Warhammer 40k universe is not that bad to live in, amirite?
by Anonymous1 day ago
yes but when speaking about living there it talks about current not past warhammer its named 40k for a reason and its not just a funny number
by Eudora691 day ago
this so much It's not Warhammer: Age Of Technology, it's Warhammer: 40K. It's not 40k for nothing, the whole dang universe is kind of about life sucking ass.
by ThingBrief1 day ago
Yes it is. The fact that is bad is part of the premise. This isn't an unpopular opinion, it's just not very well informed.
by Anonymous1 day ago
Good points . However , you need to consider that most "planets" function due to ignorance. Perhaps you could no witness war in your planet. But , you need to consider that you have to produce items or vehicles in mass numbers . Even if you dont die due to conflict directly , you might die indireclty.
by Brilliant-Depth15201 day ago
I'd actually go further and say 40k the time period itself wouldn't be that bad to live in. If you're lucky. There are tons of pleasures planets and worlds just like ours. There also happens to be feral worlds, hive cities and mechanicus planets. 40k is unique in how drastically different it is within itself.
by Anonymous1 day ago
Sooooo you're picking a time in the 40k universe when things were going pretty well? Riiiiiiiiiight... Another opinion with provisos to make it technically true. Yeeeeeeeesh.
by Other_Mycologist_7401 day ago
Sure there are plenty of peaceful planets that wouldn't be that different from Earth. But you would still be living under a crazy fascist dictatorship where the inqusition can take you away for joke But you would need to get lucky to get on a world like that. And pray no chaos/orks/tyranids want that part Sure it's not all edgy grimdark but even in the best possible scenario you would be worse off than on Earth
by Ansley341 day ago
Not to be aggressive, but did you even read the text or just the title?
by Anonymous1 day ago
Yes, that's why i said what i said. I ignored your rambling since it was irrelevant so i simply responded to your claim in the title I also agreed with you so not sure why the whining?
by Ansley341 day ago
The sheer scale of WH40k universe makes it so, that there are plenty of places and people's who never end up getting involved in any of the wars and other horrible things. Probably many generations get to live in peace and comfort. Maybe one day that'll end, but generally you'd probably live pretty well, unless you got involved in the fighting or dabbled in Chaos. But the good stuff doesn't make for interesting stories, so all we hear about are the bad stuff. Now, something like the Berserk universe though, that's just pure horror everywhere.
by jacobsonkaitlin1 day ago
Everyone believes they'll be a high lord or rouge trader and no one wants to be the corpse starch or slave #788 of the second power plant of the seventh sector of a forge world
by marvinmaggie1 day ago
I don't know man. Orcs being real is hype. Ruining them by sounding British, is a pretty dark twisted reality I don't want to live in.
by NeighborhoodLeast1 day ago
99% of all universes were cool before X happened., even ours was ok until around 2020.
by Anonymous1 day ago
Hate to break it to you bud, but you can't live in the warhammer 40k universe, it's not real
by Eudora69 1 day ago
by ThingBrief 1 day ago
by Anonymous 1 day ago
by Brilliant-Depth1520 1 day ago
by Anonymous 1 day ago
by Other_Mycologist_740 1 day ago
by Ansley34 1 day ago
by Anonymous 1 day ago
by Ansley34 1 day ago
by jacobsonkaitlin 1 day ago
by marvinmaggie 1 day ago
by NeighborhoodLeast 1 day ago
by Anonymous 1 day ago
by Anonymous 1 day ago