Breaking up through a text does not make you a coward! amirite?
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
Hard disagree. This is someone you've been in an intimate relationship with. They deserve the respect of you looking them in the eye and saying how you feel. It's not about efficiency. It's about that respect.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
Someone can still disrespect you by breaking up with you in person. The delivery doesn't really matter in that way. Context matters. Details matter.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
Agreed! Only exception is an abusive relationship, but that's a whole other can of worms.
by Motor-Purchase3 weeks ago
But you're still respecting them by breaking up with them in the first place and respecting them enough to tell them where they stand, whether that's behind a screen or to their face. Not everything has to be done face to face to be brave or the right thing.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
This IS one of those things that has to be
by bartonjudah3 weeks ago
Doing the absolute bare minimum to not feel like you are being a bad person is not respecting someone.
by Cool_Task_99873 weeks ago
It does make you a coward but you are untitled to your wrong opinion
by Obie333 weeks ago
So glad i never ran across this The biggest heartbreak…she stood 10 toes and told me to my face Had to respect her decision
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
What matters is who receives the text. When you communicate, focus on the other person, not you. If she feels you are a coward doing that by text, you are. (But I agree for the first point, dangerous etc.)
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
Again, as long as you tell them what's on your mind and exactly why you broke up with them, you're respecting them enough to give then an explanation in the nicest away you can.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
This is so case specific
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
What is cowardly is not breaking up when you feel the need to. Breaking up over text is sometimes necessary. Now if it's a wife, or a partner of years, then an in person meeting is necessary. But I also add the caveat, a 'clean' breakup cannot happen over text. Stating your desire/declaring to breakup over text is fine. But if they want to talk it over in person after, you should grant them that.
by Pristine_Wind3 weeks ago
fully agree for when a dangerous situation can be avoided by sending a text but a safe, emotionally stable partner you've been with for 1+ years should have an in person conversation with you, even if its not the initial "I want to break up". especially if you've been living together, i can't imagine living with someone for years and only getting a text.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
"I don't want to give my intimate partner the respect of breaking up face-to-face because I have anxiety" is literally cowardice, yes. Avoiding an uncomfortable or stressful situation because you don't want to face it is, definitionally, being a coward.
by Cool_Task_99873 weeks ago
Would you break up with someone via a paper letter? A system where you can't be sure they'll get it and they have no opportunity to respond in real time? How far do you have to go to consider it cowardly? You don't want to see the hurt on their face. You don't want them to yell at you. You you you. You're hurting someone and it's all about you. I do it face to face so I can look in the mirror and know I'm not a coward.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
This is an unpopular opinion?! If so, then I agree with OP. Break up and move on. It don't matter how and it doesn't even matter why. Just be clear and move the f on.
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Motor-Purchase 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by bartonjudah 3 weeks ago
by Cool_Task_9987 3 weeks ago
by Obie33 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Pristine_Wind 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Cool_Task_9987 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Strong-Sector-6747 3 weeks ago