-22 The Percy Jackson series is a better story than The Odyssey, amirite?

by Pitiful_Mirror_1582 2 days ago

First off, you're absolutely right. But at the same time you're putting the cart before the horse. The Odyssey is still culturally important BECAUSE of how old it is. It is the grandfather of one of the, what...7 stories humanity tells? It's like comparing waffles to hard tac. Is one of them better? Absolutely. Are we surprised they didn't eat waffles covered in butter and syrup in the cold winters of the revolutionary war? Not at all.

by Economy_Loss4143 2 days ago

Almost like a series made a couple years back is better than one made FOREVER ago

by Anonymous 2 days ago

You're saying a gun is better than a bow and a car is faster than a horse. Of course it is. The odyssey is 5,000 years old and every fantasy book copies and repeat the tropes so many times.

by Anonymous 2 days ago

Point 1 is already the case. Who talks about Percy Jackson? Or the Hellenic gods themselve?

by Anonymous 2 days ago