+37 I don't think we should kill spiders in our rooms, amirite?

by sadyenikolaus 1 day ago

I'm okay with a spider chilling in the web. If it's a spider running around, I try and catch it and take it outside.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Same. It's a living being after all, and their lifespan is pretty short as it is (small spiders).

by Late_Group_5043 1 day ago

That logic doesn't typically scale. Wasps and Mosquitos are also living beings, would you extend that kindness to them?

by Illustrious_Site_796 23 hours ago

Hold on... Are you saying you shouldn't be kind as living beings scale up? I'm afraid to ask how kind you are to larger animals, like dogs or humans.

by Anonymous 23 hours ago

Wasps yes when they are inside i pkace them back outside and look as they don't re-enter the house because they made a nest. mosquitos no because they carry diseases.

by andersonenrique 22 hours ago

You are a good person my friend! Fun fact: most spiders don't even see us as living beings but land structures because we are so large. So they won't have any reason to use venom on us. Jumping spiders recognize us though 🥹

by sadyenikolaus 22 hours ago

Yeah it's the jumping spiders you gotta watch out for.

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

i am constantly watching out for jumpers. how else would i be able to appreciate how cute they are?

by Anonymous 21 hours ago

They are just jumpy little guys, they are unlikely to bite you and they are the best at hunting flies.

by StrictAlbatross 21 hours ago

I worked at Walmart in the garden department when I was younger and found one on a pallet. I took him outside and put him in the plants and I'd see him every now and then while watering. I loved that little guy.

by Anonymous 21 hours ago

wow that is a really cool fact!

by Anonymous 21 hours ago

Putting them outside actually kills them.

by Anonymous 20 hours ago

Where I am the kind of spiders I'm finding inside my house are the ones that usually live outside my house and they have gotten lost The Huntsman, the size of my hand is gonna be totally fine

by Anonymous 20 hours ago

How are they getting in if they're the size of your hand? Do you have gaping holes in your house?

by Anonymous 20 hours ago

You would be amazed what a Huntsman can do and the spaces they can squeeze through

by Anonymous 20 hours ago

For me, depends on the spider. Black widow, or ugly sack spiders that can bite you, including brown recluses, their days are severely numbered. But a daddy long legs, or wolf jumping spider, hey you're okay bud, you get a pass.

by Anonymous 20 hours ago

Yeah but if they accidentally get on me then I might accidentally squish them and I can't deal with squished insects

by Anonymous 20 hours ago

That kills them too. Indoor spiders are usually hatched inside; like a wall or something. They're domesticated when they're inside. It's like a house cat. In door spiders don't know what birds are.

by Anonymous 19 hours ago

Most of the spiders near me were outside and have gotten themselves lost inside

by Anonymous 19 hours ago

Spiderbro was probably born inside tho. Putting outside is like being evicted.

by Anonymous 19 hours ago

I can garentee in my area these spider bros were born outside and have made their way in

by Anonymous 19 hours ago

I woke up with a huntsman on my bedside table. Sorry but I might die from the shock of it one day.

by Jett91 19 hours ago

yeah small spiders are okay in my book, huntsmans are no no, the way they move are so creepy, idc if they are harmless

by Anonymous 18 hours ago

CDC claims there are an average 7 deaths a year to spiders in the USA. In January to September 2024 there were over 29,000 fatalities. or 3,000 dead a day. You should be way more scared of going 70mph on the freeway.

by lydiamaggio 18 hours ago

Ironically jumper spiders are one for the few that can recognize humans as actual creatures lol

by Anonymous 18 hours ago

Ok, I'm not doubting your claim, just curious how one could even know that.

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

That's interesting. lol

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

I like spiders. They eat all the bugs I hate.

by Impressive_Grass_617 17 hours ago

Spiders are there because of other bugs. Spiders are good pest control agents.

by Anonymous 17 hours ago

I get tons of black widows in my backyard when it gets warmer. I don't mind them except the fact that I have dogs and little kids who also go out back so unfortunately they have to die.

by Icy-Insurance 17 hours ago

Fair enough you can't really train a dog to look out for them but you can teach your kids. They're smarter than they are made out to be.

