+29 I think someone I didn't totally hate once has taken himself off to the Pegasos Swiss Association (look it up) and I'm kinda pissed. amirite?

by TraditionalView9915 3 weeks ago


by Raymundogerhold 3 weeks ago

I think with fairly basic comprehension you could guess it's an assisted suicide facility.

by NumerousInternal 3 weeks ago

Yep, once the OP mentioned the Swiss and not even being terminally ill, I kind of guessed.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Exactly. I don't have time to look up pointless references, when OP could have simply said what it was in a few words.

by Calm-Challenge 3 weeks ago

‘I don't have time for basic reading comprehension' Swiss, he isn't terminally ill or anything, we'll stay here, see this journey out to the end, nope on outta here There's all the context clues. Work it out, buddy.

by Pierre03 3 weeks ago