+32 The laughs on comedy shows make it less funny, amirite?

by Javonte84 17 hours ago

Doesn't everybody think this

by yostmurphy 17 hours ago

Maybe should have mentioned because of this any show with it I dislike, friends, big bang all of it.

by Javonte84 16 hours ago

The reason why they put laugh tracks in is because they work, time and time again laugh tracks are shown to boost ratings and make viewers perceive the show as funnier than without the laugh tracks

by Ofadel 16 hours ago

Hardly an unpopular opinion - they have been very rarely used since the early 2000s. What annoys me is people accusing old shows recorded before an audience of using "canned laughter", which was something completely different.

by Round-Chard 16 hours ago

Single camera comedies with no laugh track are all I watch. Not since Seinfeld had a traditional sitcom made me laugh. It's especially jarring when a joke that is obviously meant for a quick small laugh has a huge one.

by Anonymous 16 hours ago

I'm unable to watch almost every laugh track show once I notice the laugh track. Normally I would say this isn't a unpopular opinion, but then you remember IT Crowd and Father Ted are laugh track. Also Sienfeld is one of the least funny shows I've ever had to watch.

by Anonymous 15 hours ago