+42 Killing Lurbuk and Vittoria Vici was WRONG and it sucks you have to do it, amirite?

by Dorotheaweimann 3 weeks ago

me when the assassins arent wholesome chungus keanu reeves

by New_Arugula_1813 3 weeks ago


by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

They're literal killer for hire and they make it clear from the start that they don't care who they kill, as long as they have a contract. Killing those 2 is not worse than what you've been doing all along as a member of the Dark Brotherhood. You also don't have to do it. You chose to, therefore you're as bad as they are (in game...).

by Odd-Progress4998 3 weeks ago

My second playthrough I just killed Astrid when she tried to make me choose between the 3 jerks. Problem solved.

by laurine84 3 weeks ago

Wtf are you talking about?

by Lexiveum 3 weeks ago

No, but this would have gone better if the op had at least put the thing he was talking about in the title.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

If op is fine with little engagement i don't care

by Roberta07 3 weeks ago