-24 Pregnancy photoshoots are super weird, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Pregnancy fetish has entered the chat

by torrey21 1 month ago

I agree, but only when they're "sexy". I totally get wanting to have nice pictures of yourself from your pregnancy, but it is very weird when they're completely sexualized. Like who is that for? Either you're in a relationship with the father, in which case why are you broadcasting your sex pics to everybody else, or you're not, in which case they're basically pregnant thirst traps, which is completely bizarre

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But there's no reason it's any weirder than regular thirst traps. Like it's still just a woman feeling sexy - she's still allowed to do that pregnant. If anything, it's a way to still feel "yourself" with this weird thing happening to your body. Now I personally find the boudoir pics on insta a bit weird in general but that's not OPs criticism

by Acceptable-Share 1 month ago

who is that for? For the person that's pregnant. Obviously I can't speak for all, and if people are willingly sharing these private photos to large audiences there's something else at play, but for many others it's simply a way to reconnect with their body. Pregnancy can rapidly change your body to the point where it no longer feels like yours. Having ‘sexy' photos taken when pregnant, photos that they'd have taken whether pregnant or not, can be a way to make peace with their body.

by gutkowskijeramy 1 month ago

I've seen some men absolutely salivate over their pregnant wives, it really can be sexy to a lot of people.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Also, it might not even be that sexual. Sometimes, it is a way to remember and cherish the time you were pregnant as it's such a short time. I'm sure sometimes it is, but not always.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah well, not everyone has to see it. Pregnant bellies are freaky and gross

by Practical-Bus-9623 1 month ago

A pregnant belly is the only reason you're here. If you think they're freaky and gross just stay away from women irl and avoid them online. That way you won't have to see them.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yea no one's worried about your opinion since you'll never be getting anyone pregnant with that attitude.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's a long-ass trend for those of us old enough to remember Demi Moore's 1991 cover of Vanity Fair.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Which I personally don't find to be sexual at all. It's just a beautiful, pregnant woman. No more, no less.

by gutkowskijeramy 1 month ago

Good points honestly. I know its an unpopular opinion but I still dont get the desire to make pregnancy sexy. What is MSM btw?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Main stream media

by marion58 1 month ago

I don't think I've seen a pregnancy shoot with "sexy" outfits. It's just the woman and her man with nice clothes.

by Starkladarius 1 month ago

I've seen too many maternity shoots where the mom is full on naked - holding her boobs and the camera being angled in a way that you can't see anything else, but you can definitely see there's no clothes. I think it's beyond weird. Normal shots with nice clothes I think is totally nice to do though

by BedOdd5007 1 month ago

Wow. I have never seen nude pregnancy shots and I hope I never do lol

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I completely agree with this haha

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The ones I've seen that seem sexy or in lingerie is I'm guessing just because they want their belly showing / wanna look good. To me personally it never feels that sexual, it's just about showing the bump and feeling good in your skin

by Anonymous 1 month ago

A lot of women struggle feeling confident in themselves during pregnancy with the weight gain, feeling gross, pain,hormones. If this helps a woman feel better about themselves than what's the harm?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I mean, being sexy and having sex is what lead to pregnancy in the first place. I think you're being a bit puritanical. An expecting mother is allowed to love her body even with such enormous, scary changes, and to feel sexy. It seems to be embracing the inherent beauty in carrying a child, and celebrating the woman who is doing it, especially before her identity will be torn away from her and she will be pigeonholed as "mom" for the next 18 years.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Pregnancy is a goddamn miracle and if a woman wants to celebrate that with a photoshoot, more power to her.

by naderpete 1 month ago

I was expecting to disagree, but I don't. When I was a kid moms would wear ethereal dresses for their shoots , now it's uh.. not that way and I'm not sure why

by heatherkunze 1 month ago

Am pregnant. Agreed professional maternity shots are weird. But if a couple wants it just for themselves, meh, go for it.

by SaleFluid 1 month ago

Kinda wish I had a few nice photos pregnant. Like when we went out for a date I shoulda remembered to take pics not necessarily professional shots. All my pregnant pics are like candid action shots where I don't look my best.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Currently pregnant 🤰🏻 and I would NOT want to do this kind of photo shoot. I don't feel sexy, and in my eyes, I don't look sexy. My husband tells me I'm beautiful all the time, and we have sexy time up until baby arrives (with 1st pregnancy and now I'm a few weeks away from due date with 2nd baby) but the phot shoot is just weird to me. Now….for our wedding, as a gift, I did do a boudoir photo shoot, and he LOVED it. I also had fun 🤩

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Many people consider pregnancy to be sexy. I get the logic: it's a normal consequence of sex, there's sexual elements to it. Personally I'm not a fan but I don't think it's super weird.

by Bailey20 1 month ago

abortion photoshoot anyone?

by madalinewilliam 1 month ago

I guess it's supposed to show off, "the inherent beauty of a pregnant woman's maternal form." Or something a bit corny like that. They wanna document the pregnancy glow and baby bump. It is a bit strange tho the way that has transitioned into sexualization at some points. I'm not against it, but it's weird to share with family

by Fun_Impression 1 month ago

The private boudoir photos of the pregnant woman is intended for the father of the kid(s). Men naturally find their pregnant partners extra sexy. It's a psychobiological finding. If you're peeking at pregnant boudoir photos of random pregnant women, then it is technically weird and you should feel creepy because they're not meant for your eyes.

by TechnologyDry3877 1 month ago

Agreed. Like, are you gonna show your kid when they get older? Your relatives? (obviously yes and the rest of social media) 😂 Everything does not need to be sexualized.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

What's wrong with them?

by Usual-Armadillo2334 1 month ago

I mean if it was a tumor I would totally get it.

by Usual-Armadillo2334 1 month ago

Pregnancy is beautiful. Now if it's shot porn-like we've got a problem.

by marcos64 1 month ago

Each to their own, but I also don't understand it. Pregnancy isn't sexy.

by weissnatraquel 1 month ago