+42 People pro animal adoption, should be pro human adoption, amirite?

by Electrical_Still 1 day ago

Raising an child is vastly different from raising an animal.

by Independent_Bat4566 1 day ago

the number of people who want to adopt is much larger than the number of children who can get adopted. fostering is another matter, but then you run the risk of getting a child either servere issues without getting told about it, mismatching child/adult. or creating a parental bond and the getting the yoinked from you because a biological parent finally completed their fifth attempt of getting clean.

by florenciomurray 1 day ago

That last thing happened to me. It broke me entirely

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Yeah, and where I live with rarely have closed adoptions. You will get a rigorous background and get interrogated aboit everything from your finances to your hobbies. Then you will be interviewed by the birth parents and in many cases the birth parents will continue to be involved in the childs life in some capacity.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Tbf adopting a child is heavily expensive/long process and difficult. Adopting a pet is pretty straight forward

by Active_Beautiful_908 1 day ago

Yeah, but it's not like there's shelters that are so full of orphans that they're euthanizing them regularly because there's not enough space.

by cartermarcelle 1 day ago

Sure, but there are kids in foster care being abused.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Adopting a child isn't really the same as having a kid. It's a whole ass thing that comes with some challenges very unique to the situation. The decision to adopt vs DIY a kid is not one to be taken lightly and it requires a lot of understanding, research, and resources. It's several levels of magnitude more significant than getting a pet. Adoption is a very powerful and good thing, but it's in no way shape or form comparable to buying a pet from a shelter vs a breeder.

by cartermarcelle 1 day ago

It's very hard to adopt actually. They have super stringent requirements. There also aren't as many kids in orphanages as you think (which are generally religious institutions). Foster children aren't the same thing. A foster child's parents still have a right to their child. I know people think it's just a bunch of abandoned children, but it's not. Imagine a drug addict that has their child taken away. They lose custody of their kids. 2 years later they get clean and have a stable job. They can take their children back at any time.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

And there's also many adopted kids being abused?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

do we need them?

by Sufficient-Insect 1 day ago

The mines seem to think so

by Anonymous 1 day ago

You're right: instead they're dumped in foster care, group homes, and temporary housing centers with no stability or support with a 20-50% chance of ending up on the streets.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Is school out for spring break or something?

by Craigsauer 1 day ago

lmao what a stupid parallel to draw.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Why is it stupid?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Because children aren't dogs

by Anonymous 1 day ago

It's incredibly difficult to adopt children. You can't just go to the adoption center "1 child please!"

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Not the same thing at all. When was the last time you heard of an overpopulated orphanage putting the unadopted down? Secondly there is no such thing as a baby mill where people are breeding babies for people to buy as accessories then toss them when they're no longer babies.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Except that biologically having a child is not 'buying' so you're not shopping.

by quentinjacobson 1 day ago

How does that change the overall point?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Its a false equivalence? Adopt don't shop and stigma for BUYING over rescuing. If biologically having a kid is not even BUYING then the 2 comparisons are totally useless.

by quentinjacobson 1 day ago

Are there anti human adoption people ? I'm confused about what point ur trying to make.

by TopBreakfast5879 1 day ago

The level of stupidity for this argument is astounding.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Ill-informed or ragebait, take your pick.

by RealisticVisit 1 day ago

Bro... children are like 100x harder to maintain than an animal. You can't really compare these two things together. If I'm just freshly out of college, have a job, but just want some companion, I'm gonna adopt a dog. Sure, it takes responsibility, but it's not overwhelming, and is something that I can do as a single teen. However... adopt a kid? Kids need infinitely more stuff to take care of, a lot more stress, and just overall not as fun. This is a stupid comparison.

by julien49 1 day ago

Yes, I believe one should adopt children before buying trafficked children from a breeder. Big hot take alert incoming.

by Important-Length6258 1 day ago

Yeah, it's kind of the exact opposite... If you have a child biologically, if you're the one in labor, you've ethically sourced your child. This isn't at all comparable to breeders who sell purebred animals for pets. In contrast, if you adopt, there's a chance (depending on how you go about it), that you've actually engaged in human trafficking and purchased a kidnapped child. Feel free to Google which countries have banned international adoption and read about why that happens.

by Happy_Magician6521 1 day ago

You're referring to international adoption which only slightly more than 1,500 occur a year versus the 108,877 kids in the US waiting for adoption in foster care (with 368,000+ in the foster care system most likely waiting for reunification with parents).

