-33 You need to call ahead for your bulk "feeding the homeless" orders, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

This is more of a rant than an unpopular opinion. Any bulk order should be made ahead of time, regardless of what it's for.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Agreed. Just a common courtesy thing. Similar to ordering food at a place minutes before the kitchen closes. It's legal, but you're just an asshole.

by Wdickens 3 weeks ago

As someone who works in a kitchen, when I see a skip the dishes order come in 2 minutes before the kitchen is supposed to get shut down, I very openly curse said person the entire time I make their order

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Thats still an opinion bruh.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Unpopular opinion: If you're filming it for views on social media, I don't considered it a "good gesture" to me it's just clout seeking/grifting.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I think there are some exceptions to this. I follow a girl in the England who does free deep home cleanings for individuals in need. Mold, dead animals, waste everywhere all very common. Mostly mental health or mobility issues. Never reveals personal details they don't want shared. The following she has for them allows sponsorships from cleaning companies and for her to make enough to do this as work full time. I think she's one of the few altruistic people maybe in the world.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yeah. The good legit people film it because it gives them more followers which leads to more donations so they can help more people. It definitely can be done tastefully like your example and some others.

by lydia41 3 weeks ago

There's a woman that cooks massive amounts of food for people in need, and she prefaces her reels with short clips of the people that film themselves wasting massive amounts of food. I believe Surthycooks is her @

by Electrical-You4948 3 weeks ago

Yall do realise that they wouldn't be able to do the act without filming it cause the film is where the money comes from the do the act. People can't afford to just drop a few hundred on food for homeless randomly BUT if that video will pay the money back then they can. It's not hard to understand why things like this are filmed.

by millssanta 3 weeks ago

What's her @?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago


by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

The difference with that is it is hard, dirty, physical labor. Anyone with bills in their wallet can go pay for food (that someone else is making ) and hand it out for views. I am glad that it's become a trend though, it is for clout but end of the day, folks are getting fed.

by Next-Cicada 3 weeks ago

Cleanwithbea? she's great

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Hiring actors for the cost of a sandwich and exploiting their dire situation for profit.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It's definitely annoying seeing people who are just doing it for clout. That being said, homeless people are still getting fed and hopefully it inspires more people to do it. There's worst ways to chase clout, and if good is coming out of it, I won't complain.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yup. In the end they're doing it to help themselves primarily, the hungry people getting a meal is just a side effect.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Savior mentality. It's weird to me, Just my opinion.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

how do you differentiate between filming it for views or filming it to make money so you can keep helping people?

by AntSad3572 3 weeks ago

Even without the views and social media, you can make the argument that people give to feel good about themselves first and foremost

by Lazy_Smell 3 weeks ago

what. how do you think they make money to do it?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I think there's something to be said about publicizing good deeds. It can inspire others to do it. Ad revenue can help fund it. I don't personally care if people are generous for completely self serving reasons. I would rather receive free aid period, even if there's a whole fuss to make sure it's recorded.

by Artistic_Ordinary 3 weeks ago

Doesn't matter imo, the homeless got fed regardless of intention. Some channels that do it regularly rely on the ad revenue and viewer donations to keep helping people. I don't think calling them all grifters is fair.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

How much does the influencer pocket though? It's still a selfish act

by Ready_Bake 3 weeks ago

I don't care if it's selfish, I care about homeless people being fed

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yikes kid they really have deceived you.

by Ready_Bake 3 weeks ago

What are you talking about

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Those dudes are making bank off the good deed. Whatever people are still getting helped but it's not entirely altruistic. Your point stands but I'm not sure how unpopular that take is. I agree so no uproot.

by EastEnvironmental736 3 weeks ago

No one in this world is giving for altruistic reasons, so that part doesn't matter much. At the crux of it, even the most giving of people do so to feel good about themselves

by Lazy_Smell 3 weeks ago

Believing something is the right thing to do, and feeling good about doing the right thing, does not taint the doing of the thing. Altruism is still altruism even if you feel good about it

by InspectionFar2649 3 weeks ago

A key aspect of altruism is selflessness. Feeling good about an action you are taking and continuing to do the same to feel good about yourself is very self-serving So no, I disagree

by Lazy_Smell 3 weeks ago

Agreed with one exception. The true altruist will do a good deed even if they know that doing so will actually put themselves at risk in some way, say physical danger, legal liability, or even just damage to their reputation and do the right thing anyway.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