by parisianlola 16 hours ago

I agree with you. The one thing I can't tolerate is False Widows indoors, because they can pose a danger to my elderly cats, and even then - if it's at all possible I'll catch them in a jar and release them outside. Other than that - I don't interfere with spiders unless they're in my face.

by Different_Frame9663 16 hours ago

I have arachnophobia. While I agree Mr. Bob the spider does great for the ecosystem, he can't be in my room and if I find him, he's getting squished.

by No_Promotion3253 15 hours ago

I catch them and put them in our unfinished basement.

by Bulky_Difference_793 15 hours ago

I don't mind a couple of little spiders at all.

by Balistrerijarvi 15 hours ago

You can't trick me, I know you're a spider

by Rhea14 15 hours ago

I don't mind spiders and geckos, I name them ✨

by Anonymous 14 hours ago

Nope. Been bitten in my sleep before. I will unapologetically murder any spider I come across.

by Anonymous 14 hours ago

I allow Phidippus spiders free run in my Sun Room, where I spend most of my time. I'm always thrilled to see one. They're cute and curious and they eat bugs off my cactus and succulents.

by schmelerhyman 14 hours ago

You get along until you swallow it in your sleep.

by Stephany65 14 hours ago

That doesn't happen nearly as often as your lead to believe.

by Anonymous 13 hours ago

This lie was made up by a sociologist who wanted to see how many years a fun fact that was easily proven as false if you checked her sources in the book she wrote; would influence society. She also made up the fun fact that you eat a certain number of spider legs in chocolate.

by streichdorris 13 hours ago

Not an especially unpopular opinion. Lots of people don't want to hurt spiders and just leave them alone, myself included. I just don't like it when they touch me, but if I see one I just leave it be

by dwight36 13 hours ago

I unfortunately have arachnophobia and have to get someone else to rid of the spider for me. Also, this is unrelated, but I'm also annoyed of spider lovers telling me "go look at it" "just go get some exposure therapy" "it's so cute though" It's like telling someone who's scared of dogs to just go pet it anyway. It's stupid and annoying.

by ColdExcellent2601 13 hours ago

I hate spiders too. Disgusting things. Fun fact: arachnophobes can sense evil.

by Clemmiegleichne 13 hours ago

I kill any and all bugs that come into my house. Not gonna feel bad about it

by Anonymous 12 hours ago

Same. I spend sometimes 20 min trying to catch a spider moving around to put it outside, poor guys probably think I'm going to eat it while running for their lives lol.

by Anonymous 12 hours ago

Sorry bud it's going to die be fed to my flytrap or now if it's not already full of pesticides dipped in calcium and fed to my gecko

by Anonymous 11 hours ago

As long as a spider isn't on me or in my bed they are friends.

by Icy-You 11 hours ago

It is definitely unpopular but you're right. Personally, I wouldn't let a spider stay in my room because I wouldn't want it to end up in my bed, but they are very good for your house

by Anonymous 11 hours ago

I don't kill spiders. They have the right to be alive just like I do. I don't live in an area where I need to worry about being killed by a spider. I think it's wrong to kill things just because we're afraid of it and it made the mistake of coming across us.

by Anonymous 10 hours ago

I agree to a point, but if some kinds of spiders get hungry, they'll think nothing of biting you in your sleep

by Anonymous 10 hours ago

I'd much rather have spiders than any other pest but id rather have no pest at all.

by Anonymous 10 hours ago

I agree so much! I try not to even take them outside unless I'm super icked out. The last house spider I saw in my bathroom I simply tried to forget he was there 😂

by Anonymous 9 hours ago

I don't kill spiders if I can help it. I'll do my best to relocate outside. Unless there's a daddy long legs, then I just let it be.

by Anonymous 9 hours ago

Mkay well when it decides to lick your cheek in the middle of the night don't change your mind!

by Anonymous 9 hours ago

We have house spiders. We don't name them or anything like that, but we do soak q-tips in water and let them have a drink once a week. They will start to recognize what you are doing and come out for water. A couple years ago one actually used to sit by the sink and wave his little legs at me to get my attention for water. I miss that guy.

by Anonymous 8 hours ago

Nice try spider

by Anonymous 8 hours ago

Let me guess. You're not in Australia

by Anonymous 8 hours ago

I respect spiders. I also have arachniphobia. Within a second of seeing a spider I will either send it back to the shadow isle or my body will become literally paralyzed with fear. That being said, I prefer to keep a heavy regiment of pesticide around my home.

by Anonymous 7 hours ago

I'm terrified of them. They're beneficial, but I'm more scared of them than other bugs. I've literally switched bedrooms over a spider. I don't like them at all.

by Anonymous 7 hours ago

Most people are too stupid to think this way but you're exactly right.

by Anonymous 7 hours ago

I don't kill spiders in my home, or in my bedroom, or if I find one at work. My kids don't like em so if they find one I will catch it and take it outside.

by Shakirajast 7 hours ago

I'll admit, I am a bitch when it comes to spiders. Too many legs for me. Too spooky. However, I'll let them be if they are the spindly legged ones. Black Widows/Wolf Spiders and that kind? Heck no. You in my house and I'll stomp ya into the next year. If you're outside my house? Bugger off

by Equivalent_Party 7 hours ago

We have a 200 year old house and love our spiders and house centipedes. We are well aware that they keep the less desirable populations low.

by Anonymous 7 hours ago

All sliders should die. They produce 100s of baby spiders that will hatch in your room

by Anonymous 6 hours ago

I have spider bros across the house

by mohrmara 6 hours ago

I don't mind spiders as long as they aren't near my bed or kitchen for reasons I hope to god are obvious.

by Anonymous 6 hours ago

I say we take off, nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

by Brave-Tap6843 6 hours ago

One summer when I was a teen, we had a fly problem in my house (could never figure out the root cause); then one day we saw a spider dangling from the kitchen ceiling. We never killed spiders but we always took them outside, this time we decided to leave it there. Within a week, the flies all but disappeared and the spider basically doubled in size. From then on I grew to have love for our eight legged friends.

by emmitt48 5 hours ago

Until it bites you?

by SubjectWafer6982 5 hours ago

Depends on the spider. Whitetails just eat other spiders and will bite you.

by Anonymous 4 hours ago

Spiders are great and all, Being pest control for my plants. But after 20 bites and not being able to go to work or school because i have 2 inch spiderbite, you need to leave my house before i....you know

by SuitableTower332 4 hours ago

Wood spiders belong in the woods. Not my family room. Or kitchen. I just love spider season.

by Lower-Reporter3371 4 hours ago

I leave the spiders and the house centipedes alone. Or occasionally rescue from a cat or the sink. They eat the actual pests, and the ones we get here are harmless. They're welcome to stay! Sometimes they even get names.

by Rhodamohr 3 hours ago

I used to leave spiders alive or just remove them from the house. That was until a spider bit my daughters lip, and her whole face swelled up at an alarming rate. Had to call an emergency services. And I live in a country with no venomous spiders (supposedly). After that, I just kill them. Can't risk my children's lives (and yes, my kids are very young).

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

I don't kill any insects in the house. It's easy to catch them and take them outside.

by No-Flounder8104 3 hours ago

I love spiders the way they lay waiting patiently in there when but I hate the mantis

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

I leave spiders to run free, they get the other insects. And the two that I should be concerned with, widow and recluse, wouldn't likely be wandering around in sight.

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

As long as it's not a black widow, yeah it's fine. Those things WILL infest, though

by ntremblay 2 hours ago

Je suis d'accord, sauf qu'elle vient dans mon lit et me mord.

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

My general rule is "you can stay, but if you start showing up with a bunch of your friends, you all gotta go".

by mbarrows 1 hour ago

Consider the following: Spiders will only stay in your room if they can find food to eat. If you can't see the spider food, that means it's coming out when you can't see. In other words, the presence of spiders implies the existence of other creepier, crawlier bugs that come out at night.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago


by Anonymous 1 hour ago

Same here!

by Anonymous 38 minutes ago

I used to feel similar, then a spider crawled up my back onto my shoulder and that was enough for me to say Ggs. Kill on sight now

by vandervortdarri 31 minutes ago

Spider! Hiding in the corner.

by Anonymous 22 minutes ago

If the dudes in the corner are making a web eating flies that's what I consider their rent! I usually try to protect them from the tiny fluffy little carnivore that we keep in our house for comfort and love.

by Anonymous 14 minutes ago

I try to leave them alone except for when they happen to drop down right in my face.

by Responsible-Cheek779 4 minutes ago