+54 Liking pokemon as an adult isnt a bad thing, amirite?

by Anonymous 3 days ago

Who said it was buddy

by Powerful_Aerie_7025 3 days ago

Alot of people?

by Anonymous 3 days ago

Name 7

by Anonymous 3 days ago

Noone who is reasonable thinks this is an unpopular opinion. Only people who are afraid to enjoy life

by Anonymous 3 days ago

Yeah but take into perspective what you just said. The irrational and unhappy, thats about 40% of our population

by Anonymous 3 days ago

Right so if we agree that they are being irrational. Then them saying its bad doesnt make it a popular opinion. It makes it an irrational and stupid one ;)

by Anonymous 3 days ago

That doesnt make the popularity of the opinion go away though. Popularity is a mix of social psychology, exposure, timing, and human nature. So it can be irrational and still fall into this catagory

by Anonymous 3 days ago


by Anonymous 3 days ago

Who said it was a bad thing in the first place?

by Anonymous 3 days ago

I don't think this is unpopular. A significant portion of the adult population grew up playing Pokémon at this point. I'd even guess that majority of the games and cards are all played/collected by adults.

by nathan78 3 days ago

Yeah, I passed by a pop up pokemon cards convention in the mall and 90% of the attendees were adults.

by Anonymous 3 days ago

Not really unpopular

by Anonymous 3 days ago

Nah. Just do whatever you want and don't hurt people. Be a disney adult, play pokemon, and mind your own business.

by lafayetteaberna 3 days ago

I once played Pokemon Go on the job for a patient. I loved it.

by Anonymous 3 days ago

Very simple. I won't yuck your yum, and you won't do the same.

by Anonymous 3 days ago

I really dont like that way that sounds 😭 your words make me feel weird

by Anonymous 3 days ago

But pretending to like Pokemon as an adult in order to buy & scalp the trading cards is a bad thing.

by Fun-Photo-6672 3 days ago

Nothing wrong with liking it Being obsessed is another thing

by Anonymous 3 days ago

There's liking Pokémon, then there's buying up the whole stock of Pokémon cards from a retailer and trying to gaslight everyone that they're worth anything.

by Ambitious-Funny-4762 2 days ago

Youre exactly right, i dont think theres anything wrong with the rarer cards being worth something, but artificially inflation especially with the cards is a big issue

by Anonymous 2 days ago

This is popular, as I'm getting older still liking the things I like as a teen and under like Pokémon, sailor moon, Scooby Doo, and other things that just bring me comfort… I have decided that the people who only care that it is a big deal or judge others are the people with fragile egos that need to project to the world that they are better or have done something worth anything; deep inside they are alone, disappointed with their life, and can only lie to themselves to hope one day they have gone further than they really are.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

I didn't play Pokémon growing up but I did get addicted to Pokémon go for minute. Like I was out during the night trying to find spots

by Anonymous 2 days ago

I do think pokemon go changed the perspective for alot of people

by Anonymous 2 days ago

I'm literally wearing my pokémon tshirt I designed reading this. And I've probably never ever heard anyone say what OP is saying, if they're like a crazy fan, yeh cool I get it but if you like it and you're chill about it then I see no issue. I don't think I've ever met anyone who hates pokémon 😂

by Fuzzy-Direction 2 days ago

I swear the canceled that movie then outta nowwhere they just started talking about a release date. It flopped for a reason tho

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Talking about Pokemon is bonding time with my son. He is in awe that his dad knows so much about it. (I mostly Google everything past the first few gens, but I'm getting up to speed)

by SuspiciousFinding 2 days ago

Not unpopular.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

I'm late Gen X and in my 20s I used to watch Pokemon every morning after my nightshift while I was waiting for Dragonball Z to come on. Anyone that judges someone for watching a cartoon has too much time on their hands.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

I completely agree with you. I don't really know anyone who thinks adults shouldn't be into Pokémon though. I play PoGo daily, as well as the TCG app. My gen z and gen alpha kids also play PoGo and collect pokemon cards. I think it's still pretty popular.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Adults need hobbies and happiness. Sadly it can be discouraged. Adults also gotta adult and be responsible. It can be ok to back burn hobbies for a short season to level up the adulting.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Its a little different over there tho no? Theres no stigmatism on a 40 year old office bro watching an anime, but that stigmatism we have that in america

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Regardless though im american so it would stand to reason i would be talking about the people im interacting with no?

by Anonymous 2 days ago

You didnt include america bro. Youre nitpicking your arguments and narrowing it down when it conveniences you. Thats not what unpopular opinion is about

by Professional_Bit8215 2 days ago

Ok Im not saying there isnt a huge scene in those countries. Do you guys not understand that correlation doesnt equal causation? Just because there are alot of people that look down on it doesnt get rid of the people that do

by Anonymous 2 days ago

I wouldnt say speaking about specific countries is really narrowing it down like youre trying to describe but whatever. Im not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you when you cant understand whats wrong with the argument youre making

by Anonymous 2 days ago

The pokemon scene doesnt just dissapear because i say theres alot of people that look down on it. Popularity is based on the amount of people that believe in something, when there are 300million people in a country and even 2 million of them have this opinion THATS STILL A POPULAR OPINION

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Im not talking about its popularity bro what are you on about. Im saying if a fandom has haters, doesnt mean theres a stigma. Its as simple as that. Given how I asked evidence about this supposed stigma from you and you failed to give any just further proves my point.

by Professional_Bit8215 2 days ago

And most Americans aren't going to really give a Pichu's ass about some random stranger liking Pokemon. Hell, you're more likely to bump into someone who also likes Pokemon than you are someone who doesn't AND will bash people who do. This isn't an unpopular opinion mate, we're not in the 90s.

by Woodrowchamplin 2 days ago

But places like mexico dont have it, like dragon ball is really popular down there. It quite literally depends on where you are in the world and i never made the claim that it didnt

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Sure japan is an outlier but that doesnt mean every other country is 😭

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Im a tourist when I went to Japan. Here in my country, pokemon is so damn prevalent even those who doesnt play it wears pokemon shirts. Japan isnt much of an outlier as you think it is

by Professional_Bit8215 2 days ago

You know like everyone who played pokemon go was an adult right 😭

by Swimming_Baby 2 days ago

be honest, the only person who criticizes your Pokémon playing is your mom.

by This_Ruin 2 days ago

I dont even live with my parents 🤨

by Anonymous 2 days ago


by This_Ruin 2 days ago

So IF my mom even had this opinion, which she doesnt bc she also plays, why would that matter to me when i dont live with them

by Anonymous 2 days ago

What's wrong with liking Bluey? Ab adult liking Pokémon is really not much different from an adult liking Bluey.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Well we can start with the fact that bluey is a developmental show made for toddlers. Liking it bc you watch it with your kid or appreciate the wholesomeness of it isnt what im talking about. Bluey is a kids' show adults can enjoy. Pokémon is a universe built for all ages—kids just happen to be the starting point.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Cool. It's still the same thing. A cartoon meant to be enjoyed by those that watch it. It's illogical to be against adults liking anything meant to entertain.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Cool except its not the same thing. Nuance still exists

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Except it is.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Nuance baby, its not. Look up the definition of nuance and maybe we can talk

by Anonymous 2 days ago

It is baby. Say nuance all you want. That doesn't change the facts including thst you are wrong. Clearly you need to learn what thst word means. It's okay though you are allowed to.bw wrong and completely lacking in even basic logic if you want. Have a blessed day sugarplum.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Yeah im the one that needs to learn 😭

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Says the one that thinks a cartoon isn't a cartoon.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

So family guy and bluey are also the same thing then?

by Anonymous 2 days ago

My dude I have a Pokemon sleeve. Most adults I see love it. I'm 41

by gusikowskimonro 2 days ago

It is because the games barely improved since we were kids, and now it's embarrassing to like something of that quality

by Anonymous 2 days ago

The games are not the only form of media though

by Anonymous 2 days ago

It's like chess with cool creatures

by RoundUnited2595 2 days ago

It's like chess but the pawn has a 10% chance to burn the Queen and checkmate can miss

by francis40 2 days ago