+38 The movie Memento isn't good, amirite?

by Own_Creme 2 days ago

Unpopular opinion doesn't even cut it. I'd bet you think Friends or Sex in the city were the best shows ever made. I can't even.

by Margaretekonope 2 days ago

Also his argument about the "I DID IT" tattoo is in a flashback about his wife that we're not necessarily supposed to believe because Leonard proves he's an unreliable narrator. Not only that, but it has a double meaning as he likely killed his own wife with insulin shots hence "I did it", I killed her. It's the part of him that knows what happened deep inside the more the pieces don't add up. Sammy Jenkins is real, he did get tested with the electric shape memory test and Leonard did deny his insurance claim, but the insulin shots are implied to be where he merges his own story. The twist isn't that Ted is the guy who has always been helping him out; they make that very obvious. The twist is that Leonard himself is the reason the goose chase continues. When he writes "don't believe his lies" it sets up the necessary distrust throughout the movie for Teddy to be killed. He also writes down Teddy's license plate to seal his fate. It's not about Leonard not realizing Teddy is the good guy. It's about that instance of Leonard knowing the whole truth and purposely continuing his chase for the sake of vengeance. Leonard didn't want the truth, it overwhelmed him with guilt and that guilt made him vengeful. The whole movie people (Nathalie, Ted) question Leonard's purpose, what is he to gain from this? And the answer is Leonard creates his own reasons. He literally says it himself when he copies the license plate. TLDR The beauty and true twist of the movie is that the biggest manipulation of Leonard's vulnerable condition is performed by no one, but himself. All due to denial of the guilt that is associated with the truth. If that doesn't shock OP or make OP reflect on human nature then they must've missed the point.

by Capital-Test 2 days ago

More unpopular is me thinking Nolan is just another Michael Bay.

by Tyrel18 2 days ago

OMG that's a wild take and I'm here for it.

by Dismal-Parking 2 days ago

Michael Bay movies are their own genre. Bubblegum for the kind, but nobody else can make them the way he does. And they are technically skilled in ways that aren't obvious unless you really pay attention.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

He's had some shining moments IMO, but I'm not a fan of the majority of his outputs. I could never deny either director's technical prowess and innovation though.

by Tyrel18 2 days ago


by Anonymous 1 day ago

Well with Bag you get unnecessarily explosions instead

by StressConscious7674 1 day ago

Yes Nolan very necessarily crashed a real plane for the plot.

by Tyrel18 1 day ago

The nuclear bomb joke was right there

by StressConscious7674 1 day ago

One of them makes good ones.

by vincenzaohara 1 day ago

The Rock was definitely a banger.

by Tyrel18 1 day ago

Michael Bay is awesome... The Rock is timeless still get a few 50 somethings together to enjoy it now and then.

by RoutineRanger3772 1 day ago

The Rock is one of the best action films ever. I agree.

by Tyrel18 1 day ago

you aren't really making any arguments here you are just reciting the plot of the movie.

by Orland87 1 day ago

Despite Memento actually having a perfect ending that literally fits its theme like a glove. Also, Dark Knight ending is pretty damn good too.

by Cecil10 1 day ago

The Prestige also has a great ending. The rest I can see an argument, however.

by Capital-Test 1 day ago

Inception and Interstellar has satisfying endings

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I haven't seen that in almost 20 years. Time for a rewatch!

by Cecil10 1 day ago

Genuinely my favorite Nolan movie. Wish I could have 20 years of forgetting how good it was so I can re-enjoy it hahahha Have fun!

by Capital-Test 1 day ago

This guy knows what's up.

by Tyrel18 1 day ago

Isn't good or you didn't like it? "Purely because it's backwards." Did you watch the movie or focus on the backwards aspect only?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

OP woke up and chose violence.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Garbage opinion

by Anonymous 1 day ago

My husband loves it! I watched it with him once and was so bored. I didn't like it at all.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Does he have your insulin?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

You're nuts.

by Jedreynolds 1 day ago