In the end they still do it to make themselves feel better about themselves. It's one of these uncomfortable truths. Altruism is born out of self-preservation.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I disagree. At times I've acted in a way to help/benefit others, yet didn't feel better about myself because I had to make a sacrifice. Not saying I do it all the time, and definitely most times I act selflessly I do feel better about myself, but it's not uncommon for people to act selflessly while also not feeling gratified. I really do believe that true altruism exists among humans

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yes. But only the people who are inately altruistic can even understand this. There was a study done by a university that looked at altrusism and it is only a very small percentage of the population that scores on that side of the spectrum. And I get what RevolutionaryHole is saying, that our brains are wired on a chemical level with dopamine when we feel good about our own behavior. But true altruism has to do with two components of the brain (that I know of). One is how sensitive we are to the feel-good neurotransmitters our brains produce. For someone who is less sensitive to them, that feel good response from doing a good deed isn't going to be as strong, so is not as large a part of their decision making. The other is how well the regulatory processes in your brain work such as the prefrontal cortex being able to apply logic and reason to situations or the amygdala being able to hold up against conditioning. So RevHole is correct, that we all get the feel good dopamine from believing that we've done a good deed, but in some cases, that is not a key component of the decision making and is instead just a fringe benefit. And in other cases, the altruist is still going to act altruistically despite the fact that they aren't going to get any dopamine at all, and will instead get a huge dump of stressful cortisol, but they do it anyway becasue they are logically doing the right thing for the right reasons, even if it hurts themselves.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I think the point they are making is that you still do feel good about giving away money or leftovers. You wouldn't do it if every time you gave away money you felt horrible. I think this is one reason people tend to give to people begging rather than like charities, because giving through charity is less gratifying. I think though in the end it does not matter. There is a net positive from it, who cares how it's done or the intent.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

That's the point. You are handing out 20's because you know how bad it is being homless and you feel good knowing that you are helping others in the same situation you were in. And again saying "I do it because it's how I would like to be treated" is not altruistic at all.

by Lazy_Smell 3 weeks ago

I don't really feel anything. But cool projections. I have other issues that I don't feel like discussing here. I'd feel the same, not doing it as if I were doing it. It's more of an obligation than a feeling, but OK. Going through it made me realize how bad it sucked prior to that I wouldn't of realized it's not as you say. But can you comprehend what I mean? I don't think you can based on your answer.

by damoregreta 3 weeks ago

Doing things because "it is the right thing to do" or an obligation you feel is not selflessness Good on you and your ex for donating, its great. But at the crux of it, its not altruism

by Lazy_Smell 3 weeks ago

I feel like this is common sense

by WarDifferent 3 weeks ago

Sadly, common sense is no longer common.

by Wide-Bat 3 weeks ago

Common sense isn't common, and critical thinking is critically lacking

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

First time hear that critics thinking one, I will be stealing this from you my good sir.

by Wide-Bat 3 weeks ago

Second time I use it, first time was in a jewel a few weeks ago. I'm not sure I made it up, but I've never heard it before either

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

The resturant should have frankly denied his order.

by WarDifferent 3 weeks ago

IMO drive through should be for 4 meals or less. Try to order more? Refuse the order and tell them to come inside. Even then, more than 10 meals should require ordering ahead, the more, the further out required.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

People who order food for big families from a Tim's drive through could go inside and not inconvenience everyone who just wants a coffee but they won't.

by Maximum_Mind 3 weeks ago

This is a stupid take. Drive throughs are meant for the big family "they could easily just go inside" I'm not sure if you've ever unloaded a family and had them eat inside a restaurant and than loaded them back in, but it's one of the hardest things ever and no one is going to do that for a goddam fast food restaurant. If they're going to fast food it's to feed their family quickly and easily. If you're by yourself and only want a coffee, you get off your ass and go inside. The entitlement is wild.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I don't want the kids eating in my car.

by Some_Effective 3 weeks ago

If I was getting fast food for my family (which I never have but this is the purpose of drive throughs) I wouldn't let them eat in the car either, take it home and eat it. My parents used to take us to drive throughs sometimes, and we always ate it back at home. Mostly because we would be sharing, cutting burgers up to feed the 6 of us and sharing fries. Plus putting like ketchup from home on the plate and dipping fries in it was prime lol.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm a single guy so your family problems are yours. I'm in the drive through because I want a coffee before work. People like you are the reason the Tim's drive through in big cities has gone the way of the dodo.

