+65 Most people, now and even in the past, don't actually want children, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

As someone who came from parent's like that, its more of a blessing to not have kids than to have them when you dont want them. We can tell, even when you're doing your best.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

There's so many stories of women (ya know, the ones doing 99% of child stuff) who DIDN'T want kids but their husband is like "you're literally not allowed to tell me no" so that's how you get 12 children. I'm so glad for women to be able to choose to have children

by august87 1 day ago

Yep. My mom never wanted kids and I was reject #3. Either want the kids you have or don't have them people!!

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I'll never have kids. You got me.

by kshlerinrigober 1 day ago

My aunt passed last year. She never had kids to focus on her career. I recall seeing her cry. about a month before she passed, as she spent most of her days alone. The rest of the family had their own lives and kids to care for. We would go visit her when we all could but she was a 90 min drive each way. Can't exactly go nightly. She chose aquiring fortune over a family. She left over 1.2M to various animal shelters and protection agencies but better believe not a single rep from any of those places came to sit with her or attended her services after. In the end, she was a scared, lonely old widow. But it's literally what she always planned for so you can't knock her choices. They're hers to make. It's easy to say I'll die surrounded by family and friends. Then you get into your mid 80s and realize you've outlived all your friends and family isn't nearby... sharp contrast to my wife's grandmother who passed recently. Her 4 kids visited her daily and 2 of the 4 spent significant overnights with her. She was truly surrounded by everyone in the end and never faced any of it alone. All 4 kids, all 4 spouses and about a dozen grandkids were with her the night she passed. Whatever check you write today will one day be cashed...

by Zrutherford 1 day ago

You're also never going to get a straight answer asking someone about their kids if you don't have kids yourself. For about of people, having kids is the greatest thing they have ever done and their lives had far less meaning before their kids came around. Telling that to a random friend seems preachy and maybe a little mean if they can't have kids. It's like telling a blind person their life won't be completely fulfilling unless they can see the Mona Lisa.

by Dismal-Marzipan7781 1 day ago

Evolutionarily, we wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for reproductive drive. Also Economic pressures impact the experience of having kids, and it's hard to measure in isolation.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

This opinion doesn't make sense. If the American birthrate is still positive, how is that evidence that people don't want to have kids? Contraception just gives people the option to enjoy sex without always getting pregnant, not never getting pregnant.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

A lot of people had kids in the past because it made financial/business sense. you can raise someone to work on your farm for example and you live together, you don't have to pay them. you teach them to do the same thing. as a result you have more labor and retirement security. It was very pragmatic. I think that's why the birthrate has declined, having kids is a financial drain now.

by IntroductionVivid935 1 day ago

Yeah but part of my point is the amount of people who want to be childfree is a lot higher than people think. It's generally seen as a bit fringe, but I'd venture to say at least 50% of people don't actually want kids

by Anonymous 1 day ago

There are various reasons as to low birth rates. Using China as an example doesn't work because the government actually enforces birth rates to a degree. Countries as they develop and gain more economic stability, also tend to have less kids and at older ages, as especially women are wanting to focus on their careers. You can even see the birth rates dropping off in African countries as they get economically better. Or in countries like the US, the poor is who tends to have the bulk of children.

by Patient-Lead 1 day ago

Sure, but that means people care more about their career than having kids

by Anonymous 23 hours ago

quality of life generally increases just about anywhere, across culture and time, people have less kids I mean I think the main reason is actually because back in the day 50% of your kids died before the age of 5. Odds were if you had one or two kids like people do today you'd be childless very quickly.

by Responsible_Shame 23 hours ago

It depends on your definition of quality of life. For many of us having kids adds to our quality of life.

by Necessary-Pound 23 hours ago

That might not be correct. Most people seem to want kids once they reach a certain age. It's a biological imperative that kicks in. We tend to want to have someone to pass things down to as well; since immortality isn't an option just yet.

by ullrichyasmeen 22 hours ago

Honestly its best those people don't. Most of them don't have genes worth passing on anyway. Ironically best for humanity

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

but I think it also has the opposite effect in relation to wealth. I know many couples here in Brazil who wanted to have more children but don't because it's not worth it.

by Radiant-Seesaw7312 22 hours ago

Not having kids is spiritual suicide. Sure your life might be great, but you will never know the highs highs and low lows that come from raising a child.

by Harberjan 22 hours ago

Sure Jan

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

The child is not just raised by the parents but by the village as well, so genetics & upbringing only transfer so much in terms of legacy imo, you have every right to disagree

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

I legit don't care though, it's not interesting. I'd rather just be happy myself

by Anonymous 22 hours ago

Yeah hopefully humanity goes extinct!

by SeesawNo 22 hours ago

I'm not an antinatalist, but I also don't really care if humanity eventually goes extinct. If everyone collectively agreed to not have kids, I'd say "meh, it's their choice". There's no moral duty to reproduce.

by Patient-Lead 22 hours ago

When everyone is going to die, it will happen anyway. The question is whether it will happen peacefully.

by Anonymous 21 hours ago

Idk about this. I don't want kids and I have childfree friends, but there's always some Schmuck telling me I should go get knocked up to experience real love

by Anonymous 21 hours ago