+25 It's possible to learn to like all foods. amirite?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Okay, I can teach myself to like any food, but I'm an adult with complete control over which foods I buy, so why not just buy foods I like?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

That's valid. I'm not going as far as OP and saying people should be ashamed of not liking certain foods - cause that's crazy - but I think it is generally good to broaden your horizons and be an adventurous eater. I'll try anything once, and more often than not I've found that under the right circumstances there's almost no food that I actively dislike.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I've heard the "variety" argument before. I can turn it around and say those are those are the picky eaters. Pizza for lunch? Oh no we can't have Italian food for dinner. That's silly. I'm hungry again, it doesn't matter to me what I had for lunch, or last night, or whenever. I do like quite a variety of foods, can usually find something I like, but also have no issue with a lack of variety in general. I disagree with your premise though. We have different taste buds and some things naturally taste better or worse, according to individual taste.

by RoyalHistorian7122 3 weeks ago

I've never been to a restaurant that had literally nothing I liked. Also, I'm not sure why it's a particular advantage to have a large repertoire to buy?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately I'm surrounded by people who can't find a thing they like at 1/2 of all restaurants lol

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I know people on the tan food diet, they need help and to become grown ass adults. Less exposure to nutritious variety can lead to major health problems, with lowered immune system and other digestion problems

by Longjumping-Sail 3 weeks ago

People who are picky to the point that they make you adhere to their choices, are problematic. But if I'm out to lunch with OP and order my salad without onions and I get a 5 minute bitchy rant about how I "need to make myself eat more things" I'm gonna leave him with the bill.😂

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I mean sure, but if you are friends with people and want to cook for them, then you kinda have to adhere to their restrictions. Not sure about you, but I prefer to eat with people at a home and not always go out, although I do like that too.

by Longjumping-Sail 3 weeks ago

Bingo 😂

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

you say it's not hard, but it absolutely is lmao. if it was easy, i'd 100% be eating a balanced diet.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You do you, but it's totally unnecessary

by Fearless_Metal_7524 3 weeks ago

It does impact others when they have to limit which restaurants they go to and which foods they cook when they're with you. Also, in my opinion there's implicit negative connotations with being picky, but that's just me and by no means objective.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

But if YOU like all food why not go to the place the other doesn't then?. And when is it picky vs just likeing foods and not liking other. Would you eat bugs? Like by the handful

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

To answer your latter question first, of course, and I have in the past. As for the former question, it has caused issues with me when families members are very picky, so we continuously settle for the lowest common denominator, thus restricting me from eating an array of foods I would otherwise enjoy.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

This problem will go away when you buy your own food.

by Whole-Kiwi 3 weeks ago

Then I just wind up cooking myself a different meal than the rest of my family, which albeit possible, is impractical.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

We do this. I don't eat fish. So every time they have fish they make me something small that's not fish…I love my family. Glad the inconvenience ode easily seen over with love.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Every restaurant has something for a picky eater. Japanese has plain udon, Italian has spaghetti and meat sauce, Greek has grilled chicken and vegetables, etc. I have one very picky friend and she can always find something to eat no matter where we go.

by Mose39 3 weeks ago

I'd strongly disagree there, there are entire cuisines I very rarely eat because the people I'm surrounded by are so picky.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Like what? Basically every culture has some form of bread and some form of simple veggie and protein. It's not the best item from that culture but it's simple and edible

by Mose39 3 weeks ago

For example, Indian, Mexican, any Asian other than typical Americanized Chinese takeout, halal, German…all off the table with the people I surround myself with. And that's just to name a few.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Indian? Butter chicken and naan/chicken biryani. There's no way you said Mexican food doesn't have anything for picky eaters when you can get a quesadilla. Asian? Every Asian cuisine has the option for plain fried rice. Halal isn't a cuisine it just adheres to Islamic food rules. German has schnitzel. Either your friends are actually the pickiest people on earth or you're not trying very hard.

by Mose39 3 weeks ago

I agree with everything you just said, yet there's no way they eat any of those things. They are the pickiest people on the planet.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

