+25 I loved the album"Songs of Innocence" by U2, amirite?

by Useful-College-2395 2 days ago

And now? Did you have the chance to listen to it?

by Useful-College-2395 1 day ago

Nah I feel like apple burned that bridge for me 😂

by Hackettarvilla 1 day ago

No idea was it their decision or Apple decision to make it that way, but logic says Apple, who received zero hate

by Useful-College-2395 1 day ago

Appreciated bro

by Useful-College-2395 1 day ago

honestly the hate was louder than it needed to be people acted like u2 broke into their house and hand delivered the album under threat but yeah musically it had some solid tracks and "every breaking wave" definitely deserved more love

by Candid-Chicken 1 day ago

U2 broke into my house and hand delivered their album to me.

by dejon38 1 day ago


by Anonymous 1 day ago

Thank god it came with like every iphone

by Humble-Fly7390 1 day ago

I like U2, but that album disappointed me beside the first track. But the Adam Scott / Scott Auckerman podcast R U Talking U2 2 Me? somewhat changed my opinion about it: A band that recently was among the biggest most famous rock and roll groups in the world pushing their most recent record out for free to everyone who would want it? Honestly, awesome and classy move, except it was their worst record and a lot of people didn't want it, and the apple software made it annoying to have it in the library if it wasn't your speed. Frankly cool move, but undercut by technology and bad timing.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I never saw anyone getting hated for giving free stuff, yes Apple are idiots but the hate was almost exclusively directed to U2. For sure it is not their best work. But it is not like they shared a couple of demos effort is there regardless of quality.

by Useful-College-2395 1 day ago

I think if they decided to share their record with the world the way Radiohead did with In Rainbows, Innocence would not have the reputation it does now

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I don't know why you think Apple receives no hate. Ask anyone who makes your texts turn green what they think.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

U2 after being one of tge coolest bands ever they were basically uncool. 10 years aog if you said you love them you would get destroyed by people. Still now they receive that level of hate. Apple went without a scratch, people now link U2 to this incident but not Apple

by Useful-College-2395 1 day ago

Kids these days don't know what a U2 is, and oldies remember banger albums like War, Joshua Tree, Pop and How to Dismantle. Tim Apple was the one who stood up at the iphone announcement and said he was pushing it to every itunes account. No need to be defensive, U2 is doing fine.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

That's actually one of my favorite songs from them.

by Anonymous 1 day ago