+40 Confidence looks cringy on humans and human body, amirite?

by cronaelinore 19 hours ago

You sound like a very unconfident person, but more then that you also sound jealous of confident people.

by Adventurous-Net-1979 19 hours ago

In fact, I think it also looks stupid on myself

by cronaelinore 18 hours ago

You aren't doing it right then, confident people don't think they "look stupid", that's kinda the whole point of being confident.

by Adventurous-Net-1979 18 hours ago

Confidence is knowing that you are insignificant, and realizing it doesn't matter. Life has no inherent meaning, which means you're free to do whatever you choose, because in the grand scheme of things, it simply doesn't matter. This realization can either empower you with confidence or fill you with fear. But the beauty lies in this: you have the freedom to choose how you respond.

by StorageFearless88 18 hours ago

The fact that we are tiny and insignificant doesn't mean that we can't be confident or feel good. I'm totally at peace with my insignificance to the greater universe, but also I know that to my friends family and my tiny world I am important piece of that world and really that's all that matters 🤷‍♀️

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

Not as teeth-grating as your use of the word cringey.

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

You sound like you have deeply rooted negative narcissism.

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

You haven't been outside the house in a while?

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

I am filled with kindness for others because I am kind to myself first

by Anonymous 17 hours ago