gonna need an update in 6 months once you lose motivation and suddenly you regain 30lb in a month
by zulaufverlie3 days ago
let me guess you're a guy
by Derickemard3 days ago
!RemindMe 10 years
by Anonymous3 days ago
Its mostly psychological dude. Youre not the first person to come up with the genius plan of eat less.
by Anonymous3 days ago
for the average person, yes. but many health disorders and genetics play a huge role in this. i have one friend who eats about 3,000 calories a day and is severally underweight and she is less than 5'0 tall and another friend of about the same height who is eating around 1,200 calories per day but struggling with weight loss. not everyone is the same.
by zulaufverlie 3 days ago
by Derickemard 3 days ago
by Anonymous 3 days ago
by Anonymous 3 days ago
by Anonymous 3 days ago