+45 I hate seeing reels where boyfriend gets annoyed to share food, amirite?

by hagenesmodesta 21 hours ago

They are most likely just staged videos recycling an old joke from Friends, but some people want to eat the food they ordered and are paying for. Order your own instead of trying to steal food of someone's plate.

by Anonymous 21 hours ago

That's not stealing, it's more like the girlfriend wanting to experience the same alongside boyfriend. These reels don't even seem funny to me.

by hagenesmodesta 21 hours ago

If you don't ask or get permission before taking someone's food it's stealing

by SockSlow3498 20 hours ago

The girlfriend politely asks in those videos.

by hagenesmodesta 20 hours ago

Because that girlfriend probably continuously picks off the boyfriend's plate and they get tired of it.

by Anonymous 20 hours ago

oooh im taking that

by Anonymous 19 hours ago

Why must women feel entitled to try our food? They got their food, we got ours.

by Anonymous 19 hours ago

You clicked it so you feed the algorithm, never could imagine thats somrthing you see on social media

by Pamela65 19 hours ago

it's their choice.if someone takes my food, im also going to be annoyed

by Anonymous 18 hours ago

I don't mind sharing a bite... but I do have some pet peeves about it. You need to ask, just feeling entitled to eat off my plate is not ok. Asking for (or taking) my food before I even try it, also not ok. Saying you're not hungry, then eating half my meal, asshole move. Proper form in my opinion is to be offered, as in, "Hey this is good, do you want to try a bite".

by Affectionate_Stop383 18 hours ago

I shouldn't be responsible to try and guess how hungry you are when ordering food for myself. I order what I want to eat, and if you're "fine" then be fine. If you want something then order something.

by Active-Emotion-53 18 hours ago

When I was counting calories to lose weight I'd fight you over that food, more so with something I'd have to specifically budget a certain amount of calories for. If I skipped breakfast and had a small lunch so I could have that 1,500 calorie pasta dinner without going over my calorie intake limit for the day I'll fight you.

by Forsaken-Ask 18 hours ago

Never understood that either. I'm the annoying type of boyfriend that will literally beg you to try a bite of my food. If my food is good, I need someone else to experience it with me.

by Anonymous 18 hours ago

I totally feel you, I'm that kind too. I don't even find anything funny about these videos too.

by hagenesmodesta 17 hours ago