+31 Offering above asking price for a single-family should not be allowed, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

This is pointless, they would just list the homes for 1million and take the best "low" offer, still resulting in a bidding war.

by Tiarakoelpin 1 day ago

This. In many areas the listed price functions as a price floor. Otherwise we may even crazier prices. Also with a max price, you would have to pick between multiple people bidding the same. This would have the seller unfairly prefer certain types of financing, which is already common, types of banks because some are faster then other, you would see a lot more bribes, a lot more over asking in duffle bags, less inspections, more racism in selecting buyers and so on.

by Anonymous 23 hours ago

I think what makes more sense and won't always apply is that if there's multiple offers and 1 is at least asking or over it should be accepted. If it's two take the higher one, but sometimes people come back with more and more offers to counter the highest offer or an owner with 1 offer says "I'm not taking that it's too low' and its over asking.

by Realistic_Fruit 23 hours ago

Um no.

by Anonymous 23 hours ago

I'm a homeowner and I don't want anyone controlling what I sell my home for. I don't believe that anyone is entitled to be able to afford a home anywhere they want. That's just not the way the world works. I can't afford to buy a home in San Francisco or Manhattan so I don't live there. I recommend identifying markets where you can afford to buy and focus your home search in those areas.

by ObjectiveSlow7067 22 hours ago

Build more AFFORDABLE housing. More townhomes and apartments, not more McMansions.

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

More houses and more ability to afford fixing the homes we have.

by kshlerinclifton 22 hours ago

No, free trade should be encouraged

by Physical_Lie3331 22 hours ago

Well, this certainly is unpopular.

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

Duhhhh that's a gud idea boss.

by Brandon74 22 hours ago

this makes no sense. it's supply and demand.

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

Lol, ok.

by Anonymous 21 hours ago

This is such an ass take and completely against the basic principles of a free market. What actually needs to happen is barring corporations from owning SFH's

by Anonymous 21 hours ago

It's not an issue of folks bidding to much that makes the larger issue, it's corporate buyers. Make it so that you can't buy a house you're not going to live in.

by Head-Razzmatazz 20 hours ago

Life just doesn't work that way. Would we do the same for cars, food, clothes? When we just be living in a communist country standing in food lines. There are houses out there that are cheap. It just depends on what you will settle for. I had 13 roommates in a two bedroom apartment.( not full time) they each payed me to stay there a few days a month. This allowed me to save my money. I didn't pay rent or utilities for two and a half years. That's how I put my money on a condo on a lake. I'm not saying that you could do this but to win in life you have to be creative.

by Anonymous 20 hours ago

If you're getting a loan, you can't offer more than the appraised price unless you come up with the difference in cash

by bradley03 20 hours ago

The real culprit in the housing shortage is high mortgage rates. Sure, it helps to build more houses, but the monthly payments will still be higher due to the rate, and people with low mortgage rates don't want to sell their homes and have to take out a higher rate mortgage.

by Anonymous 20 hours ago