+35 Timezones need to be abolished, amirite?

by Rwunsch 1 day ago

Lost me when you said ego centric. Didn't know having a different timezone meant ego.

by OddCredit 1 day ago

Don't tell this idiot about daylight saving times. He's likely to murder someone.

by lelah49 1 day ago

Can't tell if ragebait or you don't have two braincells to rub together

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Can you please explain the actual issues and how they are at all ‘ego centric'? Is there not an advantage in knowing everyone's waking or business hours are going to be roughly around 9-5 so when you look up what time it is in a country you know whether they would be awake or not?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

So whose Timezone do you set as everyone's standard? If it's the middle of the night in Australia it's high noon somewhere else.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

how do you even get confused about timezones? with a pocket internet anyone can get information about any timezones, even if they cant math up to 24.

by Anonymous 1 day ago