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Yes, I was referring to international adoption mostly, but even domestic adoption can involve coercion. Using a reputable agency is important, but getting matched will be difficult, as there are more families who want to adopt in the U.S. than there are babies available for adoption. Fostering to adopt is quite different. It's an incredible thing to do, but it takes a very strong person to pour their whole heart into a child, who will most likely be reunified with their biological parents. That kind of heartbreak is hard to imagine (and definitely not comparable to adopting a pet).

by Happy_Magician6521 1 day ago

I don't believe that existing is a negative thing, so that's where you lose me in this argument. As for why people choose to have a child rather than adopt from the foster system, it often comes down to capabilities: Lots of people are capable of having a child, protecting that child and giving them a good life. A much smaller number of people have the ability to properly care for an already traumatized child, in the way those children need and deserve. A lot of people simply know their own limits.

by Happy_Magician6521 1 day ago

I think if you can't comprehend that not every person born into the world necessarily WANTS to be born, maybe you're not thinking hard enough about the responsibility and weight of what it means to bring life into the world. I mean you don't think out of 2 million parents wanting to adopt there aren't 108k of them that could come with the patience of raising a child with trauma? Arent these skills every parent should develop when they're making the choice to have a bio-kid anyway?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Foster children can't be adopted. Fix your ignorance.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Please don't tell me you're this stupid when Google is free.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

How about you take your own suggestion? Adoption is a specific term with a specific meaning. An adopted child is legally your child (and typically concerns a young child). You can't adopt a foster child. You can foster a child, which means you're temporarily caring for a kid until their parent gets their act together. Many foster children are older too and have severe behavioral/emotional issues that need a very well prepared family that can deal with these issues.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I'm not sure buying a dog is comparable to having a child. You're not buying your child by having one Also adopting a child is extremely difficult and expensive. Not to mention you have to be able to give the child all the necessary resources they need in case they have trauma, which also means you need to be capable of potentially handling trauma and however it manifests itself. I think adoption can be a great thing but it's not easy, and it's not at all comparable to adopting a dog

by YogurtAdventurous 1 day ago

They don't "need homes" per say. They already have that from the state along with naccessities. What they DONT have is a loving family. This will not be found by guilt tripping people into adopting. Much better to fund the social sector properly and improve the actual adoption process along with strong support for the family once the adoption has gone through.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Unlike adopting a cat, adopting a child is really difficult and expensive. I don't understand it, but for some reason most people want their kids to be biological children.

by woodrow21 1 day ago

I don't understand it. Why on Earth would people want their children to be biological children? People just expect too much.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Do you think pets are literally the same as children? Seriously?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I think this is ignoring the fact that a lot of kids in the foster care system have been taken away from their very caring families because their parents lived in poverty. The government should support these families. Instead they dont

by Anonymous 1 day ago

It's the only way that you can parallel this would be saying people shouldn't support couples getting pregnant and having a child..... The adopt would just be the adopt but the shop part would be telling people not to have their own biological children..... That's not the same I can't really be comparable the stigma you are trying to ask is saying people should start putting a stigma on people having a baby together

by jettjones 1 day ago

Haha at least this one is funny

by AmazingBookkeeper299 1 day ago

This isn't an unpopular opinion this is just stupid

by Anonymous 1 day ago

The adoption industry is full of corruption. You don't honestly think that they're all orphans, do you?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

How are you even comparing pet adoption to human adoption? They are completely different "animals". Human adoption is hard to come by but there are millions of poor little animals that need homes. I have no idea how you are putting animal adoption in the same sentence with human adoption.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

People suck. Animals good. Welcome to my Ted talk

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Yeah. I do. Except I seriously doubt this is OP's opinion, which is what I said in the seconds sentence.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Based on what

by Ordinary_Aerie 1 day ago

The "adopt, don't shop" crew have double standards, that's all. Oh, and you can't tell them their creed supports BYBs and puppy mills!

by Anonymous 1 day ago