-39 250k a year is actually rich. almost no one makes that, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

No one disagrees with you.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I have a family member who makes 250 base. She still considers herself solidly middle class. There's no convincing her otherwise. People get really out of touch with reality

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Depends on what you mean by "rich

by Anonymous 1 day ago

except people who make that much claiming they live paycheck to paycheck. I see it all of the time.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Stevie Richards tells a funny story about Hulk Hogan, crying backstage because he "needs $2M a year just to live, brother".

by Alternative-Ebb4366 1 day ago

Living paycheck to paycheck has nothing to do with how much money you make. I means you won't be able to pay for all of your bills/debt/groceries if you don't get your next paycheck. You have no money saved.

by Impressive-Form-4192 1 day ago

While I agree it's definitely in 'rich' territory, this part... To reach that level you have to own several businesses or shops or be a pro athlete or a famous celebrity. ...is not really true at all.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I make in that neighborhood. And while I don't really worry about monthly expenses anymore, it's not like I can just go out and buy whatever I want. I'd argue it's in the "well off" category.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I can agree to that. "Well off" is a good description. Either way, earning that doesn't require being a professional athlete, celebrity, or owning multiple businesses. There's folks in my company selling small business insurance that clear that no problem. Directors (not even VPs) clear it in a lot of markets. Hell, Senior managers in almost anything STEM related in good fields do it. I've got 2 former students (one was one of Kevin's classmates) that are clearing it in cybersecurity. I ballpark around 2-3 more years in my current role and I'll be there without stretching it. The idea that $250k is unattainable is kind of wild....because it's not. It's quite attainable.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Oh I absolutely agree. I think the minimum salary in the NFL is like 800k or something. 250k isn't unattainable by any stretch of the imagination. Just takes effort and consistency tbh.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

It's definitely a very good salary but it's one that's achievable in many professions without being a celebrity or whatever. City traders, lawyers, accountants etc can achieve that salary eventually.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I have a mechanic friend at my company who made that lol. He basically lives at work but yeah

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Nah I know tons of people in tech and finance and surgeons that make over $250k/yr, it's really common in the corporate world People with a few million in assets don't think they are rich, they think those with $10 million plus are. And people with 10 million don't think they are rich - they think people with $100million are. And they think billionaires are rich

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Damn bro, did someone call you poor today or something?

by PigletOk 1 day ago

Alright? lol

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I make close to that. I'm well off but I wouldn't call myself "rich" At least not by American standards.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Man you need to get professional help

by Key-Feed5280 1 day ago

Depends on where you live and household size. For instance, in NYC or San Francisco, a family of four with $230k a year make enough to live comfortably. Not "rich", but comfortable. In Kansas, $250k a year for a family of four, you might as well change your name to Jeff Bezos.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

literally nobody thinks 250k isn't rich. 100k yeah you'll get into debates but come on man

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Grass is green type of take.

by PoundUnique 1 day ago

Sometimes it's yellow.

by Status-Shift 1 day ago

It's a very good salary but plenty of people can get that depending on the job they want to work. Definitely don't need to be famous or something or some master businessman.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

My wife and I make that kind of money (mostly my wife). Perks of going into medicine.

by austynbosco 1 day ago

What currency? The median wage for quite a few professionals in Aus would be around that eg specialist doctors, barristers and senior lawyers, executive level in corporate (and we're not talking CEO / CFO / MD who would be half a mill to a few mill, but rungs below that) and quite a surprising amount of people in government even. Not to mention those who work in the building industry (though they tend to obscure their earnings in a variety of ways).

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Depends on the currency. Nowhere was that specified, bud.

by Beahancathy 1 day ago

I mean there's doctors that make that. Software engineers at a big tech company. Regional managers at large companies. Lawyers. Sales. It's really not balling rich. That salary buys you a house, a nice car (but nothing like a Porsche), a good retirement, and some vacations. Great life, but nothing that crazy. Middle class for San Francisco/California ends at 232K (though that's household income). The median MLB players' salary is 1.5 million per year. You certainly don't need to own multiple businesses to make more than 250k. Your average actor actually doesn't even make over 100K per year, but a decently famous actor can make millions in a year.

by Boylediamond 1 day ago

Who tf said it isnt rich? You probably heard that from Elon Musk or Andrew Tate

by Anonymous 1 day ago

A mid career tech employee earns that in the major tech hubs, and trust me it's not ballin rich in those areas It's comfortable you can afford most things you want, but not ballin rich. A single major medical issue could pull you back to ground

by Zestyclose-Letter 1 day ago

I guess it depends on where you live. The Netherlands and, i think, Europe in general? Super high. America? I think you see this much more there.

by Ill-Thought 1 day ago

250k is honestly not rich. You're doing good, but not rich at all. I work for so many rich people that have so much money 250k is literally nothing. People that own several businesses or are pro athletes or celebrities are making wayyyyyyyy more than 250k. The average nba salary is like 12 million.. It would take someone who makes 250k 48 YEARS to make what an nba player makes in one year.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

I'd argue that's middle class

by IllustriousWrap7059 1 day ago

I'd agree.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

How is this an unpopular opinion?

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Because it's not true

by Anonymous 1 day ago

Half a million people make that pre-taxes in London.

by Anonymous 1 day ago

That's a median salary for most 25-30 year old SWEs at FAANG

by Alarming-Culture-333 1 day ago