So for real what do they eat and I'm being sincere. If you're gonna look me dead in the eye and say "they won't eat a quesadilla or rice"

by Mose39 3 weeks ago

They will not eat a quesadilla or rice. It's basically Italian cuisine or hamburgers for them, and not all Italian cuisine mind you. Just the 4 or 5 most popular dishes.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Well good thing they're American then and like American food. I'm sure if they grew up in those other places they'd eat what they grew up with. I get it's inconvenient, maybe find some people who love adventurous eating who you go out with for that specific purpose. Enjoy your life as much as you can!!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

First respectful disagree I've seen lol, appreciated!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Get some Surströmming and tell me how long it took you to like it.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

As long as my nose is plugged it ain't bad honestly

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Thats not liking something thats tolerating something. The title is misleading and it should say tolerating instead of like.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

That may actually be a valid point there…

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yeah, there are lots of foods I don't particularly like and wouldn't make for myself but can easily tolerate if served to me because I'm an adult and nothing actually edible is necessarily bad.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You're willfully ignoring countless reasons why people can't or won't like certain foods.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

There are real reasons for people to not like certain foods. To pick one example: Cilantro. To some people, cilantro tastes exactly like soap. It has the same nutritional value to them as it does for anyone else. It's not an allergy at all. It just tastes like soap to them. It will always taste like soap to them. It is a genetic condition that is built into their DNA. They will never be able to change this. Do you, yourself, want to eat at the place where the food tastes like soap? (There's no shame if you do or if you don't; if eating soap is your thing, then it's not my job to tell you that it's wrong.)

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yup, that's me. I take solace in the fact that it's known as "super taster" gene.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

In your opinion, that's why picky eaters refrain from foods. But that's not how it works in the real world. I'd always incorrectly been called a picky eater growing up but it factually had nothing to do with taste. It all had to do with texture. Nowadays, I'm an adult and can better articulate that. The whole being worked up about "picky eaters" thing is extremely immature, idealistic, and naïve. Always has been.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

"It had all to do with texture" was your wording. Again, nothing to do with an inability to swallow.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I don't see the relevance of the taste vs texture distinction here. My point stands that the refusal to eat is based on personal preferences.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Okay, instead of belittling how about you explain to me how not eating something because of its texture isn't based on personal taste/preference/feeling?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm not the person you're responding to, but texture can make people gag or vomit (I'm sure taste can, too, but some people with issues regarding texture literally can't swallow food with that texture because their body will reject it). I don't know if you're aware of the condition called ARFID, but it makes people unable to eat certain foods. Many people with that condition would be willing to starve over eating something they can't tolerate. It's prevalent in neurodivergent individuals. It's not a choice and they're not trying to be difficult or inconvenience anyone. It goes much deeper than simply "picky eating." They can't just force themselves to eat certain foods.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Thank you for responding like a civil human with some really cool info! I'll look into that.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

No problem! 😊 I had a friend growing up who had ADHD and had only a handful of foods he ate. I had no idea about ARFID at the time so it seemed weird to me (I was like 7 years old lol), but when I read about ARFID a few years ago, it made a lot of sense.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

No, I'm pretty sure I'm correct in saying at no prior point did you say you were unable to swallow certain foods.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You need to learn how to read then lmfao. You're embarrassing yourself at this point.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm a very willing eater, I'll try everything once, but I have not and will not like everything I've tried. I don't like intestines, I've tried them I do not like them and probably never will. I really don't like eggplant for whatever reason and I keep trying it and don't like it.

by Mose39 3 weeks ago

If I already know I don't like it why should I force myself to eat it?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Answered in OP

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Oh right because I'm a grown ass adult. Water tight logic.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago


by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You havnt answered why. I do not like food, thus i do not buy. Problem met with a perfect solution.

by cayla24 3 weeks ago

Problem arrives when you go eat with friends/SO and don't want to go anywhere but McDonalds.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Now that's just wasteful lol

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Haha. It my money to waste. That's the best part of being an adult.

by harrisonwyman 3 weeks ago

Exactly. I'm not about to spend my money on something I don't like. If I buy something I think I'll like and end up not liking it, I'll give it to my husband who will pretty much eat anything. But besides that, I'm not wasting money on something I know I don't like.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I am not a picky eater. But I will not eat like 6 foods at all. oysters, olives, and oat meal to name a few. just hate them idk why. and I've tried them multiple times. I am also allergic to some random fruits and avocado of all things. it makes me feel like a picky eater when I can't have those fruits and avocado, especially at Japanese restaurants for example. Does this make me a picky eater?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Not saying your wrong, I just don't understand this mindset. There are so many good foods out there in the world. Why force yourself to eat something you don't like? I have no shame in admitting there are things I will never eat. Part of the joy of being a full ass grown adult is being able to buy the foods you enjoy, not suffering through the ones you don't.

by Russelsedrick 3 weeks ago

Disagree. Mushrooms. I've tried to like them for 50+ years. Raw/cooked, I can't stand the texture, or the taste. I'd starve before I ever ate a pizza with mushrooms on it. Raw tomatoes. Taking a bite out of one like an apple would literally make me gag. Kale? Vile weed. I'd rather chew on plastic. I'm not a picky eater at all, but there are just some foods that aren't happening with me.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Idk from what ive seen its usually autism. 🤷🏽‍♂️

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Also ADHD!

by Lakinashly 3 weeks ago

Yes that too.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

It's precisely because I'm a "grown ass adult" that I can choose to not eat aniseed, kidneys or sweetcorn. You haven't provided any valid reason why I should be forcing myself to endure flavours I hate. The idea I'd feel shame is frankly unhinged.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yeah well I've tried to like mango again and again, but it just ain't happening. Also camomile tea. I just can't.

by Theodore84 3 weeks ago

Food allergies have entered the chat. Can't really like something that's going to kill you.

by Hot_Status3208 3 weeks ago

I'll add food intolerances, too. It might not kill me, but I don't want the gas, bloating, stomachache, and potential diarrhea, either.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Nothing you can say or do will convince me I need to force myself to eat olives.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I can and have learned to tolerate certain foods that I don't like when they are part of a meal, but I can't convince my tongue that those food are actually nice.

by StillPen4460 3 weeks ago

sorry grandma, but i'm still not going to choke down your overcooked pork

by rileyjohnston 3 weeks ago

Preferences are a big part of a person. I am sure with enough mental training, I can train myself to like all sorts of music, enjoy every sport, learn to appreciate every film and book etc. It wouldn't do anything except turn me into an amorphous blob.

by Beckerdevante 3 weeks ago

I dont get why they have to. Whatever. I dont feel shame enjoying my life.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

If I have to work at liking a food, it wasn't good to begin with.

by kimborer 3 weeks ago

If you're picky in terms of close mindedness, like if you didn't even try it but you assume that it's nasty from appearance/ smell then yea that's extra. But a picky eater that has many things that they dislike after several attempts of trying it (myself) then nah. I don't like it & that's that. If you have to "teach yourself" then you just adjusted to it, you don't actually like it. I see no use or any reason as to why I would force myself to & rob myself of actually getting something I do like that when it does nothing for me lol. Should I force myself to buy scents I don't like? Buy clothes I don't like? What's the point?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

How do I train myself to like textures that make me puke?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I have a genetic mutation that makes coriander taste like literal soap, lol.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm sure the sentiment is mutual but I am glad I'm not friends with you. I hope you find peace one day.

by Beginning_Try1 3 weeks ago

Nope, seafood is never not gonna make me gag.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Yes, except celery and marmite.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Celery is amazing!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

...yum. Water with hair.

by Efficient_Blood8344 3 weeks ago

Crunchy water with hair.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

lima beans🤢

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I don't like food thus I don't need to buy

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Counter scenario: "hey, literally everyone in our friend group wants to play golf, what do you think?" "No, I hate golf, so we can't play" (Yes the remainder of the group could go play golf, but that would risk alienating the one "picky friend" which is unlikely to happen. In reality, the picky one just has a heckler's veto)

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Oh I can go play badly and heckle. It's one of my pleasures in life. Potato salad still sucks though.

by NewStatistician1683 3 weeks ago

I have food aversions. Basically if a food is a bad food (texture, smell and taste are all factors) then I can't eat it. If I force myself to eat something bad I will get sick and throw up. So I am pretty restricted in terms of what I can handle and what I can't handle.

by Adorable-One-9359 3 weeks ago

Every food except durian. You either love it or never want to see/smell/taste it again in your life.

