+54 Kill the richest person in the world day, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Dude calm down lmao

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Or hear me out, and I know this is CRAZY but, we could regulate corporations and trust bust instead.

by Hot_Operation_1873 2 days ago

How about kill the dumbest person in the world today

by Anonymous 2 days ago


by Anonymous 2 days ago

First of not very good bait, secondly you do know their "wealth" aren't going to be shared right? As in most of that wealth isn't in cash on their bank accounts, but in the things they own, so not really anything to split with everyone, or do you plan on everything they own should be taken down and sold or something?

by Anonymous 2 days ago

How would you determine "rich"? Purely monetary value?

by oswaldobartolet 2 days ago

Forbes about to start taking bribes

by Known-Painting 2 days ago

Luigi is that you?

by Anonymous 2 days ago

apart from the ethocal implications: i‘d assume that we don't even know who the richest person is.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

How would we decide who the richest person in the world is? Sure we can say Elon because of Forbes, but do we really think Elon is the richest person in the world? What about some of those Saudi's that have been rumored to be trillionaires? What about the Thai King who may actually own a lot more wealth than what is directly stated? What is the real wealth of Kim Jong Un? He is the supreme leader of North Korea... Idk though, I'm speculating here... Elon could be the actual richest person in the world right now... I have no idea.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

The richest person in the world donated all their money to you the day before at midnight.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

lol, thats not a very good bait, too obvious. Nice try though

by Dizzy-Instruction 2 days ago

Sigh. Not feeding the troll I'm afraid. Stupid.

by Straight-Run-615 2 days ago

Most of them don't actually have the money they are "worth" to share with anyone.

by Kovaceknathan 2 days ago

I think it's enough if we just make them pay their taxes and get rid of loopholes

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Taxing the rich makes sense but "Killing the richest person" what's wrong with you?

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Yeah their kids would just inherit. You'd need to start talking asset seizure

by Anonymous 2 days ago

How could you possibly think this was an unpopular opinion.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

... Because it is? Most people aren't idiots

by AffectionateTown3396 2 days ago

Imagine your parents get extremely lucky one day financially btw. Then remember that one of those people dying is someone's parent, or son, daughter, grandparent, best friend, husband, wife, etc. I'd delete this fyi

by anais38 2 days ago

That's fine, if the simple concept doesn't appeal to someone's humanity, then you are simply lost

by anais38 2 days ago

wtf kind of "luck" do you think our parents have? I don't think casinos let you bet hundreds of millions of dollars hand of cards or something lol. By the sweat of her entire life my mother has earned a cool half million, minus expenses that's like one used Honda in wealth. Is she going to trade her used Honda like the red paperclip guy? When she's got all the money will she finally have health insurance? You should delete this fyi lol

by GeneralIcy180 2 days ago

another purge idea ? I don't mind it.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Well, sure is an un popular opinion, kudos lol =XD

by Anonymous 2 days ago