by Maximum_Mind 3 weeks ago

Drive throughs are designed for families, your single problems are yours. Also I've never been to a Tim's drive through and rarely get fast food or coffee outside of home. If I do go through a drive through, it's because I want fast, easy food, which is what they were made for. I think you should take a break maybe from daily drive through visits if people using them as intended is so upsetting to you.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Also, they prioritize app orders. Give that dude the middle finger and order your cold cut through the app. Maybe that's why he used the lobby.

by Herminio01 3 weeks ago

Doing this while the store is busy definitely sounds like it's being done for attention, especially is others seem to know why it's being done "Sorry for the inconvenience, but I AM FEEDING THE HOMELESS!. Please form a line so you can all take turns congratulating me!"

by Express-Silver-5557 3 weeks ago

The workers are almost never sent into a panic... In fact there have been several where they recognize him and give him the food at a discount or for free.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Doesn't matter if they give him a discount or free food. It's insane and they definitely panic when an order like that comes in, whether they show it or not. I worked in fast food for years.

by maeganprohaska 3 weeks ago

The business should have rules in place

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

If people did this and stated that it was for the homeless I might be able to talk the boss into extras with enough warning.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Same with suddenly mass supporting a restaurant. Please give warning that they're about to see an uptick in customers

by Chance-Hat 3 weeks ago

Someone got inconvenienced

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Really for any bulk order for any reason call ahead dang it!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You sound hangry

by Mediocre_Escape 3 weeks ago

Extremely hangry and late to work (I left extra early!!!) you are correct.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I hate those people

by New-Acanthisitta5851 3 weeks ago

Those orders are staged anyways.

by Acceptable-Hair 3 weeks ago

This is definitely not an "unpopular" opinion

by powlowskilulu 3 weeks ago

Isn't another name for a "bulk order" just catering?

by Ihegmann 3 weeks ago

but it makes a more popular video /s

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

If this is referring to that guy on tiktok who goes into various restaurants and gets giant orders for the homeless he quite obviously arranged it ahead of time despite the really bad acting to look like he didn't

by Williamsonzane 3 weeks ago

No cause theres no time criticality on that. But you cant be mad that it takes 6 hours or something.

by Much_Suspect 3 weeks ago

The point is that if you know you're ordering in bulk, then it's courtesy to the customers AND the employee(s) to give a heads up. In fact, if you're trying to order that much, most places would cater it, not make it on the spot. 1 person ordering 24 meals is different than 24 people ordering 1 meal

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Where are there starving homeless people in the US? Only ones I've heard of are addicts or have other mental illness. Those are best helped by connecting with social services. There is always help in the US for those who need food and a roof over their head.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

How old are you that you don't that there are short term immediate needs like needing to eat it right now, and long term needs that should be referred to social services ? This is so simple

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I disagree. I'm going to wait for that 20-order purchase either way. I'd rather wait behind someone willing to stand in line for it, rather than the lazy guy who calls it in and makes everyone actually in the restaurant wait.

by OkDevelopment 3 weeks ago

OP were you the sandwich maker or the person stuck in line?

by InspectionFar2649 3 weeks ago

This is why I make the food myself. I don't need a minimum wage MAGA adding special sauce because he hates the homeless. I go to the poorest counties buy all the eggs and make bean and egg burritos

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Lmfao 😂 how dare u purchase things at a business that sells things. Are u also upset when there's people in line for the grocery store and somebody has a full cart?

by Top-Pomegranate9229 3 weeks ago

Bro just say you work fast food

by Luna10 3 weeks ago

I would argue all those dinosaurs in the lobby should have "called ahead" Use the app boomers

by Herminio01 3 weeks ago

Not a boomer and I hate having to use an app for Every. GODDamned. THING! It's getting to be problematic!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Then you are destined to wait. Learn the self checkout too.

by Herminio01 3 weeks ago

Can you please just finish making the sandwiches I've been waiting like 20 minutes

by NoPeanut8645 3 weeks ago

It's your job get over it

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It still has to be made. Most likely it's all going to be made at the same time so either you're waiting or someone else is.

by Financial-Dot 3 weeks ago

You are making an opinion on an attempted viral video. These are fake and although the setup shows them as just showing up and ordering a ton of food, this is all planned and food prepared well in advance.

by Fun-Brief2553 3 weeks ago

No actually this happened this morning omw to work

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago