-18 Food hate is weird, amirite?

by Gorczanyalvena 1 month ago

The "I hate onions" crowd does drive me a bit crazy, especially if I'm cooking for them. Pizza or pasta sauce for example is objectively better with them and onion haters don't even notice unless there are visible chunks of them. I understand why people don't like raw onions in salads (even though I do) but they just take it so far.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

There's not many homemade meals I make without them. Sometimes even go mental and use more than one kind in the same meal, I love them.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I do this too! Especially for soups/stews and stir fry or fried rice. Shallots are great but can be a bit sweet, red onions are my fave but sweet and white onions have their place as well. But an onion medley is where it's at. We make a combo onion paste sometimes which goes in everything.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I like those echallion (banana) shallots, they're really good. White onions are my jack of all trades, work horse onion, I'm convinced there's a place for them in almost any meal. Biggest shout out to grilled green onions though, food of the gods!!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Major shout on the fried rice though 👌 green onion just makes it perfect.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Fried rice is one of our go-to meals! I usually do nasi goreng but we do a few different styles. Great way to use up stuff in the fridge.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That sounds delicious.

by Similar_Chair_986 1 month ago

I agree with the "I hate onions" crowd, as my dad was part of it. However, one of my best friends is deathly allergic to onions, so that's a bummer. Allergies are different, though. People think I don't like avocados/guacamole, but the truth is that I do like that, but my stomach reacts to it in a negative way. IDK why, but I hate how I can't eat that stuff.

by Similar_Chair_986 1 month ago

I'm an onion hater lol. I just find the flavour so overpowering I can't taste anything except onion even if there isn't that much or they're cooked differently. I like to keep trying things occasionally to see if my taste changes but onions is one of them that I've always hated.

by SleepAppropriate9834 1 month ago

Agreed. For example, I often joke with one of my cousins who also hates mayonnaise as much as I do. He knows he can always trust a sandwich if I make one for him.

by Similar_Chair_986 1 month ago

I also hate mayo. Good to find people with common ground; Who wants a raw egg and vinegar condiment on their sandwich anyway.

by trystan51 1 month ago

Unfortunately, way too many people.

by Similar_Chair_986 1 month ago

So you can't voice your opinions on food now? You're getting mad at people for not liking certain foods and saying it, as dumb as it sounds it's weirder that you have a problem with it bro

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Hes just saying its a really mundane thing to bring up, you can judge people without wanting to prevent them from doing something

by Cold_Age 1 month ago

Because peoples personal opinions on what foods they don't like is not an unpopular opinion it's a personal opinion Just because it's a personal opinion that one doesn't like a certain food doesn't not make it an unpopular opinion.

by Beautiful-Trifle-871 1 month ago

I personally feel that taking people's opinions too seriously is weird. What's wrong with saying "People think this food is good and I kinda think it's ass." Just seems like fun debate to me

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But it's not a debate, the conversation when it comes to taste is over right there. "I like this" "Huh, I hate it!" "Cool!" What else is there to discuss?

by catharine42 1 month ago

wow what an unpopular opinion /s

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't like cheese. It's not too hard to avoid. But every time it comes up, I get a lot of bewilderment from people in social situations

by Sweaty_Key 1 month ago

Not unpopular. Most food hate opinions are unpopular.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I hate sea food. All of it. And I don't make it any one elses problem. It's not hard

by Mckennaebert 1 month ago

lmao touche

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I hate all meat, chocolate, spicy food and coffee

by ZealousidealWorth866 1 month ago

It's not even really your opinion that's unpopular. But that framing sure is.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I love all food

by Weird-Pomegranate671 1 month ago

It's called having an opinion. Also yes, I'm definitely feeling like three toddlers in a trench coat.

by langoshorval 1 month ago

It's more of an ice breaker and overused joke. You know the obligatory jokes about hating your mother in law from a show from the 80s and 90s? Yes, that's the same as saying that unfunny hurr durr joke about pineapple and pizza or ketchup not belonging on pizza. The latter is also virtue signaling to show interest in foreign cultures and class because you know "how it's done." Notice that people will never voice an unpopular taste that way.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Most 'portent thing to 'member in USA politricks is that republicans are the gas pedal and democrats the brake. That's the game they play.

by Johnsonyasmeen 1 month ago

i dont think anyone is forcing them to eat it... they just don't like the taste.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

People who think their opinions are facts are no friends of mine. Fact! 😇

by Anonymous 1 month ago

So often I hear "I hate tomatoes!! But I like pizza and pasta with tomato sauce. Salsa with nachos is good, that doesn't count. Tomato paste in soup is good. Just don't let me mentally acknowledge that I'm eating tomatoes and we're good." Like what?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Food sucks!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I think some people have a hard time conceptualizing how much experiences and preferences vary from person to person. Preferences aren't totally random—e.g. most people like sweets, and most people don't like food that's burned black—so it's hard to believe that people have the exact opposite preferences on some things. Maybe they're trying to signal that they're healthy (veggies), or that they have a refined palette (steak, wine), or maybe it's just good old fashioned peer pressure (beer). But they must be pretending.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This guy definitely eats artichokes 🤮

by Many-Wedding 1 month ago

I dont like rice and beef textures i dont eat them,but it gets really nasty when im а guest and the food is rice with meat

by Parking_Setting436 1 month ago

Yes a lot of people do try to force me to eat the foods I don't like because they just insist that I just need to have it the way they've had it or that I need to try it again because maybe my tastes have changed since then and how it's apparently a problem for someone to be a picky eater and I'm basically insulting them by not trying that food even though I've told them that I don't like it Not to mention how many people will just turn the tables on you and get mad at you for not liking a food that they like. Like oh I love this food how dare you not like this food It's insane that you don't like this food This food is so good

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I mean, most people still don't know what food is, wrongly believing nonhuman animal products are food, and people hate for a variety of reasons… personally I hate the horrors people call food despite it not being so, because it's horrifically bad for all including us good people but made to be attractive and get heartless mindless people to spend money on it and then complain about the consequences… people are free to do that (unfortunately) but I personally hate all of this… and there is some (actual) foods I hate too because of various autism-related reasons, or just that they taste too awful, but that's just my personal tastes, to each their own too hey

by ExistingStrategy2094 1 month ago

One example is vegans trying to force everyone to not eat meat even though some of us die because the alternatives are allergic

by Emmetfeil 1 month ago

I've never met this vegan

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Then you've never met any vegans.

by Emmetfeil 1 month ago

I have a lot of vegan friends actually. What you meant to say was extremist.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Mmm, now I want steak and lightly steamed and salted broccoli. I'll make the mashed potatoes and I'll also bring the A1 sauce. I like to focus on food LOVE.

by Similar_Chair_986 1 month ago

The only food hate i accept is putting pineapples on pizza

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't even hate that. It's not my own personal pizza order but I don't know why the Internet decided that was a great debate as opposed to anchovies or olives or whatever.

by Coleman89 1 month ago

Cause those 2 arent fruits

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Maybe I'm just missing a joke here because olives are fruits. (Anchovies obviously aren't.)

by Coleman89 1 month ago

Do you like olives on pizza?

by Anonymous 1 month ago