't keep it to save my life. Nice and thick and reddish blonde and… inevitably gets a half dollar sized hole in the chin from plucking :/

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yeah, I agree.

by TableOne9782 3 weeks ago

That's the positive attitude I'm talking about.

by TableOne9782 3 weeks ago

The thing is, you're talking about something that occurs over the course of years. Often, it coincides with getting older and sometimes getting out of shape. So it's not just the hair, you're losing your looks overall.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm kinda looking forward to it to be honest. I've got some thinning going on, and I'm sure I'll get there eventually. I get a haircut three or four times a year and it's always a pain. I've never enjoyed it at all. During the pandemic I didn't cut my hair for almost three years and it was wonderful. But now I have in-person meetings and events again, womp womp. Mine is going in the front, so I can't wait until I can just go full Ben Franklin! I'm gonna look like $100, literally.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I think it depends a lot on what community you grew up in too. In black communities, baldness isn't really treated with disdain. In fact, the men who try to hold on to the little bit of hair they got tend to be seen as weird I just don't understand why so many men are scared of getting bald. Half of y'all look more ridiculous holding on to that small patch of hair on the side of y'all heads than if you just accept it and just embrace the baldness

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

That's societies beauty standards for ya

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Why should I let something like that control me if I look presentable?

by TableOne9782 3 weeks ago

I'm saying society is stupid and incorrect about what it says is attractive and what men and women are suppose to do in order to be seen as attractive or socially acceptable

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

My ex was really insecure about losing his hair but I've seen pictures of him with hair and tbh he looks better without

by Nigel34 3 weeks ago

The bald look fits 99% of men without issue. Loosing our hair is really a "problem" perpetuated by the hair restoration industry. And those of us who have thick beards can easily offset the hair lost on the scalp. We simply invert its position. πŸ˜„

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago