It's weird to be friends, especially long term, before dating, amirite?
by CupcakeShot56743 weeks ago
Absolutely wild take for OP here, yeah. Dating someone you've known since childhood has been the default way humans have had relationships since, you know, we evolved as a species.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
I don't think sex is the only thing in a romantic relationship but for non asexuals I don't think it's unreasonable to say it is an important factor in choosing who you want to date, and also I think it's fine to develop feelings for someone after knowing them a short time but in my opinion that can develop just over a couple months - I'm talking about longer term friendships where you're friends at the very least for like two years before dating, I think that's odd
by CupcakeShot56743 weeks ago
I'm not asexual, but sex really isn't that important to me in a relationship. Definitely not a deciding factor. It's really just a personal preference thing, not everyone thinks the same way as you.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
Preach! People are marrying strangers these days, then realise after tying the knot they don't even like each other.
by Arliestracke3 weeks ago
I literally could not even fathom dating someone that Im not friends with. Why on Earth would I want to date them, then? I think this idea of date first, friendship later is why so many relationships fail. You can't skip all the stuff that leads to a meaningful relationship. Role-playing love and just hoping it works out okay just does not seem like a very safe bet to me. If you're horny, just have casual sex. If you want an intimate romantic relationship, why would you not start with someone that you already love and already have an intimate relationship with?
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
I tried dating one of my close friends and it was a disaster. Although it can definitely work for other people, it just didn't work for us
by trantowchaz3 weeks ago
So many people become friends with someone because they want to become more than that in the future You can't have a good healthy relationship without that bond of kinship. That's why so many people refer to marriage as "marrying their best friend"
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
I think this comes down to if you are attracted to them when you meet them or not. Someone may not be your physical type but then when you get to know them after being friends, their personality enhances their attractiveness and it becomes something more
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
What's weird is you connecting friendships and dating to incest. I respect your opinion but could do without the weird incest thing there. Especially when that's not exactly a full proven thing for everyone.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
Yea no, I don't agree. Maybe it's just me but I don't add familial labels to my bonds, especially since long term relationship will likely end mimicking those bonds anyway. That's basically what a lot of married couples become non blood siblings who sleep with each other. I just don't feel there's enough difference between relationships to give them static familial titles.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
It's weird to go from friends to romantic partners, period.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
Is this unpopular? No one wants to be friendzoned on purpose, and I don't think people are purposefully going for that
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
It is. Typically only a minority of people prefer close relationships before dating
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
Right, so it's a popular opinion.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
Literally all my peers romanticize the idea of being best friends before dating, maybe this is culturally relative?
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by CupcakeShot5674 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Arliestracke 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by trantowchaz 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by CupcakeShot5674 3 weeks ago