-24 I would not want kids in my yard. amirite?

by No-Good 3 weeks ago

Don't make milkshakes then

by harberduane 3 weeks ago

That only brings the boys to your yard.

by HelicopterTrick4825 3 weeks ago

I could teach OP, but I'd have to charge.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Strange.. back in my days it was lemon juice stands for 25cents.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Lemon JUICE?

by kemmerleland 3 weeks ago

This is two sided for me. Like sure, come get your ball off my lawn, but like don't stick around & just chill there.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yup. As you're responsible for the yard - the torn sod, garbage, other broken property isn't worth it, nor is the liability if something goes wrong and a kid gets hurt.

by rose33 3 weeks ago

When people are so quick to sue I can see why people wouldn't want kids in their yard. The kids get hurt and the parents can come after you.

by ParticularSnow9186 3 weeks ago

I have never had random children playing in my yard, but if I did I would ask them to leave. I don't want to be responsible for them if they get hurt. We also have a small pool in our backyard

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

People have gotten sued when kids trespassed into a yard to use the pool. It's called an "attractive nuisance" if they can easily get to it. Even no trespassing signs can't protect people if someone's hurt and it was preventable.

by ParticularSnow9186 3 weeks ago

That's why my parents got rid of our old swingset. The neighbor started having her daughter play on it and they didn't want them to sue if she got injured. They had their own swingset in their own back yard.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

"Why can't kids these days just go out and touch some grass" kids go out and touch grass "Lmao I didn't mean my grass"

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I think thats reasonable when there alot morr grass to be touched.

by Reasonable-Young 3 weeks ago

And much better grass than when I was a kid.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I let kids play in my yard all day long but it's not unreasonable for others who say that to expect kids to go to parks, forests and/or public places.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Brave and true op

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I mean, it's trespassing and you could be sued if they hurt themselves on your property. They have no right (nor business) being on someone's property without permission.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yes. You are legally liable for their injuries while on your property, so GTFO.

by vgoldner 3 weeks ago

Are you a cartoon old person?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I have never once seen any adult do this

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I do. Then I can yell at them with 'Hey you kids. Get out of my Jello Tree.'

by tayastiedemann 3 weeks ago

You mean like, don't get the ball you kicked over here? Or just don't chill out in the yard lol

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm the same. Also not happy about the large cloud above my house. Gonna go yell at it.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

The same kids who refuse to walk up the hill that is my front yard for FULL SIZE candy bars at Halloween are the same kids sledding down my front yard when it snows. 🖕🏻

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

If you aren't using it...

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I guess it's half and half, on my street anyway. This year I built a huge snow fort for my kid and all the kids on the streets are playing with it. I don't mind, it's there for that. They expanded it as well and built tunnels.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Ha! I dont have a yard! That'll teach those dang whipper snappers

by Desperate-War 3 weeks ago

I think it depends for me. I probably wouldn't really care unless they were being destructive/ touching what's not theirs or maybe if I were outside at the same time. My parents always welcomed our neighborhood friends to play on our trampoline/ playset while we were gone when I was a kid

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Not unpopular, and the law agrees with you if they were to get hurt, they could sue you for damages (likely succeeding)

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Why? Genuinely? I think this is unpopular because a lot don't care. Especially now that kids are so stuck inside, I'd be happy they were playing on my lawn. Maybe it's different because I don't have a grass lawn (live in a desert). Even if I did, I wouldn't care.

by Abshirejamel 3 weeks ago

I wouldn't care but there always that possibility of parents trying to sue you if their kid gets hurt on your property.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

That is why we have to have homeowners insurance. A person gets hurt on the sidewalk in front of your house and they have the right to sue.

by ParticularSnow9186 3 weeks ago

They get hurt and the parents can sue you.

by ParticularSnow9186 3 weeks ago

kids are stuck to devices all day now. if i need a neighbor playing a little too far into my yard and they're not damaging anything i wouldn't care. we need a better sense of community more anyway

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

i doubt i'd even notice

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Clint Eastwood that you?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago