Ppl falling for the same type of bad every time, amirite?
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
Hmmm, you seem to be referring to physical attributes mainly. I'd have to disagree that it's pointless to keep looking for someone who fits that type. If that's what you like on an aesthetic level, there are probably many many people who would fit that, all with very different personalities. There's gotta be one out there that fits with you. Think of it as a type of food that you like. You know that you like this food, but you also know that not everyone can make it right, but you keep searching because there are definitely folks who do know how to make it. You just have to find the right one, not give up entirely. Maybe not the best analogy, but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
As if every tall, or muscular, or large breasted person is exactly the same 🙄 this is weird logic and makes you sound like an incel.
by Anonymous3 weeks ago
If these horny people could read they'd be very upset by this
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago
by Anonymous 3 weeks ago