by jerel39 3 weeks ago

In Finland we have this thing called Rössypottu, it's basically shapeless blobs made of pig blood and put into a soup. It's so bad they had to ban it from school lunches.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Perhaps I'm the outlier then: I like durian -- in that it is something that I can enjoy eating. I do not love durian. I will never wake up one day and go "You know what sounds great today? Eating some durian! I must now proceed to satisfy this lust!" But if someone hands me some, then sure: I'll take it from them and eat it. I find that it can be a pleasant-enough snack. This has happened exactly one time in my life, and it is very unlikely that it will ever happen again. And if they offered me the choice of durian or a banana, then: I'll probably select the banana.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I like trying different things but i dont have to like anything. Why would you teach yourself to like something? Have you tried cowpucks?

by OrneryConclusion 3 weeks ago

follow up question, do you think it's possible to learn to like all flavors in general? say something non toxic but gross, like soap or pure medication. can you acquire tastes like that if you try hard enough?

by marcolegros 3 weeks ago

If it had nutritional value I probably could, yea.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I would say it's possible to force yourself to eat all types of food and could even be useful in survival or intercultural situations, but like or enjoy it? Nope soup! Pre-deployment we were instructed, "If they offer you a goat's eyeball, you eat the goat's eyeball." Did we eat eyeballs? Yes. Did we like it? 1/10 wanted seconds. Could I learn to like it? No, but I could work on my facial expressions and gag reflex =/

by According_Umpire497 3 weeks ago

When you get sick on a given food, your brain programs you to avoid it. Until I was 5, hot dogs were my favorite food, after 5 they made me violently ill. I tried every few years to eat them, but I cannot keep them down. It's not exactly that I don't like them, either, I can eat them, but they always come back up. I don't recall a specific incident when it started, but I had measles and mumps around my fifth birthday, I think it has something to do with that.

by Superb_Direction1496 3 weeks ago

almost all foods....I cannot stand the texture of things with bananas

by jjohnston 3 weeks ago

What a douche Do what you like and allow others the same opportunity Signs that someone just wants control over others for no reason is always the reddest of flags You got issues homie

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

But the issue is the picky eaters are the ones exercising control! They control when we eat, what restaurants we go to, and what we order. I see how people think I'm being controlling here but it's not like that. I just want to be free to eat what and where I want with my family, but I can't because they're such damn picky eaters!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You might want to start going out to eat by yourself or with friends if your family isn't willing to go to certain places. That way you won't be missing out on the cuisines you want to eat. There were certain foods I loved that my family hated, like sushi, or food from certain chain restaurants that they hated, so when I lived with them, if I wanted that food, I would go by myself or with my friends who also liked it.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Maybe so, but unless it's life critical, I'm not going to eat another oyster

by Elyse33 3 weeks ago

Why cant you just learn to like eating the same thing day after day or somewhat more realistically just going to the same restaurant every time you hang out with someone? You can do it, you're a grown ass adult just start liking less variety the same way they apparently should be forcing themselves to like more of it

by Daytonschimmel 3 weeks ago

The vibe I'm getting is "my friends and I don't like the same things, and I'd rather whine about them or control them rather than do the work to find friends who value the same things as me." How close am I?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Not very

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Your other replies kinda make this look false. Although I'll admit that just ditching friends who don't like the same foods is extreme, so is thinking that they should just change their preferences. There are other ways to deal with differences than these 2 extremes.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

There ought to be some shame felt when there's a dozen different foods you just outright refuse to eat. why should there be shame?

by Chaim41 3 weeks ago

Picky eaters can get on my nerves too, but idk if everyone can learn to like all things. Like fermented fish?? Live animals, idk.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Ill never be cool with indian street food. Or any other cuisine that cooks with just hands and no tools or gloves

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

The only food I outright refuse to eat for the rest of my life is raw oysters. I've tried them numerous times. Nothing has changed, I still hate everything about them. I could just swallow a loogie and have the same exact experience without spending any money.

by Ashamed-Big 3 weeks ago

Ironically they're one of my absolute favorite foods lol

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Definitely an unpopular opinion, but I personally agree. Most countries are becoming increasingly overweight because people "eat what they like," which often leads to long-term health issues. However, many forget that taste can adapt over time if you eat something regularly. There's plenty of evidence to support this. There are countries where the favorite food of kids is broccoli...

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Thank you!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago